Different projections of Luomen can be connected through Luomen as the hub.

Just like deducing the skills, Luomen in the world of one person and Luomen in the world of demon slayer can study together with each other, and there are more possibilities.

Just like a single core entering a dual core, one plus one is greater than two, and the strength is greatly improved.

Moreover, the rules of the two worlds are different. While studying the methods of their own world, the methods studied by the projection gods of other worlds can also have the effect of analogy, which is much better than studying alone.

While Luomen in the world of one person began to refer to the breathing method of demon slayer and improve the three levels of reverse life, Luomen in the world of demon slayer also perfected the breathing method by referring to the refining method before finding the twelve demon moons and pearls, in order to go further, and have strength in the future, he can directly kill Muzan.

As for the Do Luomen in the Conan world, Luomen felt that the other party and Haibara Ai were wandering between punishment and non-punishment. Luomen would never admit that such a guy was his projection.

After taking a look in the mirror dimension and preparing to leave, Romen suddenly sensed the vibration of the mirror dimension.

"It seems that the new world I searched for is quite extraordinary."

According to his perception, Romen can feel that this new world is definitely very powerful.

If the Conan world is a marble, the Demon Slayer world is a little bigger than the Conan world, and the world under One Person is much bigger, the size of a football, and the newly connected world is like a sun.

According to Romen's own feeling, the power of this new world may be even stronger than the universe he is in now. Not referring to the entire Marvel multiverse, but the universe he is in.

"It seems that this world is very strong, maybe there is a big guy like Ancient One, so let's just project and reincarnate."

After doing that, Romen returned directly to his original body.


Walking out of his own wooden house, a skinny blond white boy walked out of the wooden house on the side.

"What's wrong, Mane?"

Roman remembered everyone in the base very clearly, and except for a few people who did not have their abilities sublimated, everyone else had been enhanced by him, so he had a very clear understanding of everyone.

Mane's ability after being enhanced is called rational thinking, which improves the development of the brain to a certain extent, and it will keep people rational after it is activated. Therefore, in order to play to his strengths, Mane learned hacking technology, and his hacking skills are already better than Romen's.

Seeing Mane's solemn expression, Romen guessed that things should not be simple.

"I found a laboratory."

Hearing Mane's words, Romen narrowed his eyes and asked, "Mutants?"

"They don't even let children go!"

Looking at Romen, Mane was a little excited. At this time, he did not activate his own abilities, so his emotions could be expressed normally.

"Take me to see."

Hearing Romen's words, Mane also took Romen into his wooden house and came to his computer.

Mane's computer was not turned off. The content on it seemed to be surveillance footage. There were many children in the surveillance footage, the youngest was only three or four years old, and the oldest was only seven or eight years old.

Roman could clearly see that in several pictures, several figures in white coats appeared, and then pointed and talked to some children. Although he could not hear the sound, Roman could definitely see that these people were abusing these children.

In addition, this was a place to study mutants. These people wanted to stimulate these children in this way and then stimulate their superpowers.

Mutants are more likely to awaken superpowers when they are emotionally unstable, just like Magneto was persecuted in a concentration camp when he was a child, and then awakened his superpowers.

These people are no different from scum. Even children of three or four years old can be beaten hard.


Roman noticed that one of the children, who was about six years old, suddenly turned into a ball of black mist and disappeared on the spot, and then appeared in another place. Roman's eyes also lit up.

But before the child could demonstrate it a few more times, he was put on a suppression ring and taken to another area.

But Romen also recognized it. This is the teleportation ability, which is an upgraded version of the teleportation ability.

The distance of teleportation may be within the field of vision. If you can't see it, you can't move to it.

Then teleportation is to move through the power of the mind. Even if it is a place you have never been to, as long as there is a clear structural diagram, you can try to transfer it. The representative characters are Red Devil and Night Walker.

However, teleportation has noWhat is going on? After the teleportation moves, there will be a cloud of smoke.

However, even so, the strategic significance of having teleportation ability is beyond words.

Therefore, after seeing the mutant with teleportation, Romen made up his mind and prepared to save the mutant in the laboratory.

Originally, there was the idea of ​​saving people, and the mutant with teleportation made this rescue operation more cost-effective.

"Do you know the location?"

Hearing Romen's words, Mane's eyes also showed a little more joy, and he knew that Romen would not watch the death without saving.

"I'll find a map for you."

After saying that, Romen sat in front of the computer, and then operated it, and soon he made a map.

On the map, you can clearly see the sign of the base where Romen is located, and then the location of this laboratory needs to move east for nearly a hundred kilometers. To the east, you need to cross the Nevada Mountains and enter Nevada.

Speaking of landmarks in Nevada, Las Vegas is also known as the gambling city and the entertainment capital of the world.

Of course, Las Vegas is located in the south of Nevada and has nothing to do with Roman's goal.

"Notify everyone to hold a meeting."

After looking at the map, Roman said to Mane in silence for a moment.


Now everyone has a mobile phone in their hands, so Mane also sent the message directly to the internally developed, extremely simple communication APP, and directly sent a notification in the chat group of everyone.

Then leaving Mane's wooden house, Roman also walked towards the direction of the cave.

The cave of the previous temporary residence, after the subsequent wooden house was built. , It was also made into a place for everyone to meet together. The space inside has been opened up, and it is also wide and quiet enough, so it is very suitable for meetings.

After lighting up the meeting cave, Roman also sat at the head of the huge round table, waiting for everyone to arrive.

Of course, the territory was not very big and the number of people was not large, so it didn’t take long for everyone to gather and sit around a huge round table.

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