【Born to be King: A natural leader makes people want to believe and follow him. The larger the rule, the more and stronger the followers, the higher the trust, the more comprehensive the improvement, and a small part of the permanent enhancement. And according to the positive emotional feedback such as trust, the permanent enhancement ratio is increased. 】

After the information of the ability of Born to be King is successfully copied, it is transmitted to Roman's mind in a unique way.

After reading the information of this ability, Roman can be sure that although this ability is only a beta-level ability, it definitely has the potential of Omega level.

Without the evolution of the leadership temperament, it should only be the part of temperament enhancement, but after evolving into the ability of Born to be King, it has infinite potential.

"The stronger the followers, the greater the enhancement? It seems that the savior of mutants may be me."

After thinking for a while, Roman also smiled and said to himself.

Although most mutants do not have very strong powers, their essence is still stronger than that of ordinary people. The most obvious thing is that no matter what powers they have, their physique will be stronger than that of ordinary people.

In addition, except for a few cases, most mutants will not be in a particularly good situation no matter what universe they are in. As long as you provide them with shelter, you can get their followers.

Not to mention the far ones, there are dozens of mutants in this laboratory nearby. As long as you take them away from the laboratory, the probability of Romen conquering them is very high.

And because they grew up in the laboratory since childhood, everyone's mind is relatively pure, and they are similar in age and understand each other better, so the probability of betraying him is also very small.

The most important thing is that his third ability of mirror control, which he calls mirror shuttle, can enter the mirror world through the reflective mirror, and can also bring people into the mirror world. There is a high probability of success in taking people away.

The mirror world can be regarded as a reflection of the real world. Moving in the mirror world and returning to reality through the mirror will also move with it.

Looking around, I saw a glass window on the door of the morgue as an observation port.

After taking a look, Luo Men arranged his previous bed, walked to the door and pressed on the glass surface, and then he entered another world in a trance.

Facing the inside of the morgue, all the beds inside, the white cloth that was originally raised because of the corpses, now had no corpses.

Although the mirror world is a reflection of the real world, it cannot project life. There are only various inorganic substances here. No matter what you do in the mirror world, it will not affect the reality until the next day, it will automatically refresh and continue to reflect the reality.

Because it is in the mirror world, there is no need to worry about any danger, and Luo Men also explored the surrounding situation.

"Is this the operating room I just went to?"

Opening a door, seeing the layout inside, the impressive operating table.

After walking around the operating room, Luo Men, the quasi-god, was about to walk out of the operating room, and then saw the image reflected on the glass mirror on the door.

"It didn't succeed again, what a pity."

The reflection on the glass is the operating table, and standing next to the operating table is the doctor who has completed the injection of the drug.

[I don't know if the real world can see me. 】

Seeing this scene, Luo Men felt that in addition to running away, mirror shuttle was also very convenient for spying on intelligence.

Looking through the glass mirror, looking at the real operating table, it seemed that there was an Egyptian mutant boy, but he was relatively taciturn, and Luo Men didn't have much communication with him.

However, through the glass mirror, Luo Men also saw that the other party was trembling with pain and his superpowers were constantly changing.

[Strengthening? ? ? Sublimation]

The laboratory did not install suppression rings for mutants with weaker threats, so they could also use superpowers.

Luo Men had seen this mutant boy, and his ability seemed to be to temporarily strengthen himself or some objects, and it would recover after a time limit. Once, the other party strengthened his own strength, broke off the steel pipe on the prison door, and then strengthened the steel pipe to run away, which caused a lot of commotion.

However, the laboratory's protection was very strong, and the mutant boy still failed to escape successfully. After being caught, he was also installed with a suppression ring.

However, after that incident, many mutants with certain threatening abilities were equipped with suppression rings.

This sublimation evolved from the enhanced ability, Luo Men felt that he was qualified to copy it.

Throw away distractions, concentrate, and seize the opportunity to copy the sublimation ability.

Luo Men had some guesses about the purification sublimation ability, so he copied it decisively.

[Sublimation: Permanent sublimation ability or object, any target can only be used once, depending on the strength of the target to use it, the corresponding energy is consumed. 】

SeeRomen was not surprised to hear the information about this ability, and he was quite satisfied with it.

With the ability of being born as a king, Romen would definitely recruit many subordinates, and the existence of sublimation ability can greatly improve the quality of his subordinates.

[Why do I feel like I have a sense of Apocalypse. ]

Suddenly, an idea came to Romen's mind. His talent can copy the abilities of others. If he keeps copying in the future, the number of superpowers he has may catch up with Apocalypse, who has taken over countless people. Apocalypse can strengthen and develop the abilities of his subordinates, and the sublimation he has now can achieve a similar effect.

If we say that the difference between Romen and Apocalypse now is mainly the number of their own abilities and the level of their strength, they are much different.

However, if Romen now has the combat power of Apocalypse level, then solving the plight of mutants cannot be said to be simple, but it can be solved in minutes.

Whether it is a dirty politician or a brainless guy who can only follow blindly, they are all cheap skins who fear power but not virtue.

However, at the moment, Romen does not have the power to change the world, and cannot immediately change the bad situation of mutants.

After looking at the operating table through the mirror and the body of the mutant boy carried away by the two black men, Romen took a breath and left directly.

Next, Romen did not wander around, but explored and recorded the terrain of the entire laboratory to prepare for the subsequent escape.

In the real world, every room where mutants are imprisoned has full-scale camera monitoring, so if Romen wants to escape with people, he must pull everyone into the mirror world as quickly as possible. Otherwise, it will be difficult to escape with people if the alarm sounds.

After a lot of exploration, Romen soon explored the layout of the laboratory, and then determined the number of mutants in the laboratory.

There are currently 17 mutants imprisoned in the laboratory. As for whether there are any extra ones, Romen is not sure yet. There are some areas in the laboratory where he can't find the key and his own destructive power is not enough, so he can't enter.

In this case, Romen decided not to waste any more time and began to prepare to run away with his men.

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