Gandura told black butterfly that in addition to their three lines, there are four relatively large private parties nearby.

The two private parties are composed of three members.

There is no name. Anyway, people in the three lines usually call them ah San.

One of the three private parties was the one who robbed them of their arms when the violent Knights raided the headquarters of the three lines last time.

However, after that incident, the party suffered a major official blow. Its strength was not as strong as before, and now it has been annexed by another party.

These three are very united.

They will only be annexed by the private party of the same clan. If the three lines want to annexed them, it is absolutely impossible.

Apart from the two ah San private parties, there are two other private parties, one of which is entirely composed of Malays.

It's called YK. In short, it's an abbreviation of some word.

Black butterfly is too lazy to find out the name of the other party. There are too many private parties in Longcheng. She just needs to push her way.

The last one.

It is a private party composed of Chinese, and its strength is the weakest.

Black butterfly is a little surprised because she knows that there are fewer and fewer Malaysian Chinese members of the mixed secret society. They are basically Malays and ah San, among whom ah San is the majority.

Many Chinese have gone to do business.

They are also the richest ethnic group. They are the gold owners behind many political leaders.

Although they are suppressed politically and lack of political discourse power, they can also improve their discourse power and influence the implementation of various policies in this way.

Therefore, it is perfectly normal for that Chinese private party to be weak.

Today, those who are still in the secret society are really at the bottom.

After discussing with Wen Zhijun, black butterfly decided to accept the Chinese private party first, and then pick up the other two.

Jiadong is the smallest District in Longcheng. These four private parties have a bit of a climate. They decided to cut the mess quickly, solve the problems here as soon as possible, and then rush to another district.

Their task tonight is to go through all the districts in Longcheng.

To this end, the black butterfly and dragon nine Gang also divided Longcheng into two mission areas, North and south.

Black Butterfly they're in the north, dragon nine they're in the south.

"My Lord, all the members of our three lines can follow you to fight for you and eradicate the rest of the private parties!"

Gandura knelt down to show his loyalty.

He didn't know black butterfly's plan, but thought that the other party wanted to use their three lines to deal with other private parties.

Who knows, black butterfly their plan, will be so crazy.

"No, you stay here. The masked Knights will come to you when they need you."

Black Butterfly waved her hand and took Wen Zhijun and they left directly.

Soon, they appeared in the Chinese private party.

This time, they subdued each other in the same way.

Black Butterfly grew up in Nanyang. Even Wen Zhijun and Geng Lei, who came from China, were just as ruthless when they started.

This is because the head of the Chinese private party did not show mercy when he saw them because they were Chinese.

Naturally, we should be benevolent.

Since the other side does not know the number, they will not be a little soft hearted.

In less than two hours, black butterfly had collected all the private parties in cave a.

Especially when they were with the private party of ah San, they killed more than a dozen people in a row, and then they picked out the new leader who was willing to be loyal to them among these rebellious ah San.

Then, they kept on rushing to the next jurisdiction.

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