The view in front of him was suddenly blocked by a notebook full of words, and Luo Men also looked at the front in a daze.

Looking at the red-haired beautiful girl holding the notebook in front of him, Luo Men also looked at the contents of the notebook.

"Do you want to go back to my country with me?"

Luo Men saw Eri in front of him and showed some surprise.

Since meeting Eri two years ago, the trajectory of this world has obviously moved towards an unknown direction.

Because of Luo Men's intervention, Eri's fate has also changed dramatically.

No longer limited to a small laboratory, facing a person who has mastered time zero and has powerful power, even the Snake Qi Eight Clan must pay attention to Luo Men's opinions.

Of course, the so-called respect is definitely not obtained through communication.

After knowing the relationship between Eri and Luo Men, the Snake Qi Eight Clan also had crooked thoughts.

However, all conspiracies and tricks are not worth mentioning in the face of absolute tyrannical strength.

Then, Luo Men also taught the Snake Qi Eight Clan what awe is through bloody lessons.

In the final analysis, the nature of the islanders is to fear power rather than virtue.

Romen's strength reminded this group of people of the legendary dragon slayer. After realizing Romen's potential and being defeated, they chose to befriend Romen.

Although Eriyi should be their most powerful weapon in their cognition, and should be completely in their hands. However, due to the instability of her bloodline, Eriyi can't do without the technological treatment of the Snake Eight Clan.

But Romen is different. He is a free and powerful lone ranger, a speed assassin who has mastered time zero, and a ghost-like existence of time. If such an existence has no restrictions, it would be too terrifying.

They can't do the restrictions in the conventional sense, so they chose the so-called fetters.

That's right, it's time for the most familiar part of sending girls to the islanders.

Because Eriyi can't do without the Snake Eight Clan, then Eriyi, who conquered Romen, can be regarded as the Snake Eight Clan conquering Romen in a sense.

It is said that this was a decision made by Eri's "father", Tachibana Masamune, the great family of the Snake Eight Clan.

Of course, this idea is nothing more than the delusion of the Snake Eight Clan itself. For Luo Men, he cannot be constrained by such a force as the Snake Eight Clan.

What's more, others don't know what Tachibana Masamune is, but doesn't Luo Men know it?

In other words, the fox tail of this old guy has not been found, nor has the real body of this old guy been found, otherwise Luo Men would have asked this old guy to see how sharp the knife from Luo Men is.

It's just that this old guy who is afraid of death is more cunning than a rat in the gutter. It's really not an easy thing to catch this old guy.

However, Luo Men has already had a brow to solve this matter, and it will be a problem that can be solved in the future.

Eri's current request made Luo Men somewhat difficult.

It's not a problem to take Eri abroad to play.

But as mentioned earlier, Eri's own problems made her unable to get rid of the technological treatment of the Snake Eight Clan.

The so-called treatment is nothing more than using the serum extracted from the fetal blood of the Deadpool to maintain stability.

Under Genji Heavy Industries, there is a huge Deadpool nest, which cultivates countless Deadpools.

It is precisely because of so many Deadpools that so many serums can be produced to maintain the stability of Eri's bloodline.

However, it is not impossible to cure Eri's bloodline, but it requires extremely pure dragon fetal blood to baptize Eri.

It is not difficult to find a dragon with high blood purity. For others, it is not difficult to kill a giant dragon, but it is not difficult for Romen. But the real difficulty is still the need for fetal blood.

What is fetal blood? It is the blood extracted from the embryonic state.

Even if it is not used to stabilize Eri's bloodline, the extremely pure dragon fetal blood can improve the bloodline of a hybrid without any side effects.

Therefore, in this world, this kind of thing has always been a good thing that is pursued.

If it could be obtained through trading, the Sheqi Eight Clan would have been able to obtain it long ago, and then completely stabilize Eri's bloodline, so why would they treat Eri so troublesomely.

It's not that the Sheqi Eight Clan didn't work hard, but this kind of thing is rare enough and there are many suitors.

Moreover, in order to solve Eri's bloodline problem, at least the fetal blood of the dragon clan of the third generation or above must be obtained.

And the dragon clan of this level is very difficult to deal with.

Even if they are reborn from the cocoon, they will find a very safe place to hide, and there is no way to find them in normal ways.

Some dragon clans with higher status even have their subordinates to protect them., just like Samson, the loyal servant of the Norton brothers, some high-ranking ones are second-generation dragons, and there are also many powerful dragon servants.

Therefore, it is not easy to obtain the so-called dragon fetal blood.

"I will discuss it with you later, okay?"

After thinking for a while, there is no solution for the time being, and Romen also smiled and said to Eri.

Eri stared with a pair of bright big eyes and nodded expectantly.

However, looking at Eri's appearance, Romen felt that this matter was somewhat troublesome.

Before Eri's bloodline was stabilized, it could only be maintained by the means of the Sheqi Eight Clan.

That is, the current emperor of the Sheqi Eight Clan, Yuan Zhisheng is Eri's brother, and with Romen's strong strength, it is still possible to negotiate.

At this point in time, the Sheqi Eight Clan should have developed a serum product that can be carried freely. If there is, if the serum is used without the assistance of those instruments, even if the serum has a certain time limit, it can give Eri some free time, and it is not impossible to take Eri back to China at that time.

"Then let's go to the master's place to eat ramen first."

Seeing Eri agree, Luo Men was relieved and said to Eri.

Hearing Luo Men's words, Eri nodded and did not refuse.

Uesugi Yue is a powerful fighting force. With the existence of Eri, he can also win over.

Over the years, he took Eri to see Uesugi Yue from time to time, and the relationship naturally became more and more familiar.

Although Uesugi Yue and Eri have not recognized each other, the natural blood relationship allows the relationship between the two to quickly become harmonious.

In addition, the ramen made by Uesugi Yue is indeed attentive and delicious enough. Therefore, Eri has always eaten the ramen made by Uesugi Yue, and she has no objection. Instead, she said that she understands Naruto's feelings about Ichiraku Ramen.

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