Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 603: Night detective camp

The wind rises and the stars are gradually obscured by the rising clouds. When the original moon was empty, it became dark, as if to hide all sin.

In the main tent, Ye Qingyi and Huang Fuyi told Luo Qi and Pei Zijun before leaving, and whether they had any harvest or not, they must return after two hours.

After all, these two people are not only their subordinates, but also their brothers and close friends. No matter who is in trouble, they can't bear it. It's just that the country is facing life and death, and there must always be a person in charge.

She and Huang Fuyi need to stay to stabilize the overall situation, otherwise she would never let her best friend take such risks.

Both men, one in black, one in the west and one in the south, disappeared into the night without a word.

After Loki and Pei Zijun left, Ye Qingyi collapsed on the beautifully carved round wooden chair.

For the past few days, the high-intensity overdrafts of sleepless nights have left Ye Qingyi inadequate.

However, Ye Qingyi did not sleep peacefully. Even though, Huang Fuyi coaxed many times.

How can she rest? Rocky and Pei Zijun are still scratching on the blade!

Huang Fuyi was also impatient. Although his face was still covered by the silver butterfly mask, his chaotic steps revealed his worries.

Xichi military camp.

Rocky lurked quietly in the grass a hundred meters outside the camp, waiting for the next soldier's handover.

Because he didn't want to subdue any soldier, although doing so would allow him to sneak into the enemy camp easily. But the next day, because of this soldier who was subdued by him, the enemy's battalion would strengthen its defense.

The goal of the lodge is to minimize disturbances and to find out where the forage is.

At midnight, the moment when everything is dormant and deep, is also the time when the enemy forces change shifts again.

The drowsy enemy soldiers began to call the guard with sleepy eyes, and the empty guard post was left unattended.

Rocky thought that the repeated victory over and over again made the enemy army increasingly inflated, and even the most basic vigilance was lost. However, thanks to their arrogance, they have a chance.

Rocky seized this instant gap, like a gust of wind, sneaked into the Xichi military camp from a small post on the left, leaving no trace.

Rocky martial arts is extremely high, and the light industry is as light as a flying swallow. It's hard to detect the distance behind people. What's more, this group of people is still half awake?

Taking full advantage of the low alert period of this quarter of an hour, his hands are stunned and his eyes are fast, and Rocky is exploring the camp with a light industry.

On the other side, the South Vietnamese military camp.

Pei Zijun doesn't have Rock's shocking martial arts, but he has the smartest head in the world.

Putting on the night clothes, Pei Zijun was waiting on the side road not far behind the South Vietnamese military camp. He knew that every night at midnight, there would be small households near the front to deliver vegetables. This is not the South Vietnamese military barracks. It is the same with military barracks in all countries.

However, the difference is that Pei Zijun realized this loophole in Donglai Military Camp long ago. The people who transported vegetables every day were those of Pei Zijun's own shop.

Yelang's arrogant South Vietnam is different. According to Pei Zijun's investigation, their vegetable delivery workers have been farmers nearby.

"Da Da Da ..." The carriage's voice was getting closer and closer, and Pei Zijun took a deep breath and was about to start acting.

The carriage was getting closer and closer, and an old man in a coarse shirt was sitting on it. Next to him was a sixteen or seven-year-old girl with two pony tails and a dark white linen suit washed a little yellow.

Pei Zijun jumped to the path pretending to be sorrowful, anxiously.

The carriage was not too fast, but the horse was still frightened and scared the girl next to the old man.

The old man is very experienced, and besides, it is close to the South Vietnamese military camp, and he is not afraid. Just looked carefully at this inexplicable man in front.

"What's the matter, here late at night blocking our grandson and grandson's delivery truck for the barracks?"

The old man was very clever, and he was very successful in one sentence. He not only explained that they were ordinary people, but also reminded Pei Zijun who they were for.

Pretending to be anxious, Pei Zijun bowed his hands and said, "Grandpa, there is an unforgiving invitation. Now is the time of trouble, and the three countries are conscripting vigorously. My father is old and old, and I should have paid for it. But ...

Speaking of this, Pei Zijun coughed in tears, wiped with a blood-stained handkerchief prepared in advance, deliberately shook it in the old man, and then continued.

"But I have been weak and sick since childhood, three medicines a day. The doctor also said that I can live to this day is a miracle. Therefore, my second brother has served us for the army. Now, I heard that he was unfortunately seriously injured in yesterday ’s battle, my father I heard that I was bedridden. I was specifically told to personally send some precious gold sores to the barracks. "

Pei Zijun was talking and couldn't help but breathe out, coughed a few times, and wiped with a handkerchief.

"However, the barracks guard said that during the war, family members could not visit relatives. So, father, I ask you to take me in. I just want to give my own brother and brother a medicine.

The old man did not show too much emotion, but his heart was still very moving. His son and granddaughter's father were sacrificed during the war, so he feels particularly sympathetic at this moment.

The little girl is not the same. Erba Fanghua is a very affectionate age and has already cried to tears.

"Grandpa, help him." The little girl pulled the old man's corner and begged.

"Come on, don't talk nonsense after entering. There are too many taboos in the barracks, everyone will be involved if something goes wrong."

Pei Zijun quickly thanked her, and the girl saw that Pei Zijun was about to get in the car. She blushed and moved her position to Pei Zijun. She did it inside the van.

After Pei Zijun got in the car, the old man explained again: "After entering, I will say you are my granddaughter."

Pei Zijun quickly thanked again, and the little girl in the carriage heard her granddaughter say grandmother, her face became redder.

In this way, Pei Zijun followed the old man and grandson into the South Vietnamese military camp.

Donglai military camp.

Ye Qingyi and Huang Fuyi have drank two pots of strong tea. Seeing that the two hours are about to pass, worries are getting worse.

"Report! Loki and Pei Zijun are not disgraceful of their mission, return safely!" Outside the tent, the familiar voice made Ye Qingyi jump from the chair in excitement.

Rocky and Pei Zijun walked in without speaking, but picked up pens and papers, but in a quarter of an hour, the distribution map of the military camps in Xichi and Nanyue was handed to Ye Qingyi.

Ye Qingyi burst into tears, this is Rocky and Pei Zijun, and he did not read the wrong person.

Huang Fuyi also patted the shoulders of the two encouragingly, and arranged for the attendants to bring their meals to the room so that they could take a good rest after eating.

Rocky and Pei Zijun explained briefly other situations in the West Lake and South Vietnam military camps, and both retired.

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