After returning home, Romen also washed the blood off his body and changed into home clothes. He wore a loose white kimono with his chest exposed and loose black pants. (Refer to Sasuke in Shippuden).

As soon as he walked out of the bathroom, Romen found that the ninja tools that were scattered around had been moved after he came back. No, they should have been sorted out.

Suddenly, Romen seemed to smell something and walked towards the kitchen.

Romen himself basically didn't use the facilities in the kitchen, because he unfortunately had no talent in cooking. Although he didn't make dark dishes that would poison people, he couldn't make delicious food with good color and fragrance. Therefore, he basically wouldn't enter the kitchen unless it was necessary.

Of course, Romen's kitchen was not always abandoned. In addition to Romen, there were still people who would use it.

Walking out of the kitchen, Romen saw a slender purple-haired figure busy in the kitchen, and he didn't feel surprised.

This purple-haired beauty is naturally not the future Uzuki Yugao who has a low appearance rate but is quite famous. At this point in time, it is a question whether Uzuki Yugao's parents were born.

In this world, Luomen is an orphan. He died in a war before Konoha was established. At that time, Luomen was just over one year old. However, he was born in the Uchiha family, so he didn't have to worry about survival.

Needless to say, the living allowance was arranged, and a family was arranged to help take care of him.

At that time, if they had the ability, other families didn't mind raising one more child.

As for Luomen, he was arranged to be raised by his father's friend, Uchiha Pingchuan.

Uchiha Pingchuan was just an ordinary Chunin at the beginning, just like his deceased parents at that time.

Even if he survived until now, he was only at the level of a special Jonin.

His wife was not even a ninja, but just an ordinary person.

The two elders only gave birth to a daughter, and later adopted Luomen.

In other words, Luomen also has a childhood sweetheart of similar age.

The purple-haired woman busy in the kitchen right now is his childhood sweetheart, Uchiha Chiri.

If she was just a native of the Naruto world, Luo Men would not feel that Chiri was anything special.

But now it is different. Knowing the future of the Naruto world, Luo Men knows that this woman in front of him, who looks very gentle and sophisticated from the back, is one of the rare strong men and one of the owners of the Mangekyo.

Even the current Chiri is like Luo Men. She has opened the three magatama at a young age and became a jonin early, but Chiri is currently serving in the Konoha Guard.

"Why are you here?"

Looking at Chiri, Luo Men also asked out loud.

At this time, Chiri should be patrolling outside.

Speaking of which, Chiri is the kind of rare Uchiha that people can like more. Her personality combines gentleness, calmness, kindness and other good qualities.

But if you think about it carefully, most traditional Uchiha beauties are like this. The truly irritable and mentally ill Uchiha are mainly male Uchiha.

Among the Uchiha men, it is difficult to find a few with a slightly normal personality, as most of them have extreme personalities.

Of course, whether it is Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Obito, or Uchiha Itachi, they are all rare extreme cases.

"Yuichiro told me that I can't come?"

After dealing with the things at hand, Zhili turned around and looked at Luomen and spoke. Yuichiro was the young man from the guard team that Luomen met before.

After Luomen turned sixteen, although he returned to the property left by his parents, it did not mean that he had cut off contact with Zhili and the others.

If there is time, Zhili and his parents will come to meet Luomen, or Luomen will go back to stay for a few days.

After carefully observing Luomen, Luomen did not have any injuries and his breath did not look particularly weak, so Zhili was relieved.

"You met two old guys from the radical faction this time."

Zhili looked at Luomen and spoke slowly.

After Yuichiro told him about Luomen's attack, Zhili went to check the flow of people in the clan and locked the target.


Roman nodded, but there was no need to hide it.

Seeing Roman's calm expression, Zhili did not ask about the two people's situation. Since Roman was back, the outcome of the two people was obvious.

However, Zhili's brows were also furrowed. She did not expect that the problems caused by Izanagi were getting bigger and bigger.

Originally, I thought that the turmoil caused by Izanagi would have a limit, but now it seems that it is getting worse.

"You don't have to think so much, leave it to me."

Roman said casuallyThen he looked at the pot in the kitchen and said, "And your pot..."

Hearing Luo Men's reminder, Zhili also reacted quickly and turned around to continue his previous work.

Seeing Zhili's actions, Luo Men also leaned against the door and watched Zhili operate.

Although they have known each other for many years, it is not like those childhood sweethearts, the more you see, the less you feel different. He feels that facing Zhili, he has a feeling of never getting tired of seeing him.

However, when it comes to the current situation in the Uchiha family, it is actually not simpler than the future Uchiha family.

Radicals, conservatives, and neutrals are all there.

However, since the battle of Kinjiao and Yinjiao a few years ago, in addition to the second generation Senju Tobirama for the Salt Lake Sarutobi Hiruzen group, there is also Uchiha Jing for the group of old Dengdian, and he has disappeared.

It is said that he is missing, but in fact he is dead at the age of 25.

Uchiha Jing was very young at the time. As a disciple of Senju Tobirama, he is also the leader of the conservative faction within Uchiha.

Because of the death or disappearance of Uchiha Kagami, the conservatives weakened directly, and many conspiracy theories of the third generation were born, and the power of the radicals expanded further.

At that time, Uchiha Kagami's unique combination of instant body technique and sword illusion technique was also a strong man among the shadows. But he died so unclearly, and it is really hard to say whether there is any trick.

Then at this time, the emergence of Izanagi's technique further fueled the arrogance of the radicals. Even if it is a situation of certain death, it is only the loss of an eye, so they became more unscrupulous.

However, the eyes have become consumables and need to be replenished, so people from other factions are also targeted.

Luomen and Zhili have no factional inclinations, and the elders have no tendency in this regard. They are powerful enough to maintain their independence and are considered part of the neutral faction.

However, because of this, it is normal to be targeted without any elders behind them.

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