"Everyone, don't stop."

In the forest, Luo Men walked in front and led the way, leading everyone to run together.

At this time, everyone carried a backpack and ran behind Luo Men.

"No, I can't run anymore."

A girl panted and shouted at the back of the team.

"In that case, let's stop and rest by the stream in front." Looking at the group of boys and girls who were constantly panting behind him, Luo Men thought for a while and spoke.

At this time, they had already gone deep into the forest on the west slope of the Nevada Mountains for a long distance.

When they were shopping at the mall for free, it was roughly noon, and when they abandoned the school bus and walked into the Nevada Mountains, it was around two o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, the sky was a little dim, and it looked like five or six o'clock.

Since leaving the laboratory, they were basically in a very nervous state, and they didn't take a good rest. There happened to be a stream in front, so it was no problem to take a temporary rest here.

The girl called "Can't Run" has the ability to accelerate the growth of plants. She ran at the back mainly to clear everyone's footsteps to prevent being easily tracked. The use of superpowers is naturally impossible without any consumption. It still consumes physical strength or other energy, so her physical consumption is also the greatest.

"Now let's assign tasks. Everyone first find wood to make a fire. Those who have pots in their backpacks take them out to boil water, and those who have food take out some and wait for distribution."

Although everyone grew up in the laboratory, they are not completely ignorant. Occasionally, there are some entertainment activities such as watching anime and movies, so they don't know nothing, but the difference is not much with blank paper.

After stopping, Luo Men also directly assigned tasks to everyone, otherwise everyone would not know what to do.

Before, in the mall, everyone was free to play and buy for free. Luo Men didn't know what was in everyone's backpack, but some daily necessities, Luo Men consciously arranged for people to take them.

The seventeen people present finally took out five medium-sized stainless steel soup pots, and Luo Men also directly arranged for these people to fill water and boil water.

Although the stream water is running water, it will be relatively clean and it is not a problem to drink it directly. But for safety reasons, it is still the lowest risk to boil water to drink. At present, they have no medical means.

After lighting several bonfires and arranging people to boil water, Luo Men also took out a compass to distinguish the direction while thinking about the next plan.

When he grabbed the phone before, he searched a lot of information.

The most important thing is about mutants. Finally, he found a few words in a small forum. Because the official people developed a genetically modified food that can inhibit the X gene more than ten years ago, and the current mutants are basically extinct. As for the X-Men, they are basically considered to exist in fictional comics.

In addition to the situation of mutants, Luo Men also searched for information about superheroes, such as Captain America and Iron Man. Now it is 15 years. Three years ago, that is, 12 years ago, humans also faced aliens, that is, the invasion of the Chitauri led by Loki, and the New York War.

In other words, this world is the Marvel Cinematic Universe, that is, MCU, and it also combines the worldview of the mutant movie universe in the new timeline after the reversal of the future.

[I remember that 2015 seems to be the content of Avengers 2. Is the Ultron incident coming? ]

After thinking for a while, Luo Men shook his head and stopped thinking about it. No matter what the situation is, it has nothing to do with him. At present, he should take everyone to survive first, and then try to expand the team and strengthen his own strength first.

After distinguishing the direction, Luo Men had a general direction in his mind.

He did not have a particularly detailed plan. Because of limited conditions, the goal was to move as far away from human activities as possible, so it was best to move to the northeast. Then, if it was best, he would find a hidden area with rich resources as a base, which needed to be done slowly.

As for the future plans, Luo Men had nothing to say, but the goal was to become stronger. If he had the strength of a god on earth, who would dare to mess with mutant experiments? What military, what capital, what, he could do whatever he wanted.

Of course, it was impossible to be too ambitious now.

After quickly distributing food, there were still a few sips of hot water. After a short rest, Luo Men led everyone to continue the action.

The journey was boring and tiring, but no one said they were tired or didn't want to continue.

They were free, and although it was not as easy as they had imagined, they felt very comfortable.

And Roman, who had unknowingly gained everyone's trust with his charm,The first soldier led everyone away and endured greater pressure. He didn't say anything, so the others didn't need to say much.

When it was completely dark, Luo Men led everyone to find a flat area, and also made a temporary camp, arranging everyone to take turns to keep watch. As an example, Luo Men kept watch for the first half of the night.

There are dangers in the Nevada Mountains.

In this mountain range, there are dangerous creatures such as black bears and mountain lions, so naturally we can't relax easily.

After running for several days, we finally stopped in a valley and prepared to develop it as a base.

Needless to say, this place is surrounded by mountains and rivers. There is a ready-made cave that can be dealt with temporarily, and Luo Men can go deeper to open up the cave later.

At present, compared with building a wooden house outside, Luo Men thinks living in a cave is also a good choice.

Because building a wooden house, not to mention that they basically don't understand carpentry, if they build too many, the risk of being detected is also a bit high, which is not safe enough.

However, a cave is definitely not enough for a group of people to live in, and wooden and stone houses will still be built later. At that time, we can build houses against the mountain and use moss and other things as a protective color. The risk is relatively small. This will be discussed later after understanding the surrounding situation.

"Okay, we will settle down here for the time being. I will leave it to you to arrange Lisa here." After saying this to the girl who can control the accelerated growth of plants, Romen said to the two figures, one fat and one thin: "Buck, Kenley and Martin, come hunting with me."

In these events, in addition to finding a base point, everyone gave a name according to their own preferences, because everyone originally only had a number but no name.

Buck is a little fat man with a tank warrior-type ability. He is one of the best fighters among the group.

Kenley has a very good sense of smell and can track prey, which is very suitable for hunting.

As for Martin, he can eliminate the sound of everyone's actions and will not easily alert animals.

With Romen, who has basically mastered the ability to absorb/release heat energy, hunting can basically be successful.

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