"Then I'll go in."

After getting ready, Eric didn't say much, and walked into the portal under Charles's somewhat worried eyes.

After waiting for a while, Roman and Charles also saw that Eric walked out of the portal unscathed, and under his control, there were explorers who seemed to have lost their abilities.

Obviously, these explorers, like the video recorder, were affected by the electromagnetic pulse and were directly damaged by the power of the electromagnetic pulse.

"How is it?"

Looking at Eric, Charles also asked hurriedly.

"It seems to be New York on the other side, but this New York seems to be abandoned. It seems that the entire planet over there is full of powerful electromagnetic pulses."

Eric looked at Roman and Charles, and frowned and said.

After hearing Eric's words, Roman and Charles were also stunned.

Abandoned New York makes people have many associations.

But after hearing Magneto's words, Roman also thought of something.

In Marvel comics, there is a story called Dark Ages. The promotional concept map shows Tony Stark, who seems to be allied with the mutant villain Apocalypse, standing in the grim future after the apocalypse wearing a steam-driven steel armor.

Romen has some understanding of this story. Specifically, there is a living robot inside the earth that was locked up by the Living Tribunal more than 10 billion years ago. This robot is called Unmaker, which can be called a restorer or a destroyer.

It has to be said that there are always various problems inside the earth.

For example, Tiamu of the Celestial Group is a swarm of cosmic locusts. There is even a geocentric world in the center of their earth, and a large number of Titans live there.

It can only be said that as the heart of the universe, the earth does have a certain weight in this title.

The universe in the Dark Ages is roughly the resurrection of the restorers, then the confrontation of superheroes, and finally Doctor Strange opens a portal to a world without electricity and a world full of electromagnetic pulses. In the end, because he was killed, the portal was not closed. In the end, the powerful electromagnetic pulse radiated from the core of the earth to the outside, and finally affected the whole world.

It has to be said that this is another big thing caused by Strange.

"Then let's go and take a look."

Roman thought for a while and said to the two people beside him.

If the opposite side is the universe of the Dark Age, then as long as the restorer inside the earth has not revived, then he has nothing to worry about. Even if he does not use the Infinity Stones, he is still a strong man at the talent level. Strong men at this level can more or less stand firm in the Marvel world.

And the big villain in this dark age, Apocalypse, is a representative strong man among mutants.

But although Apocalypse is very strong, he is still a fourth-level mutant. He can only be regarded as a strong man at the sub-father level, and he belongs to the existence that can be easily controlled by Romen.

Sub-father strong men generally refer to those who can exert the power of the sub-father level but cannot resist the real father strong men. And Apocalypse, a fourth-level extreme mutant, is one of the stronger benchmarks among the sub-father strong men.

Seeing Romen speak, Charles did not refuse. He was also curious about the world full of electromagnetic pulses over there.

Under the influence of electromagnetic pulses, all kinds of electrical machines in that world cannot be used. Has the earth in that world regressed to the primitive age?

Romen took the lead and walked directly into the portal.

Magneto over there left a bunch of abandoned explorers, which will be recycled by Skynet's machines.

Eric also looked at his friend, and then the two followed him in.

The world on the other side was in a dark state at this time, and they were in a corner of New York.

Perhaps because there was no electricity, the city that should theoretically be flashing neon lights was also plunged into darkness.

Once, in the dark night sky, the bright stars were extremely clear, which can be said to be a beautiful scenery that is almost impossible to see in modern cities.

In modern big cities, because of various lighting equipment, it is almost impossible to see the stars in the sky clearly.

And now, in the city of New York, you can actually see the starlight, which is really amazing.

After entering this world, Romen discovered that the Infinity Stones, which originally had infinite energy and powerful power, had becomeAfter entering the world, there was no powerful energy, just like those ordinary gems, which seemed to be no different.

"It seems that it is not completely without effect."

However, after a careful feeling, Romen felt that although the infinite gem had lost all its energy, some of its extraordinary characteristics seemed to have not disappeared.

For example, the amplification of his spatial ability by the space gem can be amplified by himself by supplying energy. Although it is not as good as the situation in the main universe, it is indeed good news compared to complete failure.

After thinking about it, Romen activated his telepathic ability, and then through the amplification of the mind gem, he directly covered the entire earth, and then sensed most of it and placed it in the center of the earth.

As expected, Romen also saw the hole in the center of the earth, and the huge robot standing in the center of the earth. In addition, above the center of the earth, there is a huge portal open, which continuously pours out powerful electromagnetic pulses.

"It really is the universe of the Dark Ages."

After observing for a while, Romen also confirmed his previous guess.

Thinking of the universe in the dark age, Romen was not sure what he could get in this world.

The most basic thing is roughly the living space. Because of the chaos after the loss of technology in the early days, the human beings on this planet have lost a lot. But after thinking about it, Krakoa can still grow, so this is meaningless.

There are also various other resources, but when machines cannot be used for mining, other methods are more or less inefficient.

Finally, the most important point is the population, the population of mutants.

In this world, there are many mutants that do not exist in his world. It is just that when famous figures like Magneto and Professor X exist, it is definitely unrealistic to bring all of them to Krakoa.

The biggest problem of traveling through the universe is to meet another self, especially famous figures like Magneto and Professor X.

After thinking about it, these problems can be put aside for later thinking, and now explore this world first.

The little information Romen knows is that the core of the earth in this world is in Wakanda, yes, the Wakanda of Black Panther, and the city built with vibranium is strong enough.

Thinking of this, Romen also extended his mental power towards Wakanda.

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