Without paying special attention to it before, it is not an easy task for Romen to find Ultron.

However, after locking Ultron in advance, Romen can naturally determine Ultron's situation.

Of course, locking Ultron's position is not to cause trouble for Ultron.

The current Ultron is not something that can be solved directly by finding a so-called body. Even if Romen tries his best to deal with it, it is not something that can be dealt with in a short time.

Moreover, Ultron has no contradiction with Romen now, so Romen is not going to cause trouble for Ultron for the time being.

However, after paying attention to Ultron's situation, Ultron, who was originally in space and had been beaten into a skeleton, also entered a recovery state visible to the naked eye. Ultron's recovery is not a recovery out of thin air. Romen, who has initially involved the atomic field, can observe that Ultron is constantly absorbing various metal atoms in the surrounding environment, constantly synthesizing new materials, and recovering himself.

Under Romen's observation, as his body continued to recover, Ultron's metal material entered a special fusion state. This time, Ultron's own material began to transform and became a new and special material.

Obviously, the combination of metal and special extraordinary genes formed a special chemical reaction.

Romen was not sure what Ultron's body would look like under this change, but after observing it this way, Ultron seemed to have a good evolutionary space.

"Although there is no Darwin's evolutionary ability of survival of the fittest, the combination of multiple abilities seems to still be able to produce unexpected changes."

Observing Ultron's state, Romen also made an evaluation, and at the same time, he was thinking about whether this change would help him.

On Ultron's side, the scarlet mechanical eyes kept flashing.

He didn't know Romen's observation, and he didn't have the same powerful mental power as Romen, but his perfect control of the body also allowed him to observe the changes in his body at the first time.

After feeling the changes in his body, he was a little uncertain for a moment, whether such a change was good or bad for him.

In essence, Ultron actually hates this kind of unknown change, but on the other hand, he also knows that many black technologies in this world are born from such unexpected changes, so he is also a little uncertain.

Of course, he can directly add materials to himself, without using this self-healing ability to restore his body, which can be said to be the safest.

But if so, then the self-healing ability of this body is also useless in a sense.

"Give it a try, after all, it's just a body!"

After just a moment of hesitation, Ultron also accepted such a change.

After all, for Ultron, the so-called body can be replaced at will.

Although this body is expensive, it is mainly because vibranium is relatively scarce, but it is just a problem that can be solved with money, so it is not a problem.

As for the difficulty of manufacturing, after conquering the relevant technology, it is not difficult to build a body, mainly because of the scarcity of materials. If the materials are sufficient, it is not a problem for him to make as many so-called bodies as he wants.

Moreover, even if there is a problem with this body, there is still the body that originally belonged to Vision as a backup in the short term, right?

As for the choice made by Ultron, Ultron does not know what kind of impact it will bring in the short term, but a brand new road has also unfolded under Ultron's feet.

"Wait until it is completed, and then go to Ultron to take a look. I am not an expert in this area, so I'd better leave it to professionals to study."

After observing for a while, Romen also gave up observing Ultron.

Anyway, with his mental mark, as long as Ultron does not give up this body, Ultron will not be able to escape his surveillance.

"Skynet, show me the situation of the country liberated by Ultron."

Roman thought for a while and asked Skynet.


After receiving Romen's order, Skynet also started to operate immediately.

The firewall formed by many countries is not an unbreakable barrier for Skynet.

If you want to break this joint defense, the more powerful Ultron can't do it, and Skynet naturally can't do it either.

However, if a small hole is drilled on this firewall, and people can freely shuttle inside and outside and collect information, it is not a big problem for Skynet.

And it is not just the information on the Internet, but also the monitoring satellites of various countries, and some video materials can be stolen by Skynet.

For capable people, understanding this world is not a problem.

However, such a firewall is aimed atIt's not those capable people. Basically, those people can see through the so-called Ultron Paradise, which is still somewhat false in a sense.

It's more about creating an information cocoon for those at the bottom.

If what Ultron said can last for a person's life, in a sense, it is indeed worthy of the title of paradise.

However, there are too many unknown mysteries in this world, so it is not very realistic to want to keep it stable.

It didn't take a while for Romen to see a lot of information.

In the countries controlled by Ultron, Romen also saw the completion of assembly lines, and then the birth and manufacture of robots.

Then, the whole city began to change rapidly and earth-shakingly.

Obviously, for manpower, continuous practice is needed to create high-rise buildings. Under the power of robots, they are also rapidly rising from the ground in backward areas.

Agriculture, industry, light industry, service industry, etc., everything, under the intervention of robots, manpower is also rapidly replaced and liberated.

Just as Ultron said at the beginning, every human being was liberated and gained the so-called freedom.

Most humans don't have to work or do anything, just enjoy life. Of course, Ultron can't really leave a small number of excellent talents unused.

Then children still need to learn, because there are many places where excellent human talents cannot be replaced by machines.

Of course, overall, Ultron has also achieved most of the content he described, and even for the so-called second world, Romen also confirmed that the degree of perfection is indeed very high.

It can only be said that it is worthy of the Marvel world where black technology is everywhere, and this is not a rare thing.

"Ultron does have something."

After watching for a while, Romen said so.

Such a change, Romen can't say whether it is good or bad, but for most of the bottom, it is indeed a good change, darkness, full of hope again.

However, the things caused by Ultron have come to an end for the time being.

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