Standing on top of Krakoa, Romen had a pretty good vision.

Moreover, Romen had good eyesight, and even with telepathy, the movements on his own island were completely within his perception.

"Lisa? Maybe she can have a different reaction from Krakoa."

Suddenly seeing Lisa, Romen's eyes lit up a bit.

Krakoa is still a special creature composed of various plants and soil and rocks, and the proportion of them may be relatively large.

Although Lisa's ability to control plants is somewhat unrealistic to control Krakoa, the energy transmitted by the ability to accelerate plant growth may also be beneficial to Krakoa, and can further accelerate Krakoa's growth.

Moreover, Romen also knew that there was a special plant called Krako Flower growing on Krakoa. This plant can be said to be the top magical plant. Not only can it develop many medicines, but it can also have very magical power simply by relying on its own strength.

And Lisa's ability, to a certain extent, is quite consistent with Krakoa.

"Wait for me."

After communicating with Krakoa, Roman decisively broke through the speed of sound, made a detonation and disappeared from the spot, and the next moment he came to the front of everyone gathered together. Under his superb control, everyone just felt a cool sea breeze blowing.




Seeing Roman's appearance, everyone greeted him one after another.

"What's going on?"

Looking at Roman, Lisa couldn't help but point to the majestic giant standing on the sea.

Hearing Lisa's question, the others also looked at Roman in unison, hoping that Roman could give a suitable explanation.

Roman was not in a hurry. He took Lucy, who was impatient, from Lisa's arms, and then calmly explained the existence of Krakoa to everyone.

"So, in other words, this giant is transformed from an island, and we will settle on this Krakoa in the future?"

Buck's face was also a little strange. No matter how he looked at Krakoa, he couldn't see the appearance of an island.

Lisa noticed another point instead, and looked at Romen in confusion and asked: "So we have to pay for the energy needed by Krakoa, so what kind of energy does Krakoa need?"

"Normal energy such as nuclear energy, electrical energy or meat-converted bioenergy can maintain the operation of Krakoa, but to promote the growth of Krakoa, sufficient extraordinary power is needed."

Hearing Romen's words, Lisa was a little confused about what this extraordinary power was.

"Lisa, the energy you use to promote plant growth should be enough, as well as mutants, other enhanced people, and the bodies of superpowers."

Hearing Romen's words, it was okay at first, but later it involved the bodies of mutants. Isn't this a bit exaggerated?

"Don't worry, it won't be the corpse of one of our own. After Krakoa becomes an island, Lisa, you can try your energy to see if it can be useful to Krakoa."


Out of trust in Roman, no one else objected, and Lisa also directly accepted the job given by Roman. This is no different from ripening crops, except that the target has become Krakoa.

Roman didn't tell everyone about the other magical things about Krakoa, and it would be useless to tell everyone. They all came from the laboratory and knew everything. To specifically study the products of Krakoa, scientists of sufficient level are still needed. It just so happens that the target he wants to contact is also a very outstanding scientist.

"Buck, gather everyone together first, I will communicate with Krakoa and let Krakoa directly merge this island, and then we will directly settle on Krakoa in the future."


Hearing Roman's order, Buck did not hesitate and ran directly to the direction of the refuge cave, ready to summon the mutants there.

The muscle strengthening ability has improved Buck in all aspects, including burst, strength, speed, and physique. Therefore, when he burst out with all his strength, his speed is also quite amazing. Although he did not break the speed of sound, it was not much different.

Soon, under Buck's call, everyone came to the beach and gathered with Roman and the others.


After seeing everyone gathered, Roman looked at Krakoa and communicated with Krakoa.

After receiving Roman's message, Krakoa immediately started his own actions.

On the vast ocean, the huge Krakoa suddenlyIt began to fall, and the entire sea shook violently, rolling up several waves. Under the influence of the mysterious power, Krakoa's body gradually became huge, and his lower body began to shrink upward until it touched the sky. His body also began to change, as if it was made of the most solid rocks, with clear textures, full of strength and life.

Its lower body was deeply inserted into the sea water, like an ancient root system, stable and powerful. The sea water began to surge around his body, sparkling, like a gem inlaid on blue satin. His skin became harder in contact with the sea water, like a natural rock, and formed a towering island with the ups and downs of the waves.

The island was green and full of trees. The hair and fingers that originally belonged to the giant have now turned into continuous mountains and steep cliffs. Birds soared over the island, bringing vitality and vitality to this new land. The animals and plants on the island thrived on this fertile land, and together built a new ecological kingdom.

Krakoa's eyes turned into lakes, deep and peaceful, reflecting the changing colors of the sky. His breath turned into wind, gently brushing every corner of the island, taking away the heat and bringing coolness. His heart formed a towering mountain, as if it was the heart of the island, beating with an eternal rhythm.

  It was like an amazing natural wonder, not at all like the giant tree man before, as if everything was supposed to be like this.


Seeing such a magical scene, Buck opened his mouth wide and couldn't help but speak.

Even Lucy, who was thinking about her brother Romen, was attracted by the magical scene before and couldn't help looking at Krakoa. The little guy's little head couldn't understand how such a giant could become a bigger island. Lucy, who couldn't figure it out, couldn't help but chew her thumb.

But no matter what happened to others, Krakoa's transformation into an island was also in place.

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