Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 985: Apocalyptic Buddhism

[Enlightenment. Book. Net☆ Update. Newest. Fastest☆ No. Pop. Window☆ Full. Free. Fee] However, once enlightened, some monks will break through the realm of Arahants and reach the realm of supernatural powers.じEnlightenment^Booknet!wWw.☆

By the time he appeared in Myanmar, he had already read the Buddhist scriptures. Fifty-six trillion spiritual thoughts are no small thing. His brain is comparable to a supercomputer, and his memory is naturally far from comparable to ordinary people.

After coming to Myanmar, he stayed in a hotel in Yangon with the identity of a local provided by Xiaoqiang. Yangon was once the capital of Myanmar. Later the capital was moved to Naypyidaw, but this did not hinder the development of Yangon. When he came to Myanmar, the reason was that the country had formulated a stand-in plan that allowed him to sneak into Myanmar with Sun Xiao disguised as a "Southwest Demon" Xiao Taizong.

Now more than ten years have passed, and things are different. He is not sure if he can still contact Sun Xiao. He still remembered the phone number left by Sun Xiao, and tried to make a call. The one who answered the phone was a woman speaking the Burmese dialect.

Zhang Jun is not proficient in the local dialect, but he can use it for communication. He said, "Is Sun Xiao there?"

"My husband hasn't got off work yet." The other side said, "Who are you?"

Zhang Jun was taken aback, Sun Xiao found a Burmese woman to be his wife? But think about it, he must always pretend to be Taizong Xiao, but he must not marry a local woman. He said at this time: "I am his friend, can I contact him now?"

"Yes, I'll tell you his mobile phone number. He has kept the mobile phone number you called for more than ten years. But he doesn't use it on weekdays, just keep it at home, which is really strange." The woman murmured. , And then tell him the phone number.

An hour later, Sun Xiao appeared in the hotel where Zhang Jun was staying. Compared to more than ten years ago, Sun Xiao hasn't changed much. He has embraced Dan now.

"We met again." Sun Xiao smiled and reached out and shook Zhang Jun's hand. "Zhang Jun, I didn't expect we would meet again."

"How did you come over these years? The stand-in plan shouldn't exist anymore?" Zhang Jun asked with a smile.

Sun Xiao shrugged: "The stand-in project has only been carried out for about two years, and my identity has been discovered. I almost died that time, but they did think I was dead, and even the X team believed that I was dead. But I Not only did he not die, he successfully held his pill because of this, and now he has gathered true strength."

"Not bad." Zhang Jun patted him on the shoulder, "I'm coming to Myanmar to do something, and take a look at how your old friend is doing."

After follow-up conversations, Zhang Jun learned that the other party had escaped the disaster and settled down in Myanmar. He also married a beautiful wife and now has a son.

Zhang Jun asked about the local situation in Myanmar and specifically mentioned Buddhist affairs. Sun Xiao said: "Speaking of Buddhism, 90% of people in Myanmar now believe in Buddhism. However, recently there was an "Apocalyptic Buddhism" and they are all preaching another theory."

Having said that, Sun Xiao took out a book from his briefcase and handed it to Zhang Jun, saying: "Look, this is the free book distributed by Apocalypse Buddhism, teaching people how to believe in them."

Zhang Jun opened the book and almost got his nose crooked without reading a few pages. The so-called Apocalypse Buddhism is simply nonsense. It described the Buddha as an incarnation of God, who was specifically going to Asia to save sentient beings. The doctrines of the Apocalypse religion were copied and mixed with a little bit of the superficial teachings of Buddhism, so Buddhism became a vassal of the Apocalypse religion.

"Nonsense! Bullshit doesn't make sense!" Zhang Jun threw the book away and shook his head repeatedly.

Sun Xiao said: "These things have nothing to do with us, why should you worry about it? By the way, do you remember the monk named Bhamo?"

When Zhang Jun was in Burma, he helped a monk named Bhamo to become the fifth grade. He naturally remembered and asked, "What happened to Bhamo?"

Sun Xiao said, "That Bamo is now a man of the world. He was a fifth-rank pill at the beginning, but later he had an adventure. Now he has cultivated to the first-rank pill. He is a figure with half-step magical powers."

Zhang Jun never expected that a small pill at the beginning of the fifth rank, now he can actually half-step magical powers! It can be seen that after the beginning of the new era, human wisdom has grown, and cultivation has become much easier than before.

"The Apocalypse Buddhism distributed leaflets and free books everywhere. Now many Buddhists have accepted Apocalypse Buddhism. However, that Bhamo has always opposed Apocalypse Buddhism, and he also declared on TV that the Apocalypse religion is pseudo-Buddhism." , Sun Xiao smiled "Hey", "Although I still don't know what's behind it, I can be sure that this Bamo will not live long."

Zhang Jun nodded and said nothing. The two talked for an afternoon. After Zhang Jun found out about the location of Bamo, he sent Sun Xiao a few spirit pills and left. The spirit pill is not worth mentioning to him today, but it may help Sun Xiao break through to a half-step magical power.

Buer Temple is a famous monastery in Yangon, and Bhamo was a monk in Buer Temple. Time has passed, and Bamo is now the abbot of Fuji Temple. Because of his half-step magical powers, he can manifest all kinds of magic, so there are a lot of pilgrims in Fuji Temple, and its influence has risen sharply, and it is now one of the famous temples in Southeast Asia.

With the increase in influence, it has become extremely difficult to enter Fuji Temple. There was a long line at the gate of the temple, moving slowly. Some devout believers line up in the morning until dark before they can enter the temple to burn incense.

Zhang Jun was startled by the long people in front of the gate of the temple. He smiled bitterly, his figure disappeared in an instant, and entered the temple quietly, no one found him at all. This is the ability of the physical body to manifest sacredness. When the body gathers, it forms, and when it disperses, it becomes qi, coming and going without a trace.

In the Buddha Hall of Buer Temple, Bhamo sits on top of it and reads the Dharma to everyone. What he said was nothing more than the contents of the Tripitaka. Zhang Jun stood there and listened for a while, feeling that Bhamo didn't have a thorough understanding of the Buddhist scriptures, but it was okay to solve ordinary laymen.

"Who are you?" Suddenly, a young novice monk jumped out from behind Zhang Jun. He glared at Zhang Jun with an annoyed look, apparently treating him as a pilgrim who sneaked into the temple.

Zhang Jun smiled slightly and said, "I am a friend of Bhamo, so you can tell me if you can."

"Are you a friend of Venerable Bhamo?" The little novice could not help but sneered, "I am still the nephew of the Buddha! Go away quickly, or I will send you out of the temple!"

"What's the noise?" The little novice monk's voice alarmed Bamo, he frowned slightly and asked in a deep voice.

Ignoring Xiao Xiaomi's obstruction, Zhang Jun walked into the temple of the Buddha with a big stride, and smiled: "Bamo, you haven't seen it for many years. You have entered a lot of places. It is gratifying."


"Bold! Your name is also yours?"

"Come on, drive this madman out!"

When the Buddhist disciples who were listening below saw someone break in, they all rebuked. Only Nabamo looked surprised and shouted angrily: "Shut up! This is the Great Lord who enlightens me!"

After finishing speaking, he walked up to Zhang Jun in a few steps and paid his respects in five-body salute.

"Little monk Bamo, meet the Great Venerable!"

Zhang Jun stroked his top with his hand, and a magical pill turned into a medicine that poured into his body. Bamo suddenly felt that all his pores were breathing, and he felt a sense of great freedom and great joy. With this **** pill, his cultivation can go further! Go further in this field of half-step magical powers.

"Thank you for the great Lord's gift!" Bamo trembling with joy, bowed down again.

Zhang Jun said: "Get up, I have something to tell you."

"Yes." Bamo ignored the stunned Buddhist monks, and respectfully invited Zhang Jun into his Zen room.

Both sides sat down, and Bamo said with emotion: "When we met that day, we still know the realm of the Great Venerable. But when we saw it today, the little monk only felt unfathomable and could only look up."

Zhang Jun went straight to the subject and said, "Bamo, I ask you, what do you think of Apocalypse Buddhism?"

When talking about Apocalyptic Buddhism, Bhamo suddenly looked resentful and said angrily: "That's a group of thieves, they are destroying Buddhism! All are sinners!"

"You are right, they are thieves. In a few years, Buddhism on the Indochina Peninsula will be absorbed by the Apocalypse religion, and there will be no Buddhism ever since." Zhang Jun said solemnly.

After hearing this, Bamo sighed and said: "The little monk also knows the seriousness of the matter, but the methods of Apocalypse Buddhism are endless, and they have received strong official support. Now those who believe in Apocalypse Buddhism are tax-free, so more and more people join. The more. To make matters worse, the eminent monks of many countries were also bought by them and started to advertise for them."

Zhang Jun frowned, it seemed that the situation was worse than he expected. After thinking for a moment, he asked: "Can there be institutions similar to the Western Holy See in the entire Indochina Peninsula?"

"Yes." Bhamo said quickly. "A management organization was established five hundred years ago. It calls itself the Hall of the Venerable."

"How many people are there in the Hall of the Venerable? What is the cultivation level? Do they have the same attitude towards the Apocalypse religion?" Zhang Jun asked.

Bhamo thought for a while and said, "As far as I know, there are hundreds of half-step magical powers in the Hall of the Venerable, and 43 magical powers, but only two of them are manifested. The current attitude of the Hall of the Venerable towards the Apocalypse religion It is very inconsistent. One Manifestation of God is opposed to Apocalyptic Buddhism, while the other is in favor. The people below are also in favor of opposing half of them, and they follow one Manifestation of God."

Zhang Jun nodded: "I understand."

He pondered for a moment, and then ordered: "Bamo, you prepare and take me to visit the Hall of the Venerable."

Bamo was taken aback: "What is the Great Lord going to do?"

"Exercising power on behalf of the Buddha, killing Buddhism traitors." He said lightly. His words are not an exaggeration. He has the relics of the Buddha's eyes and naturally has the power and obligation to speak for the Buddha.

Bamo was surprised and delighted, but he was still a little worried, and said, "If you show the saintly power, can the Great Lord have a helper?"

"It's just a mere monarch. Killing is like slaughtering a dog." Zhang Jun snorted coldly. "You don't need to ask more, just lead the way tomorrow."

"Yes." Bamo didn't dare to ask more, but thought in his heart, listening to the tone of the great sage, could it be that the strength of his old man has exceeded the level of the Taoist?

After explaining the matter, Bamo went out to prepare, and Zhang Jun sat in the meditation room to meditate. In realm, he is now the pinnacle of Returning True, a figure of Taoism. Among the Tao Titus is the avenue he will prove in the future. What he has to do now is to warm the Tao Tier until the avenue inside breaks out.

Warm fetuses actually mean the same as women's fetuses, but the former is more difficult. There is only one thing Zhang Jun has to do now, and that is to wait. Once the road tire is formed, external forces can no longer intervene. The avenue inside has already taken shape, and the acquired effect is very small.

"At the beginning, Chaos Cauldron told me that my fetus had a 30% chance of breaking open on the ninth and eighty-first days. It is only a month or so to calculate. If you don't know Chaos Cauldron, you are not sure." He said in his heart. The mood became eager to try.

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