The first step that Romen took was to find and open the doors of all the cells in the mirror world.

This was not difficult. Although he did not find the key, it was not a problem to find some tools to destroy the cell door.

Then he quietly notified everyone through the mirrors in each cell. Romen found that under his active control, he was able to control it autonomously, allowing people in the real world to see him and hear him speak through the mirror.

This was not difficult. Although all mutants were usually restricted in their words and deeds, they were still close to each other because of their sympathy. Not to mention, Romen's ability to be born as a king made it easier for others to trust him.

"Hold my hand!"

The first person to be rescued was a white girl. Because of the advance communication, the girl's actions were also very neat.

After pulling the girl into the mirror world, Romen quickly ran to another cell and continued to pull people. The white girl's cell was the outermost cell, and it would be safer to pull people from the outside.

Not long after Luo Men started to pull people in, the alarm started to sound.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

When the prison guards heard the alarm, they hurried to the nearest cell, but found it empty.

"How did they get away?"

"Go to the next room."

There was no one in the cells on the left and right sides, and several prison guards started to communicate.

"Get out of the way!"

But before the prison guards could take action, a tall and burly black man pushed all the prison guards away and walked forward quickly.

In a few steps, he walked to the last cell. In the cell, a fat Asian man was staring at the mirror nervously. Hearing the footsteps outside the cell, and then noticing the ferocious man, his whole body began to tremble like a sieve.

"Fatty, hurry up and hold my hand!"

Seeing the fat man in reality like this, Luo Men frowned and shouted.


The fat man who reacted also grabbed Luo Men's hand in the mirror.

"Want to run?"

Seeing the arm that Luo Men stretched out from the mirror, the black man knew how the experimental subject ran away, and shouted: "Don't think about running."

The hot red light gathered in the black man's fists, and he punched the position of the extremely solid iron door lock, and a hole was directly melted on the iron door under this punch.


Seeing the black man's actions, Luo Men hurriedly urged the little fat man, and at the same time he looked at the black man.

[Heat absorption/release: It has the ability to absorb heat energy and convert it into its own energy, and can release heat energy in the form of light and heat. Absorbing energy can arbitrarily improve one's physical strength, speed, endurance and self-healing ability. 】

Seeing the other party's ability, Luo Men also quickly decided to copy it.

Some of them are similar to the lower-level abilities of the Black Emperor Xiao, but the flaws do not cover the merits. If Xiao's ability cannot be copied, this ability is a very good substitute, and it can also make up for his embarrassing situation of having no attack ability at the moment.

The black man kicked the iron door open and rushed to the little fat man.

"Ah, my pants."

Although Romen pulled the little fat man into the mirror world, the black man pulled his pants off.

"Damn it!"

The black man grabbed the little fat man's pants, and his face, which was already dark, became even darker. A scorching red light appeared, burning the pants directly. Feeling unsatisfied, the black man smashed the mirror with a punch.

Looking at the mirror losing reality, Romen knew that the mirror in reality should have been shattered.

But he didn't care. Now that everyone was brought into the mirror world by him, he could be considered to have escaped successfully.


Everyone looked at the little fat man wearing only underwear and laughed at his funny appearance.

There was the joy of escaping from death and the relaxation between playing.

"Hey, why did my hand become like this?"

But the laughter didn't last long before it was interrupted. The white girl who was rescued by Romen at the beginning raised her palm and spoke with some doubt.

Romen looked over and found that the girl's palm seemed to have become a reflective crystal.

"Look, is there anything wrong with you!"

Seeing the girl's palm, Romen looked at the others and asked, and at the same time carefully observed the others, and found that the others also appeared more or less crystallized according to the order in which they were rescued.

[Is it because I have the ability to control the mirror, and they don't, so they can't stay in the mirror world for a long time? 】

Is there a question in my heartAfter some speculation, Romen decisively said to everyone: "Hurry up, let's leave here quickly, you shouldn't stay here for too long."

Hearing Romen's words, everyone reacted quickly and looked at Romen.

Because of Romen's convincing temperament at this moment, and the trust brought by Romen's escape from the cage, everyone subconsciously chose to follow Romen's instructions.

"Line up in the order of rescue, follow me!"

Because he had explored the terrain of the laboratory in advance, Romen did not waste time and ran out with everyone. And everyone quickly lined up in an orderly manner and ran behind Romen.

Although everyone grew up in the laboratory, they had never lacked nutrition since childhood, and with the physique of mutants, even if they had not been specially trained, their physical fitness would be slightly better than that of ordinary people. The power that a group of people could exert when acting together was also very good.

Quickly arriving at the gate of the laboratory, Romen also tried to use the heat energy he had just obtained to absorb and release superpowers.

In the previous process, Roman consciously absorbed some heat energy and stored it in his body. Now he came to the gate and started to destroy the door of the laboratory.

Because it is a mirror world, there are no dynamic things and no electricity, so the only way to leave the laboratory is to destroy the gate.

Fortunately, all the people present are mutants.

Although the mutant with destructive ability is only Roman, who has just obtained heat release, the abilities of others are not completely useless.

For example, the little fat man who only wears underwear has the ability to consume fat to strengthen strength and defense. He is the bottom of the beta-level mutants, but the power he can burst out is still amazing. Even if he has not exercised much, his destructive power is still very good.

Roman destroyed and removed the suppression rings in advance for those in the team, so the little fat man can also give full play to his strength.

Roman constantly releases heat to heat up the joints between the metal door and the concrete, and absorbs heat to cool down, making the joints fragile.

Although Luo Men could not immediately exert the destructive power of melting steel alloys, he was able to use his own method to effectively destroy the door.

Everyone pushed the door hard together, and with the little fat man's full-strength punch, the door of the laboratory was successfully destroyed.

Everyone walked out of the laboratory together. Although they only walked out of the laboratory in the mirror world, everyone couldn't help but get excited.

"Goodbye, cage!"

Turning his head to look at the laboratory, Luo Men couldn't help but think of a classic line, and then he couldn't help but whisper to himself.

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