"What is this?"

At this moment, after Romen strengthened his superpowers, Buck's superpowers changed to muscle strengthening, and his appearance became a muscular man.

Originally patrolling the island, he adapted to his strengthened body, and that's why Buck noticed the movement on the sea surface at the first time.

Although Buck's superpowers did not strengthen his five senses much, they were still far beyond the existence of ordinary people.

Because the distance was far, Buck could only see the outline of a huge human figure. Although he didn't know what it was, one thing he could be sure of was that this huge human figure was definitely not just passing by.


Therefore, Buck also shouted, and his enhanced body function allowed people on the entire island to basically hear his voice.

In an instant, all the mutants on the entire island responded immediately. The young and non-combatants entered the cave formed inside a mountain in the center of the island, and the older and more combat-capable mutants quickly came to Buck's position to gather.

"Little Lucy, can you go with them into the cave?"

Lisa was going to take Lucy into the air defense first, and then immediately go to Buck's side to gather.

Roman specially entrusted Lucy to Lucy. When Romen was away, Lisa protected Lucy, and Romen was also very relieved.

After completing the baptism of the Mind Stone yesterday, Romen improved his strength and had the power to further help others strengthen their superpowers. Due to time constraints, he only helped Buck and Lisa strengthen their superpowers.

After the strengthening, in addition to Romen and Lucy, there were two level 4 mutants in the territory again.

In addition to Romen, the strongest combat power is only two people.

After the strengthening, the superpower becomes plant control. The single-body blasting ability may not be as good as Buck, but the large-scale combat plus control ability is definitely far better than Buck.

Moreover, Lisa's personality is delicate, and entrusting Lucy to her also makes Romen feel relieved.

"Brother is back, I'm not afraid."

Hearing Lucy's words, Lisa was speechless for a while.

Luo Men's fighting power is indeed incomprehensible. If Luo Men comes back, it is indeed safe and worry-free. There is no need to worry about safety issues.

However, Lucy said that Luo Men came back, but she didn't see Luo Men, how could she relax? If Lucy had an accident, wouldn't it be a headache.

"You don't know where Luo Men is going, how can you know that he is back."


Hearing Lucy's words, Lisa also had a headache.

But thinking of Lucy's ability, Lisa felt that Lucy's feeling might be accurate.

Lucy's ability, the specifics were not revealed, but as Luo Men's confidant, Lisa also knew more or less, that is, Lucy's luck, and luck is sometimes unreasonable.

"You said feeling, then where do you say he is?"

"Over there!"

Hearing Lisa's question, Lucy also pointed in a direction without hesitation, and that direction was exactly the direction where Buck made the sound.

After hearing Lucy's words, Lisa had some guesses instantly, and immediately asked Lucy: "Do you feel any danger?"

Lucy's ability is related to luck. If there is danger, it is bad luck, and Lucy may be able to detect it.


Lucy's answer was very decisive, and Lisa also confirmed her guess.

"Okay, then come with me."

Lisa was also decisive. After confirming the situation, she also decisively picked up Lucy. A large number of vines grew under her feet, and then it didn't take long for them to come to the gathering place of Buck and others under the spread of vines.

"Lisa, you are here." Buck was relieved to see the appearance of vines. If he was the only one to deal with danger, he still felt a little stressed.

However, when Buck turned his head to look at Lisa, he found Lucy in Lisa's arms, and asked in confusion: "Why did you bring Lucy here? If there is danger, we can't take care of her."


A mutant girl standing behind Buck also looked at Lucy with a worried look.

"Don't worry, Kenley, use your super sense of smell to see if there is any scent of Romen in that direction."

Lisa comforted everyone and looked at Kenley behind.

Kenley was distracted for a moment when he heard Lisa's words, and then he thought of something, nodded to Lisa, closed his eyes in that direction, and then used his super sense of smell.

Although Kenley's ability level is still only level three, the range that can be covered isThe area is actually very large. Moreover, according to the wind direction on the sea, it is blowing towards them. If there is any familiar smell, he will not ignore it.

Although Romen can surround his body with a telekinetic barrier, he still needs to interact with the surrounding air to obtain oxygen for a long time. At this time, some smell will still leak out, and such a little smell is enough for Kenley to play.

"There is Romen's breath. There are two breaths in that direction, one is Romen's, and the other is full of natural breath."

After a while, Kenley opened his eyes and spoke to everyone. His current super sense of smell can not only smell the smell, but also the emotion and even the energy. In short, it is no longer an ordinary sense of smell. If it evolves again, it will be more magical.

Hearing Kenley's words, everyone's eyes brightened a little.

Therefore, while everyone remained alert, their emotions were also relieved a lot.

"Is it Roman? Roman is driving a giant tree man?"

A moment later, when the giant tree man-like Krakoa gradually approached the island, the mutants with good eyesight could see Krakoa's image clearly, and naturally they could also see Roman, who was like a small black dot, on top of Krakoa's head.

To be honest, the mutants present couldn't help but feel a little scared when they saw Krakoa's somewhat hideous appearance, but they quickly felt relieved when they saw Roman.

Unconsciously, they were infected by Roman's charm. Roman had become the pillar of stability in everyone's heart. As long as Roman existed, no one was afraid in the face of such an unprecedented scene.


And Lucy, who was in Lisa's arms, saw the figure of Roman on top of Krakoa and shouted with joy.

After all, she knew that her brother would be able to accompany her for several days after he came back.

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