There is great terror between life and death.

The ancients were not deceiving me.

Pushing away the corpse that was pressing on him, Luomen also pulled out his sword from the corpse.

He casually wiped his Dao with the clothes on the corpse, and then Luomen also raised his sword. Through the reflection of the reflective blade, he could see his Mangekyō Sharingan.

It is now the 16th year of Konoha, and Uchiha is in its strongest period since joining Konoha.

At this time, the First World War had just ended not long ago, and the Uchiha family had just discovered the forbidden technique of Izanagi, and there were already signs of civil strife.

Most people may not be very clear about what the 16th year of Konoha means.

To put it in detail, the third generation has only been in office for three years, and the three ninjas are just three six-year-old little radishes who have just worshipped the third generation as their master.

But for now, the third generation of the three ninjas is relatively far away for Luomen.

For Luomen at the moment, the turmoil within the Uchiha is the most important thing next.

Uchiha is a family with frequent mental illnesses. Because of the popularity of the forbidden technique of Izanagi, the three-magatama Sharingan ninjas in the family all feel that everyone is in danger.

Because the Izanagi technique requires at least a three-magatama Sharingan to use, and it is a completely consumable one. In this case, those who have used Izanagi need the new three-magatama Sharingan.

Those with Uchiha blood have basically no rejection when transplanting other people's Sharingan, so the source of civil strife begins.

For example, this time, Luomen was countered by a one-eyed old guy, that is, the corpse under Luomen's feet.

Originally, Luomen knew that after opening the three-magatama, he would be targeted by some people, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly this time.

"I always feel that this conspiracy is related to Uchiha Madara."

Lumen thought about it and speculated in his heart.

This is not without reason. When Uchiha Madara left, no one from the Uchiha family followed him. I think Uchiha Madara must have felt a little dissatisfied.

This is one point, but there is another point. As the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Madara mastered most of the secret techniques of the Uchiha clan, and there were many things that no one else knew.

Then some time ago, someone suddenly found Izanagi, and then it quickly spread within the family, and then it caused unrest. It is hard to say whether there is a mastermind behind it, secretly pushing such a thing.

Before this, the only people who mastered the Izanagi technique were the original patriarch, that is, the Uchiha Madara lineage. However, the only high-level person in the Uchiha Madara lineage is Uchiha Madara. If you think about it a little, it is hard not to link the mastermind with Uchiha Madara.

If it was the former Uchiha Madara, Romen can be sure that he would not engage in any conspiracy. Because he can crush with hard power, why use some secret means.

But after being backstabbed by Hashirama Senju and having a new plan, Roman was not so sure about Uchiha Madara.

After just a little thought, Roman gave up thinking.

Whether it was related to Uchiha Madara or not, it had nothing to do with him.

Roman, who was originally an elite jonin, opened the Mangekyō Sharingan because of the life-and-death crisis, and directly crossed into the Kage level. And at the Kage level, Roman was considered a strong man.

It can only be said that the Uchiha bloodline, as long as the Mangekyō is opened, is basically not weak.

Even if it is not used at the same time, just using Susanoo, the offensive and defensive Susanoo is already strong enough at the Kage level.

With the strength of the Kage level, he has a place in the ninja world. 】

After closing the Sharingan a little unfamiliarly, Roman also felt his own state.

After the Mangekyō Sharingan is opened, the changes brought about are also very obvious. The most obvious place is that the upper limit of chakra has also begun to increase at a very considerable speed. Obviously, in the next period of time, Roman will have a more obvious rising stage.

This is also a unique feature of the Uchiha family's Sharingan. With the evolution of the Sharingan, the strength is also correspondingly improved.

For example, if you open one magatama, you can become a Genin, two magatama is a Chunin, and three magatama is a Jonin, and you will be a strong person at each level, and the same is true for opening the Mangekyō.

Of course, opening the Sharingan can make you stronger, which does not mean that you will be weak without the Sharingan. It mainly depends on personal factors.

For example, Roman in this world is only 18 years old, but he is an elite Jonin. And he is the kind of person who can become a strong person even if he does not open it.Sharingan is still a strong elite jonin, and a true genius ninja.

Of course, Luomen is no longer a genius, but belongs to the ranks of the strong.

However, a big tree attracts the wind, and it is precisely because of the reputation that it is easier to attract attention.

For example, this time, two old guys came to stare at his eyes. Because the two old guys were missing eyes, coincidentally one on the left and one on the right, they were able to gather together and want to hunt Luomen.

Squatting down to look at the eyes of the corpse, the only three magatama was still intact, because when Luomen almost died at the hands of the other party, he suddenly opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, which shocked the other party. Then Luomen took this opportunity to kill the other party, and the other party didn't even have time to use the Izanagi technique.

After taking a look, Luomen directly took off the three magatama of this guy, and then put it into a glass bottle filled with biological tissue fluid, and then sealed it in the sealing scroll. In addition to the eyes, the corpse was also sealed up to prevent any means of reincarnation, and then come to disgust people again.

After dealing with this corpse, Romen also walked forward for a distance and saw another somewhat charred corpse.

The old guy was killed by Romen with a knife, so the corpse was relatively intact. And this corpse was killed by Romen using fire escape.

Although fire escape has a nickname, called the art of not killing. But if it really can't kill the enemy, how can there be so many fire escape masters in this world.

This corpse has no value, the body tissue has basically lost its activity, and the remaining eye has been used by Izanagi and has been useless, so Romen directly burned the corpse further.

After doing all this, Romen also felt that the scene in front of him was a little blurry. Excessive blood loss made him feel a little weak. Leaning against a tree on the side, Romen operated chakra to adjust his state while communicating with the mutant Romen, and then directly copied the other party's self-healing factor from Uncle Wolf through the mirror dimension.

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