The appearance of the explorer is a bit like a water drop, roughly the size of a human head, and the whole thing has a silver metallic luster.

As the cutting-edge technology of Krakoa at present, the explorer is equipped with a micro anti-gravity device, so it can fly without the help of external forces.

However, because the maturity of the anti-gravity device is not particularly perfect, anti-gravity equipment is not yet popular in Krakoa.

After activating these explorers, the follow-up will be controlled by Skynet.

After seeing Skynet complete the control of the explorer, Romen also directly activated the Krakoa Flower, and then looked at the explorer next to him.

Then these explorers, under the control of Skynet, entered the portal in an orderly manner.

Because it is a journey through the universe, if you don't enter, you really don't know what will happen, and you can't see what will happen on the other side.

"Will there be any problems?"

Charles looked at Eric beside him and asked his good friend.

He felt a little dangerous about the unknown of such an uncertain situation.

But he also knew that the new universe is not only dangerous, but also has more opportunities.

"It won't be a problem, just wait a moment."

Roman didn't turn around, but answered first.

With his ability, as long as he is not a strong man in the multiverse, any risk can be eliminated at the first time. It must be said that the infinite gems are like bugs in this universe, especially when the things they are good at correspond to the rules of the gems.


Hearing what Roman said, Charles also nodded.

Roman's strong strength is also their confidence.

Since Roman said there is no problem, then they also believe that there must be no problem.

However, after waiting for a long time, no explorer came out of the portal, and no one came out of it, which made people a little confused.

If there is any danger, then they should go directly through this portal and come to this universe.

If there is no danger, then at least there will be an explorer, and he should come back from the other side of the portal to report the initial exploration information.

Explorers use a clustered honeycomb system to transmit information between each other. If there are enough of them, they can initially explore the situation in an area at the fastest speed, and then one of them will return to transmit the information.

However, at the moment, the explorer has not returned, which is very confusing.

"BOSS, the first return time set by the explorer has exceeded the time."

At this time, the voice of Skynet sounded.

Romen also nodded. The explorer set a first return time. As long as this time is reached, he will definitely come back. If he does not come back, it is obvious that an accident has occurred.

For a while, Romen was not sure what happened on the other side.

If he entered the universe on the other side, the two infinite gems on his body would be directly useless. If there is any emergency at that time, he will not be able to solve it.

But if he does not go over, no one knows what the situation on the other side is.

As for letting Charles and Eric go over, Romen thought about it, but directly ruled it out.

If the environment on the other side is extremely bad, then as long as they go over, these two fragile guys will die immediately, which is a waste.

For a moment, Romen couldn't think of how to do it.

"Boss, why not use a video recorder to detect?"

At this time, Skynet made a suggestion.


Hearing the news from Skynet, Romen nodded, and then quickly got a video recorder, and after turning it on, he used a long pole to probe into the portal.

If the explorer hadn't failed, he really wouldn't have thought of this method.

But the explorer had an accident, so he could only rely on such a relatively primitive method.

After a while, Romen took the camera back from the opposite side, and then checked it and found that it was useless.

"The appearance of the device was not damaged, but the precision parts inside were damaged a lot, and it can no longer be used. It should be affected by a strong electromagnetic pulse."

Eric, who has magnetic field induction, also told the results of his test in the fastest time.

After further developing his own abilities, it is not surprising that Magneto has developed so much in terms of sophistication.

Hearing Magneto's words and the so-called electromagnetic pulse, Romen felt that he had caught some inspiration, but he couldn't remember what it was for a while.

Now it is obvious that because of the powerful electromagnetic pulse on the other side, the means of technology have lost their effectiveness.Results.

And in the case of uncertainty about the other side, they dare not let anyone go easily.

And the ability of telepathy, after passing through the portal, also lost its effect directly. Obviously, it is impossible to observe across the universe. Even if it seems to be passing through only a portal, it seems to be crossing an infinite distance.

Obviously, conventional scientific and technological means have lost their means, so they have returned to the most primitive way.

Creatures such as mice, sparrows, monkeys, etc., come one by one to test the situation on the other side.

It is more primitive than using a video recorder, but there is no way, only this method can be used to test. If you really let someone in directly, it would be a bit irresponsible.

"I'll go in and take a look?"

Finally, looking at the cage taken out of the portal and the monkey still jumping in the cage, Magneto couldn't help but speak.

If the situation on the other side is relatively safe, with the ability to control the magnetic field, he is more suitable than Charles. Magneto, who can control magnetic flight, has full mobility and good combat effectiveness.

With the protective suit on his body, he can deal with general dangers, and if he encounters no danger, he can also come back quickly.


Hearing Eric's words, Romen thought for a while and nodded.

Although, Romen actually wanted to find Wolverine Logan, who has a strong self-healing ability and an adamantium skeleton, Wolverine's survivability can be said to be full.

But since Lao Wan volunteered, Romen would not refuse Lao Wan.

Lao Wan's ability is enough for him to protect himself.

After confirming that there is no danger to the survival environment on the other side, Lao Wan is enough to face most of the environments with his own ability.

If Lao Wan evolves his own ability to the Omega level, Lao Wan who has mastered the power of the magnetic field can even rely on the magnetic field to be immortal, but Lao Wan's current strength is almost enough.

In terms of potential alone, there are not many mutants in Krakoa who are expected to become Omega, but Lao Wan is one, and Charles on the side is also one.

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