With the successful replication of the ability, Romen's condition has also improved visibly.


Experiencing the impact of this self-healing factor on himself, Romen's face also showed a little more surprise.

The chakra that had been growing continuously after opening the Mangekyō has also increased further.

Not only that, after just opening the Mangekyō, Romen's eyes have been a little blurry after using his pupil technique intensively, but now he can find that his vision seems to have begun to recover.

Originally, Romen thought that if he wanted to restore the loss of the Mangekyō, he had only two choices, either to open the Eternal Eye or to inject Hashirama's cells, but now it seems that there is no need to choose.

It goes without saying how strong Uncle Wolf's self-healing ability is. To some extent, it is even more outrageous than Hashirama Senju's self-healing ability, and it even has the effect of prolonging life. This ability, even in the ninja world, is quite outrageous under the Six Paths. If the future Orochimaru knew about it, he would be jealous and want to study it.

Self-healing ability is, to some extent, a manifestation of vitality, and vitality can derive the power of Yang escape in this world, while mental power can derive the power of Yin escape.

The Uchiha clan, because of the Sharingan, are basically born with strong Yin escape. It cannot be said that they do not have Yang escape, but they basically have no talent. Therefore, the Uchiha ninjas are basically good at illusion, but their talent in medical ninjutsu is a bit disappointing.

On the other hand, the Senju clan is strong in Yang escape, but lacks Yin escape, which is due to the family bloodline.

But coming back to the point, the source of the two major families is the Six Paths Sage, who is a combination of yin and yang, and has both the Sage Eye and the Sage Body.

The two major families inherited the Sage Eye and the Sage Body respectively, and also have different emphases on talent.

The Mangekyo will go blind, and Luo Men feels that it is mainly because, after many years of inheritance, the Uchiha bloodline has defects. The current Uchiha clan still needs to awaken the Sharingan to open it, but Indra, the ancestor of the Uchiha clan, was born with the three-magatama Sharingan.

Going back a little further, the Six Paths Sage Otsutsuki Hagoromo opened his eyes with the three-magatama Mangekyō (three-magatama pattern, not the three-magatama Sharingan), and then directly opened the Samsara Eye, which is indeed a bit unreasonable.

"Although the Uchiha clan does not have a precedent for opening the Sage Body, if the ancestor is the Six Paths Sage, the Sage Body must exist as a hidden gene."

"The Sharingan is also the Sage Eye, which can be activated through mental stimulation, that is, the Yin Release change. So, if you have a strong enough Yang Release, can you activate the Sage Body power hidden in your blood?"

Feeling the vitality in his body, Luo Men couldn't help but think about it.

Although it was his fantasy, he felt that this possibility was not low. After all, the ancestors are all the same, and there may be genetic bias, but it is not impossible to revert to the ancestors through acquired activation.

Hashirama Senju was born with a sage body, and therefore was born with a powerful Yang escape.

So the question is, can a powerful Yang escape activate a sage body?

Luo Men felt that it should be possible, but it was quite difficult. However, now that Luo Men has a vitality comparable to or even beyond that of a sage body, activating the genes of a sage body in turn should have a high probability of success.

Of course, this condition is also extremely difficult, and it is not as fast as directly fusing Hashirama's cells.

However, after thinking for a while, Luo Men felt that it was still a bit difficult to operate, so he would find an opportunity to do research in this area later, learn some Yang escape ninjutsu, such as medical ninjutsu, Akimichi family secrets and the like, and slowly study things in this area.

At the moment, Luo Men does not have to worry about his eyes suddenly going blind, so he does not feel particularly urgent. He can slowly explore this issue in the future, and he has enough time to explore various possibilities.

After dealing with the corpse, Luo Men also went directly to the direction of Konoha.

He is not in Konoha now, and it is because he is out on a mission that these two old guys have the courage to attack him.

Otherwise, even if these two guys wanted to dig out his eyes, they would not have the chance. As a leader of the younger generation, Luo Men also gathered a group of young followers of the Uchiha clan around him.

"Brother Luo Men, what's wrong with you?"

After walking a few steps into the village, an Uchiha youth who was on patrol saw Luo Men's bloody appearance and quickly approached him with a worried look on his face.

However, after approaching, he saw that Luo Men was not seriously injured.After the injury, the hanging heart was also put down.

"It's okay, they are just two crazy old guys."

Luomen looked at the young man and said nonchalantly. This Uchiha youth was considered his follower. He opened the two magatama and had almost the strength of the special jonin level. He was also a little genius.

Hearing Luomen's words, the young man also understood instantly that it was another old guy who coveted Luomen's eyes.

Since the Izanagi technique began to spread within the family, the situation within the Uchiha began to become a little tense, especially among the ninjas with three magatama Sharingan, they almost reached the point of mutual defense.

Although it is a bit exaggerated, the Uchiha at this time was almost like this.

This Uchiha youth himself was only a two magatama, and he didn't have to worry about anyone thinking about his eyes for the time being, but seeing Luomen acting so embarrassed, he couldn't help asking: "Who is it?"

Luomen's strength was best known to his peers, so they also wanted to know who could make Luomen so embarrassed.

"Don't ask. It's not good for you to know too much."

Looking at the Uchiha youth in front of him, Luo Men smiled, patted the youth's shoulder, and left without staying.

"Is it my illusion? Brother Luo Men seems to have become stronger?"

When Luo Men left, the Uchiha youth turned around with some doubts and looked at Luo Men's back.

Just now, when Luo Men patted his shoulder, the youth felt a sense of oppression. He was very familiar with this feeling, which was caused by the huge gap in strength.

But how long has Luo Men been away? He remembered that it was less than a week. How could there be any major breakthrough in such a short time.

"It should be an illusion. It's impossible that Brother Luo Men opened the Mangekyo..."

For a moment, the youth's face was a little suspicious, and he was not sure whether it was his illusion. But after thinking about it, he suppressed all kinds of thoughts.

No matter what happened to Luo Men, as long as Luo Men didn't take the initiative to say it, he, as a follower, didn't have to get to the bottom of it.

Putting aside his distracting thoughts for the time being, the young man continued his patrol work.

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