Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 604: Discuss again

Ye Qingyi and Huang Fuyi's hands held the distribution maps of the military camps in Xichi and Nanyue just drawn by Rocky and Pei Zijun, respectively, and analyzed them intently.

After half an hour, Huang Fuyi looked away from the map and said to Ye Qingyi: "These two maps they have risked their lives are too precious. You see ..."

Speaking, use your finger on the map. Ye Qingyi followed his pointing and looked over, listening to him continue to say.

"The left wing of Xichi Cereal Grass and the rear of Nanyue Cereal Grass obviously have large defensive loopholes. As long as we take advantage of the night black hair to make a surprise attack, they will certainly destroy their grain depots."

Huang Fuyi was very excited. Through the mask wearing a silver butterfly pattern, he could see the corner of his mouth rising.

Donglai has a chance to fight back. How can he not be excited?

Originally, Xichi and South Vietnam were pressing more and more for Ye Qingyi. This is something that Huang Fuyi has been worried about.

His prestige, His Royal Highness the King of Rakshasa, King Yi, was not called in vain. But he couldn't even protect the woman he liked, which made him very guilty and uncomfortable.

For example, this time Ye Qingyi came to the front with him, although he respected Ye Qingyi and let her face and deal with it. But deep down, Huang Fuyi was still unhappy.

His women should guard him, not suffer with him.

Therefore, at this moment Huang Fuyi's excitement is self-evident. He was anxious to immediately step down at the feet of Mu Lengqiu and Su Yixia, who warned Wu Wuyang, warning them to dare to strike his woman.

After listening to Huang Fuyi's analysis, Ye Qingyi nodded his head in agreement, and Huang Fuyi's idea coincided with her.

He let out a sigh of relief, this was the first time Ye Qingyi took a sigh of relief after coming to the front.

Although there is still a long way to go, but with the road, they have the power to go through the storm.

The capital city, the king's palace.

Standing far away from the corner of the house, you can hear the extravagant voice of Yingying Yanyan inside the house.

The frontline soldiers shed their heads to shed blood, but here they are red and green, and the paper is drunk. Suddenly, two black guards descended from the sky, like ghosts.

Huang Fuyi was lying on a soft bed with dragon-patterns on a high platform. Her dark black clothes were a little messy, and the servant girls on both sides kneeled down.

Seeing two men suddenly appearing under the high platform, Huang Fuxi sat up.

"Let's get here today, let's all step back."

The extravagant voice came to an abrupt halt, but in a moment, all the Yingying Yanyan under the platform disappeared, leaving only two night guards.

"Say, how about it."

The two black guards knelt on one knee at the same pace, and one of the guards replied: "His Royal Highness, Ye Qingyi and Huang Fuyi came to the front line and thought of many ways to gather their hearts and boost their morale. He is still outnumbered, and is losing ground. "

Hearing this, Huang Fu smiled coldly, but was not surprised. All these situations were expected by him. The troop strengths of Xichi and South Vietnam against Donglai, whose vitality has not been restored, can actually be imagined.

But I wonder why he was a little disappointed?

"Ye Qingyi, if you can do that, can I just look away?"

When Huang Fuyi first saw Ye Qingyi, she was disgusted with such women. The former princess was arrogant and useless.

He remembered it at Ye Weihou's birthday. After greeting with a group of people, Huang Fuyu wandered in Yefu innocently.

Deep in the garden, he saw Ye Qingyi taking food and throwing the niece kneeling underneath.

"I asked you to give me so slowly, I said I was thirsty and wanted me to die?"

"Slaves knew something wrong, but Miss Slaves only went for a quarter of an hour?"

The maid was sobbing, but dare not wipe the tea and food on her face.

"I don't care, I'm in a bad mood today, I'll scold you?"

The unreasonable words made Huang Fu sneer. This kind of woman gave him a warm quilt that didn't deserve it. I did not expect that the pearl that Diao Yezuohou held in his palm was this kind of goods.

Huang Fu shook his head and walked in the other direction.

If it wasn't for her special status, he would have let her disappear from the world.

But it's strange, I don't know when he found Ye Qingyi looks like a person?

Especially this time he colluded with Xichi and Nanyue, he thought Ye Qingyi would be under pressure and fell into deep blame.

Huang Fuzhang thought, Ye Qingyi could be killed by the hands of the people in the world. However, she did not expect that not only did she not get out of her heart easily, but she dared to go to the front with Huang Fuyi stubbornly.

This is beyond his control. Is this still the arrogant and arrogant frontless princess?

Therefore, Huang Fuyi is vaguely expecting Ye Qingyi to have a little unexpected achievement in the front line.

Huang Fuyi has always been ruthless and fierce, and the life of drunk life is only to conceal his wolf ambition. He has always been playing with people or things he wants.

Ye Qingyi is his latest interest. He originally thought that the little wild cat with open teeth and dancing claws could jump a few times so that it would be interesting.

But it seems that it may not be long before. The black guard was dismissed, and Huang Fuyi held up a glass of fine wine and looked at him as if walking through the wine. He saw Ye Qingyi far away from the front.

Donglai front line.

The lights in the tent were about to burn out, the sky was gradually lit, and the belly of the fish in the east was getting bigger and bigger.

Ye Qingyi was thinking of soldiers and soldiers quickly and immediately, but obviously if he wants to execute the raid plan immediately, the success rate will be very low. After Ye Qingyi and Huang Fuyi discussed, they were waiting for the next night.

Looking at Ye Qingyi's original bright white and tender skin, she also revealed that the pink skin was dull at the moment, several pieces of skin on her arms were peeling, her eyes were covered with bloodshot, and her flowing hair was messy, Huang Fuyi was very distressed.

"Go back and rest for a while. The plan has been well thought out, so rest assured."

Can't bear to see Ye Qingyi continue to work hard, Huang Fuyi urged Ye Qingyi to go back to rest.

"Know, don't just say me. Don't forget that you are harder and training soldiers,

Discuss the plan with me again. "

Looking at Huang Fuyi who had not rested in the same days and nights, despite wearing a silver butterfly mask, her slightly sloppy back also showed that the body was overdrawn at this moment, Ye Qingyi said with care.

"Okay, we're all going to build up energy so that we can have the strength to take on the next tough battle." Huang Fuyi rubbed Ye Qingyi's shoulders with his hands, said pettingly.

The next night, Xichi, Nanyue, we will wait and see.

Before the break, Huang Fuyi's charming eyes stared straight at the two maps, her heart secretly working hard.

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