"Doctor, they all ran away."

Standing in front of the doctor, the black muscular mutant who could control heat energy also lowered his head and spoke.

"Oh? What's the specific situation?"

The doctor heard the black muscular man's words, and he didn't feel angry. He looked at the black muscular man and asked calmly.

"I don't know either. They all seem to have entered the mirror."

"Mirror?" Hearing the black muscular man's words, the doctor's eyes also showed some thoughts. Suddenly he thought of something and looked at the black muscular man and said, "Go to the morgue and see if the body of the No. 9 experimental subject is still there."

"Yes." Hearing the doctor's words, the black muscular man was stunned for a moment and acted quickly.

The doctor was also thinking quietly while tapping the table with his fingers.

Dong Dong Dong...

The sound of hurried footsteps sounded, and the black muscular man, whose breath was still steady, said respectfully with a face: "The No. 9 experimental subject has disappeared. Apart from that, there is no problem with the bodies of other experimental subjects."

Having been guarding the doctor's experiments, the black muscular man also has a certain understanding of the experimental subjects that the doctor has experimented on today.

The superpower of the No. 9 experiment subject is related to the mirror, and the subject of the doctor's research is the evolution of superpowers.

Although all the people who used the potion died, it does not mean that this experiment is doomed to fail. No matter how small the probability of success is, there is still a probability of success.

After excluding all other impossibilities, the truth is about to come out.

Hearing the words of the black man, the doctor nodded, and his elegant face was also a little more thoughtful.

"So, is the experiment of No. 9 completed? Or did something I don't know about the mutation?"

The doctor knocked on the table and looked at the black man in front of him.

In fact, his experiment is not without successful subjects. For example, the black man in front of him is one, a successful experiment subject that is not particularly perfect. From the garbage superpower that can only change its own body temperature, it has become the current heat absorption/release superpower, which has good destructive power.

It's just that the potion used by the black man is much safer than the one he is studying now, and the effect is much worse.

Theoretically, if the black man can succeed with the No. 4 potion, then the No. 5 potion he is currently researching also has a chance of success.

However, I don’t know what went wrong. So far, hundreds of experiments have shown no signs of success.

Of course, in his deduction, the potion he is currently researching even has a one in a billion chance of creating the legendary Omega mutant, so it is normal to have high requirements for the experimental subjects.

Therefore, he is not sure what happened to the No. 9 experimental subject, that is, Romen. It can be judged from all aspects that he was dead, but he came back to life. I don’t know if it is some kind of survivor bias.

However, as a scientist, he naturally has to maintain the most rigorous attitude and study Romen carefully before making a conclusion.

"Gather people to search for them. If it is No. 9, even if it has completed the evolution, it is only at the level of strong level 3 or weak level 4. Even if it can take people away, it should not be able to run too far."

After giving instructions to the black man, the doctor turned on the computer and checked the experimental data of No. 9 experimental subject, wondering if there was anything he had overlooked.

After hearing the doctor's order, the black man immediately turned around and left, preparing to gather people and collect information.

"Captain, the group of little ghosts seemed to have run to a mall for zero-dollar shopping, and then robbed a school bus and drove to the Nevada Mountains."

After walking out of the doctor's laboratory, the black man's Bluetooth headset came with the news.

Hearing the news, the black man frowned and quickly issued an order: "Prepare for action, catch these little ghosts, and don't let them run into the Nevada Mountains. And send people to block the route!"

Although the experiments conducted in the experiment are all related to mutants, they are still human experiments after all, which cannot be seen in the light.

Therefore, although the laboratory is in California, it is also called California, but it is only located in a relatively remote town near the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California.

There is not much risk in such a place. But if the experimental subject runs into the Sierra Nevada Mountains, it will be really difficult to capture it considering the dense forests on the west slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

At that time, this group of mutants will only survive in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, relying on wild resources and the mutants' own abilities, and they can live a good life.

The Sierra Nevada Mountains are a part of the granite block mountains in the southwestern United States and the western edge of the Cordillera Mountains. The Cordillera Mountains are the longest folded mountain range in the world, with a vertical length of 1.3 meters.Through the western part of the North and South American continents.

Moreover, if they run to other mountains in the mountains, it will be even more troublesome.

If they attract some unnecessary attention, such as some superheroes with a strong sense of justice, it will be even more troublesome. After all, what they do is not allowed to be seen in the light.

Driving the school bus, Luo Men, who changed into sports-style clothes, was extremely skilled in driving the school bus at this time. In his previous life, he only had a C1 driver's license, but without considering the damage to the car, it was not difficult to drive.

After leaving the laboratory, Luo Men used the mirror shuttle to take everyone directly into a mall for zero-dollar shopping. During the period, he snatched a smartphone and collected a lot of information.

After confirming that this is the northeast side of California, close to the Nevada Mountains, he directly prepared to run into the Nevada Mountains and take everyone to survive in the wilderness.

As for other things, such as going to sea, not to mention the distance from the west coast, they have no boat, and they can't drive a boat or sail, so they can't choose.

Another option is to leave the border, but it is too far away from the border line, so it is better to enter the Nevada Mountains nearby. There are still sufficient resources in the wild, and there are enough forests for hiding. It is a better choice to make plans later.

"The road is blocked."

At this time, there is only one intersection away from rushing out of the town, but Luo Men saw that the intersection in front was blocked by two police cars, and several policemen raised their guns to warn.

Not surprisingly, to be able to establish such a large experiment, the connections and capital behind it must be good. And in this capital country, the so-called police are nothing more than the minions of capital.

"I won't surrender just like that!"

Looking at the police blocking the road, Luo Men's eyes were indifferent, and then he controlled the school bus to accelerate, and said at the same time: "Everyone find cover!"

Looking at the huge school bus, the speed kept accelerating, and the police who originally blocked the road naturally did not dare to continue standing in front. Such a behemoth, after accelerating and charging, the destructive power formed is needless to say.

The two police cars were easily knocked away, and continued to charge forward at the same speed.


"Time is too tight, and preparations are not sufficient. We have tried our best. Let's ask the higher-ups to reimburse the car."


Looking at the school bus going away, the middle-aged policeman spoke to the team members around him, with a bit of fear on his face.

Although the higher-ups ordered to stop it at all costs, how could they possibly stop the school bus that was accelerating at full speed with such hasty preparations?

He just saw clearly that although there were a group of teenagers on the bus, they looked like they were ready to risk their lives. It was just a few bucks, it was not worth it for him to risk his life, and it might not work.

Thus, the failure of this interception set the tone.

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