On a hill that was not very high, Luo Men quietly looked in one direction.

Through the channels of Sanyi Sect and the Lu family, Luo Men also locked Wu Gensheng's escape route, and then found a predicted position to block him.

Floating in the air, sitting cross-legged in the void, Luo Men was like an immortal.

However, this area was a place where few people went, so there would not be any blind passers-by passing by.

Luo Men, who was in a state of unity between man and nature, had a unique God's perspective after the transformation of the transparent world, which was quite vast.

In the forest not far away, Luo Men also saw a man with a rather embarrassed and sloppy image, who was moving quickly through the jungle. His agile skills were far inferior to those of even the most flexible apes.

"Huh~ I finally got rid of everyone."

Wu Gensheng wiped the sweat from his face and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although his strength was very strong, it was only by relying on the peculiarity of his own divine spirit that he could have such a status today. If a fight really breaks out, two fists cannot defeat four hands, so you have to run away.

Wu Gensheng, or Feng Yao, is just a relatively strong alien, but he does not have the power to dominate the world by himself.

At this time, Wu Gensheng has not had a good rest for three days and three nights.

Since the list of the thirty-six thieves was leaked, the troubles faced by each of the thirty-six thieves can only be said to be more troublesome than the other.

And the opponents Wu Gensheng encountered this time were also quite difficult. There were eighteen of them.

Eighteen masters of horizontal training with short hair, who relied on the purest and most powerful horizontal training body technique, and the cooperation between them was extremely tacit, so he, who had the spirit of the gods, could only flee in panic.

Although Wu Gensheng was a master, he did not have any master baggage. He threw away his face and ran away without any hesitation.

Wu Gensheng was not afraid of death, but he did not want to die yet, at least before his work was completed, he did not want to die.

Moreover, those eighteen horizontal training masters were not necessarily unknown people. It seemed that it should not be a problem to flee in front of this group of people. With bronze skin, powerful horizontal training skills, tacit joint attack skills, and the faint Zen meaning lingering between them, Wu Gensheng did not have the energy to complain.

"It seems that I am lucky.

But when he heard the sudden voice from the front, Wu Gensheng also showed a bitter smile on his face.

"Is it over yet?"

But this time he did not continue to run, but walked in the direction of the voice. This time there is only one person to face.

Facing one person is different from facing eighteen horizontal training masters who know how to join forces.

Facing an enemy alone, even if he is tired for three days and three nights, he will not be particularly afraid.

"Is there water?"

Walking out of the forest, Wu Gensheng had a smile on his face, without any worry.

If he fell into the encirclement and alliance of those eighteen people, under that clever and powerful joint attack technique, even Wu Gensheng would not have much chance to escape. This time he was lucky, and again

But if he only faced one person, Wu Gensheng would have enough confidence to run away at will. Under such circumstances, he naturally became a little interested and wanted to see who was blocking his way this time.

Not everyone dared to have the courage to stop him alone.

"Wu Gensheng, do you recognize me?"

Looking at the middle-aged old man who walked up the hill slowly, not caring about his image, and had no skin or face, Luo Men was not affected at all and spoke slowly.

When Wu Gensheng saw the young man floating in the air, his skin color was a little pale, his long white hair fluttered in the wind, and he sat in the air, floating like an immortal, his face stiffened instantly.

The third level of Ni Sheng, or the perfection is far beyond Zuo Ruotong's Ni Sheng three levels back then.

Although he had been aiming to gather the thirty-six thieves for the past two years and didn't know much about foreign affairs, he knew that the Sanyi Sect had not declined directly after Zuo Ruotong's death. He knew the boy who was only fourteen years old at the time, who directly subdued all the disciples of the Sanyi Sect with his tyrannical strength, and then fought against Luo Men, who was famous in the war of resistance and was called the exiled immortal.

Wu Gensheng was naturally very clear about how difficult the three levels of Ni Sheng were. If Zuo Ruotong's mentality was still intact at the time, then it would be a question whether he could walk out of the Sanyi Sect intact that day if he simply fought a war of attrition.

And although the three levels of Ni Sheng had defects, being able to reach the third level was definitely unique in the world as he said.

The most important thing was that the boy in front of him had the three levels of Ni Sheng, which seemed to be the same as Zuo Ruotong's three levels of Ni Sheng back then., there is an essential difference.

Although Zuo Ruotong can form a body of pseudo-innate Qi through a continuous supply of acquired Qi, it is just a very complicated technique. And it just so happens that his divine spirit is extremely effective against complex techniques. The more complex the technique, the stronger the effect of the divine spirit.

But the difference between the young man in front of him and Zuo Ruotong is that he can't see any trace of the technique on the other party. It's as if the other party's body is natural, without any acquired means. The pure innate Qi makes him feel very happy.

In short, facing Luo Men, even if he uses the divine spirit, it will be useless, because the other party is a very pure existence, and his divine spirit can't sort it out at all, so naturally it can't be cracked.

He saw that Luo Men took a completely different path from Zuo Ruotong. Based on the three levels of reverse birth, he constantly improved his life, and then naturally improved the three levels of reverse birth, and truly transformed into pure innate Qi.

It can be said that it was at the fork in the road that led to a dead end in the third level of Nisheng that he turned to the true road to heaven.

Although he wondered why Luo Men had such a terrifying life cultivation at such a young age, he knew that in his current state, there was a 99% chance that he could not beat Luo Men, and he could not escape. This one person alone might be even more terrifying than the previous 18 people.

Thinking of how he had caused Zuo Ruotong's Taoism to collapse and died not long after, Wu Gensheng felt guilty.

"Well, can you spare my life?"

Looking at the sloppy old man with an awkward smile on his face, Luo Men suddenly said: "Do you still think that the third level of reverse life is a way to heaven?"

"I admit that I was a little unreasonable. Taoist Master, you are magnanimous. How about sparing my life?"

Hearing Luo Men's question, Wu Gensheng shamelessly called Luo Men Taoist Master and took back what he said that year. He didn't have the face that a strong man should have, and didn't care about Luo Men's age at all. He was younger than him.

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