"What's your name?"

Asked the black butterfly.

"My name is gandura!"

Xinhui head of the three lines kneels down in front of her. Hearing the words, he says without hesitation. He looks at the black butterfly fanatically and tries to show more loyalty.

At the moment, he turned his back to the audience, but he could still feel the jealousy of some people below, especially the three most promising leaders before.

He knew that he suddenly ascended from an unknown little man, and his foundation was unstable. Many people would be unconvinced and want to replace him.

Therefore, only when he is absolutely loyal to the masked knights and gets their full support, can he stay in this position.

"Well, gandura, as long as you are absolutely loyal to us, then from today on, no one in the three lines can replace you. Listen clearly, what we want is absolute loyalty!"

Black Butterfly said harshly, then suddenly raised the muzzle of the gun and shot one of the three leaders directly!

In the blink of an eye, I was still unconvinced. I imagined that as soon as the masked Knights left, I would kill the leader of the new leader and pour him into a pool of blood.

The remaining two leaders, with a scream of fright, knelt down without hesitation, prostrate on the ground and put their heads against the ground, shivering and waiting for death.

They thought that black butterfly killed the leader directly to help gandura eliminate potential competitors.

Then they will be shot next.

But they shivered for a long time, and did not wait for the bullet to die.

At the same time, gandura was trembling and crawling at the foot of the black butterfly.

Death, at least, is the most frightening thing for those gangsters who are eager to get ahead, money and women.

"Well, get up."

Black Butterfly put away the gun, light said a sentence.

She pointed to Badawi's body: "get rid of these things."

Badawi is a fool. If he is obedient, he may have a chance to live.

But he wanted to kill them beyond his capacity.

But he did not know that from the beginning, he was not the most suitable three line leader in the eyes of the masked knights.

Similarly, it's not the three leaders who have a group of younger brothers following them.

It's like gandura, who's at the bottom and has no roots.

Similarly, she did not kill one of the three leaders in order to help gandura clean up its competitors. If it was for this purpose, the three leaders have now become corpses.

One of the leaders was shot just to deter other members of the three lines.

But at the same time, leaving the other two leaders behind is to make them form a deterrent to gandura all the time.

Let gandura be absolutely loyal to them, otherwise, when this man is a little rich, he may become another Badawi.

In short, it is necessary to form a balance among the three lines, so that this force, at least in the next period of time, can be completely controlled by the masked knights.

As for other private parties, they will adopt the same strategy.

In a word, it's simple and rude. If you don't accept it, you can kill it.

Anyway, they didn't plan to rule the underground world of Longcheng for a long time. They just need the most brutal means to make them completely obedient in a short time.

The bodies of Badawi and others were quickly dragged out, and the ground was cleaned up. Except for the faint smell of blood in the air, we could hardly see that several fresh people had disappeared from the world before.

At this time, the black butterfly asked without expression: "gandura, what other private parties are around you?"

For them tonight, three lines are just the first stop.

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