(Foreword, different book friends have different preferences, and it is difficult to satisfy everyone, so I hope to be more tolerant)

(I will try to improve the comments later and try my best to reduce the reading threshold.)

———————Dividing line———————

[My name is Luo Men, I am a time traveler and a mutant. I am very panicked now because I am about to be experimented on. ]

"Don't be nervous, relax, No. 9."

Luo Men looked at the guy in the white coat in front of him, holding a syringe, smiling and talking to himself, but his heart was extremely sad.

As a time traveler, Luo Men did not have a golden finger. Under the influence of the mystery in the womb, he was on the operating table until now, which echoed the death scene in his previous life, and then awakened his wisdom.

However, in this case, awakening wisdom is useless. He was tied to the operating table and his own supernatural power had no attack power. In this case, he was basically waiting to die.

"Will I die, doctor?"

Looking at the white coat in front of him, Luo Men could not remember his name, but everyone in the laboratory called him doctor.

"Don't worry, my child, you will survive."

Looking at the boy's black pupils, the doctor smiled gently, gently inserted the syringe in his hand into Romen's arm, and then slowly injected the liquid in the syringe, which was a little silver in the azure blue, into Romen's body.

[Of course, the chance of survival is about one in ten thousand. I really hope you are the one who succeeds. ]

Looking at the black-haired boy on the operating table, the doctor's mind flashed with the subsequent unspoken words.

After the doctor pushed the medicine in the syringe, the boy's eyes widened instantly, his pupils also suddenly contracted, and his whole body began to tremble constantly, as if he was enduring some terrible pain.

The boy wanted to scream with a ferocious face, but he couldn't make any sound. After a long time, his body was weak and limp, and there was no extra movement.

"It's quite quiet this time, failed again?"

As time passed, watching the boy's pupils gradually lose their luster, and then the electrocardiogram on one side turned into a straight line, the doctor's eyes also showed regret.

He didn't discriminate much against mutants. The threat of mutants was just picked out by people with ulterior motives and specially targeted.

It's like after the mutants disappeared on the surface, what's the difference between what the superheroes are facing now and the mutants in the past?

Those who are outstanding are ultimately envied by mediocre people.

After looking at the boy on the operating table, the doctor reached out and closed the boy's eyes that had lost their spirit, and then called the staff to deal with it.

Two strong black men came in, looked at the boy on the operating table, didn't feel anything, untied the straps that bound the boy, and then the two of them carried the boy's body together and went to the morgue.

The boy's body was casually placed on a bed in the corner and covered with a white cloth.

"Iron Man seems to have rarely appeared recently."

"Although I don't like this playboy, he is still a very good scientist after all. He may be researching something."

"Forget it, no matter what he does, I hope there will be no major disaster this year."

"I hope so."

As the voices of the two people's conversation faded away, the entire morgue fell into silence again.


Under the white cloth, Romen suddenly opened his eyes and began to pant violently, like a drowning person on the shore.

[Not dead? ]

Roman, however, did not stand up immediately.

After being injected with the drug by the doctor, Romen felt that the blood in his body began to circulate at a high speed, and a pain that spread throughout his body appeared. This change even penetrated deeper into the body.

With such a drastic change, Romen felt that he was about to explode at any time, and his soul suddenly seemed to begin to sublimate, entering some unknown and wonderful realm.

Later, Romen seemed to have established some mysterious connection with something, and his soul returned to the body again.

The specific experience was a bit similar to the first time he met Ancient One, when his soul was slapped out of his body and Doctor Strange entered the astral projection state.

Feeling his own state and the information constantly transmitted from the mysterious connection, Romen did not move immediately, but calmed down to understand it all.

"Another one died. The mortality rate of the doctor's experiment is really high."

"That's not it."

Hearing the door open, Romen, who was under the white cloth, also hurriedly controlled his breathing, reduced his movements, and then listened.

However, the two people did not stay for too long. After putting the body down, they left the morgue directly.After waiting for a while, Romen got down from his bed and lifted the white cloth on the bed next to him. Seeing the blond boy lying on the bed, he seemed to have some impression of his memory in this life.

If I remember correctly, this guy is quite charismatic in the laboratory, but everyone is under strict supervision, so this charisma is also very limited. Because of the distance, the two did not communicate much.

"Not dead yet, try my evolved superpowers."

Looking at the body of the blond boy, Romen determined through special perception that the blond boy was not completely dead, or not brain dead yet. He also had some thoughts in his mind, and then concentrated on observing the blond boy.

[Leadership temperament? ? ? Born to be king]

"What's the situation?"

Looking at the blond boy, Romen also frowned, with some guesses in his heart.

Romen's previous ability was very useless, called mirror control. It could only control the image in the mirror and had no other uses. He was a very weak one, a little stronger than the Ipsilon level that could turn into a monster. He was considered a Delta-level mutant, and the official name was a Level 2 mutant.

But after being injected with the doctor's medicine and his soul undergoing some unknown changes, Romen's ability also evolved.

First of all, the level was upgraded, from Delta level to Beta level, which is a Level 3 mutant. And the ability itself has also undergone a huge change. He calls the evolved ability mirror control.

In addition to the most basic mirror control ability, there are two more abilities.

And the one currently used on the blond boy is one of them, mirror copying, which can see the abilities of others and copy them.

However, the dying blond boy's own ability seems to be constantly changing. Sometimes it is a leader's temperament, and sometimes it is born to be a king. While changing, the blond boy's soul breath is also getting weaker and weaker.

[Could it be that the doctor's potion is really useful, but under normal circumstances, can we not withstand the changes brought about by the evolution of superpowers? ]

Looking at the changes in the blond boy, Luo Men had some guesses in his mind. He seemed to have had a similar situation before, but it seemed that some kind of accident had happened, and then the result that was bound to fail and die was completely reversed.

[He will die soon, quickly copy, just this Born to be King! ]

Removing distracting thoughts and looking at the boy whose soul breath was getting weaker and weaker, Luo Men seized the opportunity and quickly copied the ability called Born to be King after the leadership temperament changed to Born to be King.

Just after the successful copy, he saw that the blond boy's superpowers degenerated into leadership temperament again, and then the soul breath also completely disappeared.

"I will avenge you."

Looking at the body of the blond boy, Luo Men thought in his heart.

This is the first time he has seen the demise of life, and Luo Men seems to have a clearer understanding of the fragility of life.

[Even if it is a mutant, life is so fragile. But they all have superpowers and have infinite possibilities. I don't want to end like this...]

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