Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 594: Last indecision

"... Did you really consider me unreasonable?" Ye Qingyi said warmly. "Thank you for your kind intentions. I am really fine now."

Only then did she realize that when she saw the guards neglecting their duties and degenerate, she was angry and hated iron and steel, but in the eyes of Huayue and others, why wasn't she degenerating?

Huayue and others were very concerned about her, and worried that she would be so helpless and didn't know what to do, so she came up with such an idea that she could fully understand their good intentions.

"Okay, you all go to your own work and don't need to be with me anymore." Ye Qingyi calmed down, watching the guards leave each other, and then returned to the room with Huayueyingying.

Huayue poured a glass of water for Ye Qingyi to let her run her throat and smile at her flatteringly. "Miss just scolded and was tired, so drink some water."

Ye Qingyi couldn't help but pointed at her from the air and said, "You, you, you have broken our well-made moon shadow."

"Miss, you're wrong with me." Huayue drummed her mouth in disapproval. "Yueying is a fake, she also worked a lot, but it's not all my credit."

Yueying smiled forgivingly, ignoring Huayue's provocation, and said to Ye Qingyi: "Miss, you haven't used your meals well in the past few days. I have instructed the kitchenette to help you make meals and eat more later Just a little. It's too bad to knock on your face. "

"Yes, yes!" Huayue nodded quickly, "We looked so distressed, His Royal Highness must be very distressed!"

Ye Qingyi's face flushed when he heard that, "I'm so dared, dare to joke me?"

Huayue spit out her tongue and begged for mercy, Yueying was more stable, and said softly, "Miss really wants to open now?"

Ye Qingyi smiled uneasily at the concerns of the two people. "Rest assured, I drilled the horns before, and now I have figured it out. I still have room to play in Beijing and I don't have to cling to the battlefield. Otherwise, it will add chaos to the border officers and men. The capital is my battlefield! "

Yueying smiled comfortably. "It's best for a lady to understand."

Ye Qingyi nodded at them. "It's been so hard for you these days. You must be tired of staring at everything here."

Yueying shook her head. "Of course I won't get tired of doing things for the lady. Yueying just wants to see the lady's spirited look. The lady is never an unconfident person."

"I thought it was wrong before." Ye Qingyi sighed, "I only saw you, and I recollected it. I scolded you for neglecting your duties and degrading yourself, but why not myself? I thought about myself in the room, and now I think about it, I don't know why I did such a funny thing. What is the difference between me doing this and those who are raised in the boudoir?

"My lady is naturally much better than those ladies who can't resist and can't lift their hands but can only chant Fengyue!" Huayue didn't hesitate to praise her.

"As much capacity as I should bear, I have chosen this path, no matter whether it is a smooth journey or thorns ahead, I cannot shrink back or stop. You can rest assured that this is my last indecision, and I will absolutely No such thing will happen again. "

Huayue and Yueying were all frowning, watching Ye Qingyi became more and more happy, and happily went to the kitchen to bring meals to wait for Ye Qingyi to eat, not to mention how dedicated.

After eating, Ye Qingyi's spirit was tense for many days, and once she relaxed, she was inevitably a little drowsy. A tide-like drowsiness and exhaustion came. She greeted Huayue and lay down on the bed to prepare for her moment.

She really wanted to drive this time and understood.

No matter what happens, being intimidated is always the worst solution. In the end, no one will have a good result.

She is just an ordinary person. Although she is a little careful and can be regarded as intelligent, she also learned martial arts and is barely a master, but not everything can be done easily.

There was always something she couldn't stop once it happened, just like this war.

Mu Lengqiu and Su Yixia will send troops to Donglai, is it really just because she is a woman?

Ye Qingyi knew that both of them were pleased with herself, but she hadn't conceited enough to think that she could control the situation of the Three Kingdoms by herself.

Mu Lengqiu and Su Yixia should make such a decision because they have long been thinking about it and have been long-awaited for Donglai country, not because of her light clothes.

She has figured it out now. Perhaps the two really do like her, but if she likes her seven points, then her desire for power will be very high, which cannot be compared at all.

The faults committed by the two of them are still happy, so why should Ye Qingyi turn around for this?

I was told by outside rumors that no one would dare to identify her as a demon girl in front of her Ye Qingyi. In fact, in those people's minds, they didn't believe this statement either. They were just comfortable and just wanted to find one. The scapegoat's early resolution of the war is simply a pig's brain, and does not want to think about how such a good thing in the world can be so cheap?

What others think of it is someone else's business. She should be as immobile as possible, with her own mounds in her chest, and be firm in her goals.

After all, she really cares about these people around her, and they have never been ashamed of Ye Qingyi's expectations, have been loyal to her from beginning to end, have no disagreement, and will not listen to the outside world's demon words.

With such a good companion, what can she not be satisfied with? Even if the sage is not to be liked by everyone, she is just a grassroots, so don't have such a big vision.

Ye Qingyi looked at the faint rising moon outside through the open window, and the sunset that was about to drown in the West. The flaming sunset was as bright as her mood at this time. She only felt suddenly bright, and the earth was big. Go anywhere.

What's more, even if people all over the world do not believe him, is there still Huang Fuyi?

Thinking of his sweetheart, Ye Qingyi showed a sullen smile.

Huang Fuyi ... meditated on the name and felt happy.

She slept all day, woke up at noon the next day, and had a good meal. The fatigue of a few days was swept away, and she was the young Ye Family who was rejuvenated.

"Huayue, I'll walk down the street, you don't have to follow." Ye Qingyi said.

Huayue was relieved to her at this time, nodded, watching Ye Qingyi walk out of the courtyard.

Huang Fuyi has been arranging North Korea affairs in Wangfuzhong, focusing on beating those timid people who advocate peace, but finally came to an end and hurried to the courtyard.

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