Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 986: New Buddhism

[Enlightenment. Meng. Book. Net ☆ update. newest. fastest ☆ no bullets. window ☆ full. free. fee] At this moment, he looked into the Taoist womb through the eyes of the Buddha, only to see a chaos in it. , Unable to judge the condition of the tire. ◆Enlightenment~Book^网Www.◆ He said in his heart: "My supernatural powers are super-grade supernatural powers, which are above all kinds of magic. With such supernatural powers and the methods of Chaos Cauldron, what kind of avenue will be condensed? It should be different from Shen Tianjun and Haotian God, right?"

Thinking of this, he shook his head: "The womb is already formed, it is useless to think about it." So he simply stopped worrying about it, and instead thought about the countermeasures against Apocalypse Buddhism.

"Buddhism has a long history, but it's a pity that it is too harsh in its precepts. The precepts require novice disciples to be monks and nuns, which are not suitable for the public at all. It is sometimes too high and superior, except for a theory of reincarnation that can inspire believers. Too many advantages. Comparatively speaking, the apocalyptic religion interferes with ordinary people's lives much less, and it just gives people one more faith."

"Apocalyptic Buddhism can establish a religious branch with such a crude theory. Why don't I modify the Buddhist theory to make it more suitable for ordinary people?" Thinking of this, he suddenly felt that this plan was feasible.

"The core of Buddhism can be summed up by the way of suffering, and the ultimate goal is to liberate. Suffering allows people to discover the troubles of life, to let people know the source of the troubles, and to understand the way to get rid of the troubles, and Tao to finally reach the ultimate The goal of human beings. The human mind is originally pure and free and easy, but it is forced by the distress in the red dust, so it becomes no longer pure. Buddhism can teach people to discover the existence of these distresses, and then remove the distress by practicing. Finally detach from the other side and get rid of all worries."

"As long as you grasp the core ideas, the remaining details can be freely displayed. The precepts should be deleted in large quantities, but the blessings should be used to induce more people to believe in Buddhism." Zhang Jun kept thinking, 56 Trillions of Taoist thoughts are fully deduced.

Finally, he spent one night working out a detailed Buddhist practice system that is easier for ordinary people to accept. He established the theory that people are born good, but they are polluted by the acquired environment. Only Buddhism can save people's dusty hearts and make them clean and pure. A clean and pure mind will be loved by the heavens and the earth, and appreciated by the Buddha. Even the ghosts and gods of the heavens and the earth dare not harm them.

Moreover, after the death of the body, a clean and pure mind can enter a country where life is free and easy, and that place is called the Paradise of Bliss. If the mind of the blissful world is successful in practice, it can also choose to reincarnate in reincarnation and return to the world as a human being.

Zhang Jun is very satisfied that he has revised the Buddhism theory, and feels that as long as this theory is carried out, it will definitely overwhelm the limelight of Apocalypse Buddhism. However, he also understands that in order to promote new Buddhism, it must be from top to bottom. Therefore, the matters on the temple of the venerable must be resolved and help from them.

Early in the morning, Bamo came to see him. He was ready, and yesterday conveyed a message to the Hall of the Venerable, saying that he would take a great Venerable. The Great Venerable is the honorary name for the Buddhist monks. After receiving the news, the Venerable Hall immediately allowed him to take people into the hall.

There are only forty-three divine-passing monks in the entire Hall of the Venerable. Now one more person joins. The Hall of the Venerable immediately attaches great importance to it. The two great masters and most of the monks have arrived. I want to see this newcomer. What kind of person is the Great Venerable?

The place where the Venerable Hall is located is a low-grade treasure, and Zhang Jun's people felt it as soon as they arrived. Since Bamo has not yet opened up the spiritual realm, he can't shuttle through the wasteland by himself like Zhang Jun, but can only follow him obediently and let him take him into the hall of the venerable.

The so-called palace is actually a dilapidated building left over from the ancient times. Although it is broken, it can still be used together. Probably the person who built the Hall of the Venerable at the time took a fancy to this point, and then chose the site here.

Entering the dilapidated hall, Zhang Jun saw that forty-three great supernatural powers were there, and there were some half-step supernatural powers here. The Guizhen-level monks were divided into two columns, standing on both sides of the main hall, and two sage figures stood in the center.

"Who came from?"

Only when he entered the main hall, he heard the Buddhist monk who was at the top of the return to the true peak shouting in a deep voice.

"Zhang Jun!"

The scene immediately boiled. If anyone in the global spiritual world does not know Zhang Jun, then the monks must be ignorant. Zhang Jun is the owner of Tianxing Nation and the controller of the central state, and the above two countries are forces that dare to contend with the Federation.

The people at the scene naturally knew Zhang Jun’s reputation. Their faces changed color. The two sages got up quickly and politely bowed their hands: "It turned out to be Friends of Zhang Dao! Some lost far to welcome, some lost far to welcome!"

Zhang Jun said lightly: "Good to say."

Two sacred figures introduced themselves, one named Badahong and the other named Gangque. Both of them knew Zhang Jun's reputation, so they were very polite when they came up. Zhang Jun was greeted in the VIP seat, accompanied by the two magnificent saints.

Zhang Jun straightforwardly asked, "How do you think about Apocalyptic Buddhism?"

Badakhon immediately showed an angry face: "The Apocalypse Cult is a heresy that destroys Buddhism. We must not compromise!"

Gangque frowned slightly, and said, "Badahong, what's wrong with you? Apocalypse religion can allow more people to believe in Buddhism. This is a great thing. How can it be a cult?"

Zhang Jun then asked Gangque: "What benefits does the Apocalypse religion give you?"

As soon as Que's expression changed, he suddenly stood up and said angrily: "Mr. Zhang what does this mean? Do you think the Apocalypse Religion can buy me this great sage?"

"Of course, if you are not bought, I really can’t think of your motivation for agreeing with the Apocalypse Cult. The Apocalypse Cult is a complete cult, and its teachings are completely different from the Buddhist righteousness and have nothing to do. If you allow it to develop, orthodox Buddhism It will perish within a few years. You are also a Buddhist monk, where is your stand? Where is your conscience?" Zhang Jun asked.

"The surname is Zhang! This is the cultivation world of the Indochina Peninsula, not your middle-earth. What qualifications do you have to reprimand the deity?" Gangque furiously slapped the table.

A phantom of the Buddha appeared behind Zhang Jun. The Buddha was as high as ten thousand meters, and his power was unparalleled. Seeing the Buddha's image, the people present were greatly shocked and bowed down one after another. Some of them were even more excited and burst into tears.

"This is the Buddha's image, how can it appear on Mr. Zhang?"

Just missing a moment of suspicion, he hesitated for a moment, but still bowed down.

Zhang Jun stared at him coldly and said: "Gangque, you can convict!"

Gang Que raised his head and said: "Why do you have the right to blame me?"

"I will exercise power on behalf of the Buddha, and kill rebellion!" When the words fell, his physical body manifested the sacred and supernatural powers, and his body suddenly became ten feet high, and he stretched out his hand to suppress it. With this type of suppression, more than 400 million jin of stalwart power came out, making Gang Que's face greatly changed.

"King Kong Dragon Elephant Hand!"

Gangque gave a violent shout, and behind him appeared a vajra glaring, dragon-like monster with eight arms and eight hands. This is just the lack of Heaven and Earth Law, Zhang Jun put too much pressure on him, he had to release the Heaven and Earth Law to contend, and then confronted with great supernatural powers. I saw the eight palms lifted up to the sky, each hand has a tens of thousands of kilograms of power to meet Zhang Jun's suppression.


The hall shook, Zhang Jun's palms were suppressed like a large mountain, and the eight palms that were just missing were crushed. Then the monks saw an amazing scene. Zhang Jun's big hand grabbed Gangque in his palm, shattering his world and law, and finally revealed his body.

"You can't kill me!" Just as Que screamed, Zhang Jun's strength was too strong, 400 million catties of huge force could easily tear him apart.

"Although you have the brand of life, you can't kill you. But it doesn't matter. In the future, as long as you hear where you are sacred, you will definitely go and kill you again until you are really killed!" Zhang Jun said coldly, and then he used his palm slightly to make it easier. "Boom" exploded, and the road shattered.

A generation of Daojun was beheaded by him in this way, and he didn't even have the power to resist.

The scene was silent, and even Narbadahun showed fear on his face. Zhang Jun can kill Gangque, and naturally he can also kill him.

After the killing, Zhang Jun smiled slightly to all Xiu and said: "I learned that the Apocalypse cult is making troubles in the Indochina Peninsula, so I rushed to eliminate the evil spirits not far away."

Badakhon paid a bow and said, "I am so grateful."

"The power of the Apocalypse cult is already very large. I hope that you can cooperate with me and deal with the cult together." Zhang Jun made a suggestion, "I have been inspired by the Buddhist scriptures, and I am determined to establish a new Buddhism in the Indochina Peninsula. I hope to join everyone here. Share."

After all, he sat down cross-legged and opened the altar to declare the law. The new Buddhism he founded is no different from the core of Buddhism, but differs in application. When he was preaching, he gradually felt the Buddha's eye relics vibrate slightly, and a circle of bright light appeared behind his head. In that bright light, there are three thousand worlds ups and downs, and ten trillion sentient beings are chanting sutras, shining up and down in all directions, so that everyone present is spiritually sublimated, and there is a feeling of great joy.

Zhang Jun's tongue was full of lotus, and he explained the fundamental theory of Buddhism, and then added his own understanding. Halfway through, the spirit of a half-step magical power person suddenly shook, and he actually opened up the spiritual realm at this time!

Zhang Jun immediately separated a ray of Buddha's light to protect him. Next, the second person, the third person, a total of seven people opened up the spiritual realm, and they all succeeded.

Zhang Jun was also secretly surprised, he knew it must be the power of the Buddha's eye relic. It seems that the new Buddhism he founded has been recognized by the Buddha's eye relic, otherwise there would be no such a vision.

But the matter was far from over. When the ** was over, three more cultivators who had returned to the real realm had an epiphany and instantly raised their cultivation base to a higher level. Moreover, the other monks have also realized what they are, they are all brewing, and there are signs of breakthroughs.

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