"Powerful telepaths are really hard to solve."

Looking at the dozens of children gathered around him, Luo Men couldn't help but sigh.

The plan to invade the laboratory and save mutant children was quite successful and did not encounter any resistance.

The strength of the superpowers copied from the mirror image, except for the ability to grow as a king, is linked to his most basic mirror control ability.

During this period, Luo Men's strength has also increased significantly, so his own superpowers have also become much stronger.

Let's talk about the telepathic superpower. Although it is still far inferior to Professor X, it is not difficult to manipulate the minds of some ordinary people. Even if there are mutant guards in this laboratory, there is no danger and they are directly solved by Luo Men.

Speaking of this, in addition to copying the superpower of teleportation, Luo Men also copied a telekinetic ability. So far, Luo Men has the ability to attack from a distance and has the confidence to be cool and unrestrained.

Because the basis of telekinesis is mental power, and Romen, who has telepathy as the basis, quickly became proficient in the manipulation of telekinesis.

Speaking of which, the telekinetic ability user was only at the second level, but was able to resist Romen's mental invasion to a certain extent, and was then directly solved by Romen in a physical way.

The ability of telepathy made Romen the king of assassins. Even if he stood in front of him, he could not be seen. Combined with Mane's invasion of the base's network, he could only be said to be invincible.

However, after successfully saving everyone, Romen felt a little headache.

There are so many little kids, the oldest is less than ten years old, and the youngest is only three or four years old. It is very troublesome to take care of them.

As for various material problems, Romen is not very worried.

As for food, relying on Lisa's plant manipulation ability, the base's crops can feed hundreds of people without any problem. As for meat food, fishing and hunting can also be used to supplement nutrition.

As for other materials such as seasonings, Romen can also buy them at zero-dollar stores. After all, Romen, who has telepathic abilities, will not be discovered by ordinary people after hacking the camera.

"Forget it, let's take the people back first."

After looking at these little kids, all of whom showed pitiful expressions, Romen decided to take them back first.

If they are not taken back, these mutant children will still face a cruel reality without any human rights.

As for the righteous superheroes such as the Avengers, not to mention the troubles they have encountered, people with ulterior motives will not tell these superheroes about these children.

Moreover, the decline of mutants is the collective consensus of this country, and the power of a few superheroes cannot change anything.

Finally, the current situation of mutants still needs to be changed by mutants.

Since Professor X proposed the concept of mutants and continuously strengthened the concept of independence, mutants are no longer considered ordinary humans, even if there is no difference between mutants and ordinary humans.

Although there was a relatively peaceful stage between humans and mutants. However, after the appearance of Apocalypse, everything changed directly. The subsequent problems of the X-Men team, coupled with the research on genetically modified food, directly led to the decline of mutants.

Take all the children into a bus, which is borrowed by Romen through telepathy, and will be returned later. After all, it is not difficult to borrow again.

"Everyone sit tight, we are going to set off."

Buck is driving. This time, Romen brought Buck alone. Buck has good combat power and taught himself to drive, so bringing him out can be regarded as liberating Romen.

Buck drove, and Romen comforted these mutant children.

Perhaps it was because of his high appearance and the charm brought by the ability of being born as a king, Romen quickly gained the trust of these children. Even the power of being born as a king is very clear in Romen's perception.

"I have touched the bottleneck of level 4."

The feeling in the dark made Romen understand his own state.

Born to be a king is a growth-type ability that increases the power of itself based on the original power of Romen. In the same realm, this kind of increase is not a problem, but when breaking through the bottleneck, only Romen's own power is needed.

If it is just the Born to be a King ability, then you need to gain more followers, or more trust, and gain more permanent power. However, in addition to the permanent power of Born to be a King, Romen also has the feedback power brought by the mirror dimension, so breaking throughThere are more channels.

However, since the non-permanent amplification power has made Romen touch the bottleneck of breakthrough, it will not take Romen a particularly long time to become a fourth-level Alpha-level mutant.

Recently, with many projections doing things, the power of the mirror dimension has been continuously strengthened, and Romen's strength has been increasing faster and faster.

Holding a four-year-old girl and looking at the children around him, Romen did not expect that one day he would become the king of children. Speaking of which, in his previous life, he was also very attractive among children. Could it be that he has a talent in this area?

The little girl in his arms is an Alpha-level mutant, yes, a very rare fourth-level mutant. It's just that it has just been awakened for a short time, and the information has not been transmitted yet, and it was intercepted by Romen.

However, because the child awakened his superpowers in a more intense way, his state is quite unstable. Although Romen comforted him through telepathy, he can only get enough sense of security in Romen's arms, otherwise there is a risk of losing control at any time, so Romen is also holding the baby for the time being.

It is easy to awaken abilities when the emotions are intense, but abilities can be better mastered when the emotions are stable.

The little girl has no name, only a number, which is also normal. Maybe she was not born normally, so Romen named her Lucy.

Lucy's ability is related to luck. Luck modification is to modify people's luck according to the girl's subjective will, whether it is good or bad. The lucky European locusts can get what they want, and the unlucky Africans may face the death.

However, because of her unstable emotions, the little girl had basically brought bad luck to the people around her before, and it was almost a large-scale death theater. Fortunately, she was comforted in time.

When Romen was holding her, Romen used a card drawing game to test it a little. His luck was much better. It was normal to get two golds and three golds in ten consecutive draws. This luck amplification ability was really outrageous. This was unconscious use of the ability.

It can be imagined that if Lucy's ability is fully mastered and further improved, Lucy can completely become the lucky goddess that eight million warriors in the dungeon crave, and it is not a dream to fully strengthen the weapon.

However, looking at Lucy who was sleeping with a smile on her face, Romen felt that this trip was so lucky. Who knows, there might be some positive benefits from this little guy.

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