"What do you want to say, Senior Brother Lu?"

Sitting opposite Lu Jin in a pavilion in the Sanyi Sect, Luo Men poured a cup of tea for Lu Jin, and then poured a cup of tea for himself.

The tea was brewed from the best tea leaves. Although it was at the end of the Anti-Japanese War, with the strength of the Sanyi Sect, there was no shortage of tea leaves.

"I hope to use the power of the Sanyi Sect to protect someone."

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Jin looked at Luo Men with a bit of embarrassment in his eyes.

This sentence was about the Sanyi Sect, but in fact it was mainly about Luo Men.

Having reached the third level of the third level of the reverse life, Luo Men is now the pinnacle of the current world. It is just to protect a master of the Eight Wonders, which is nothing more than that.

Previously, he was in an impulsive stage and was not prepared to find his good brother for protection in the first time. He thought about seeking revenge on Wu Gensheng first. But now that Luo Men is fully capable of solving Wu Gensheng's problem, he is thinking about protecting his good brother again.

Although Zheng Zibu and Wu Gensheng, his enemy, became sworn brothers, he was still his good brother after all, so if there was a chance, he would still like to save him.

Since the Lu family was founded, the family tradition has always been very positive. The current situation is that all factions are united to fight against foreign enemies. The Lu family chose to stay out of the matter of the leak of the list of thirty-six thieves, which actually means not to cause trouble and not to contact any of the thirty-six people.

It is definitely unrealistic to rely on the power of the family to protect his good friends, and his own power is definitely not enough to protect his good brothers, so he also thought of Luo Men.

However, if he got involved in this matter, it would bring some trouble to the Sanyi Sect, which was also his hesitant idea.

Seeing the embarrassment on Lu Jin's handsome face, Luo Men took a sip of tea.

He knew that in the original historical time and space, the decision to seek revenge on Wu Gensheng first directly led to the demise of the Sanyi Sect, and then when he found Zheng Zibu, he did not save him. Lu Jin claimed to have a flawless life, and his only inner demons were roughly these two things.

Luo Men liked Lu Jin more.

Although he was a little bit cautious, he had a good personality and was actually good to him. If he could help, he would naturally help.

This matter was actually not a problem for him.

"If it really doesn't work, just treat me as..."

"It doesn't matter, just come back when you find someone, and I, Sanyi Sect, am not afraid of such a small cause and effect."

Is it a problem for Sanyi Sect to take over an eight-odd skill?

To say yes, there is a little bit, but it can also be said that there is no problem.

As long as it is not exposed, just like the Lu family or the Wang family, they obtained the eight-odd skills through dishonorable means and hid them, and later they were not the ones who should be the ten masters, and there was no problem.

For example, Wudang, which owns Fenghou Qimen, exposed the fact that it has this skill, and no one dared to go to Wudang to make trouble, that is, to make trouble for Wang Ye who quit Wudang.

If Zhang Huaiyi returns to Longhu Mountain, with the presence of the old master, no one will dare to mess around no matter how much others covet him. Going all out to be the best is not just talk.

At present, Luo Men may still be some distance away from the future top master, but he is basically at a big level, just with a gap in accumulation.

Therefore, the current Sanyi Sect is also fully qualified to accept a copy of the Eight Wonders.

Even if Luo Men wants to collect all the Eight Wonders, it is not impossible, but it is meaningless.

For Luo Men, it is okay to have the Eight Wonders or not. He has found his own way, and the Eight Wonders are just a little supplement to himself.

Although the abilities of the Eight Wonders are all magical, the abilities of various mutants and superpowers that the original body can meet in the Marvel Universe are not worse than the Eight Wonders. They can be obtained through mirror copying, which is more convenient.

Therefore, Luo Men's attitude towards the owners of the Eight Wonders is that they can hand over the Eight Wonders to obtain his protection. If they do not want protection, he will not force it, nor will he do it based on protection. It is that simple. The Jiashen Rebellion, in the final analysis, is just like this. In the final analysis, the intensity may not be as high as the fight with those aliens from the island country.

Hearing Luo Men's words, Lu Jin also paused, looking at Luo Men who looked indifferent, he was also somewhat moved in his heart.

He knew that what he wanted to do could not affect the family. However, if it affected his own sect, the Sanyi Sect, he also felt that it would be a bit bad, but he really had no choice.

But Luo Men's answer did move him a little. Although he didn't know why Luo Men agreed, there must be a reason.Part of his factors.

"Thank you."

Therefore, Lu Jin looked at Luo Men and thanked him very sincerely.

"We are all brothers, there is no need to be so distant."

Lu Men smiled, drank the tea in the cup, and put down the cup.

"Since Brother Lu's business is over, I should also go to find Wu Gensheng."

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Jin felt a flash in front of his eyes, as if a white light flashed, and then Luo Men, who was originally sitting opposite, had disappeared.

The third level of the three levels of Nisheng can make people turn into pure qi and fly in the air.

When Zuo Ruotong broke through before, Lu Jin could only see some clues, but if you say how much deep impression he had, it really wasn't much.

But now Luo Men's performance really opened Lu Jin's eyes.

Not to mention the speed, Huawei sent a white light straight into the blue sky, and in the blink of an eye, the wine disappeared into the sky. This method is really amazing. This junior brother of mine deserves the title of exiled immortal.

"Really amazing."

With some aspirations in his heart, Lu Jin also imagined that he would break through the third level of Dao Nisheng, and then go back to repay Zhang Zhiwei's revenge. The pleasure of holding Zhang Zhiwei at will seemed very exciting, and the blood in his body was surging all of a sudden.

After spending some time to calm down the agitated emotions, Lu Jin temporarily stopped thinking about the third level of Nisheng.

The most important thing at the moment is to find his good brother, Zheng Zibu, and then save him.

Before, he was not sure, but now that he got Luo Men's promise, Lu Jin naturally had a lot more confidence. The most important thing is that after seeing Luo Men's flying method, he felt that his junior brother's strength was unfathomable, and the subsequent risks of saving people were not a big trouble.

"I'm leaving too."

After finishing the tea in the cup in one gulp, Lu Jin packed up and left Trinity Gate alone.

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