"So, is this the world of the dragon clan?"

The spirit was in the mirror dimension, and after solving the mystery of the womb, his memory was quickly restored.

Noticing that the Romans from other worlds were paying attention, Roman quickly thought about how to solve his current dilemma.

"Word Spirit·Yaki, it's a bit powerful, try mirror copy?"

This was the suggestion from the Roman from the Marvel world. While Roman was solving the mystery of the womb, the Romans from other different worlds were actually observing this white lizard man, or the hybrid of Deadpool.

Because of the continuous recovery of the mirror dimension, the ability to control the mirror has become part of the ability that all Romans can have, but it has different manifestations in different time and space. Generally speaking, there is no Marvel original Roman, who has a more comprehensive copying ability.

For example, in the Demon Slayer world, Roman used mirror copying, but it was more about copying skills. For example, the blood of the demon could not be copied obviously.

In the case of Under One Person, it is relatively simple. Copying the supernatural powers of innate aliens, or the cultivation methods of acquired aliens, etc., can be done.

The adaptive performance among the dragons is the ability to copy the words of others. Of course, how many words can be copied depends on the carrying capacity of Romen's bloodline and body, just like copying knowledge requires sufficient brain capacity.

However, Romen, who has the time zero words, has a very strong bloodline, at least super A to S level.

Knowing that he is in the dragon world and that he is a hybrid, Romen naturally knows that his ability to become bullet time is his own words, that is, time zero, of course, it can also be called eternity, the same powerful ability related to time as Principal Ange and Chu Zihang's father Chu Diaojiao.

Through observation, Romen also knows how powerful the words of this deadpool guy are.

Forced blood circulation obtains a strengthened body like the Yamata no Orochi, and through blood circulation obtains a nearly immortal body and the ability to regenerate infinitely. The power of the words in mythology even exceeds judgment.

The effect of Yaki looks a bit like the enhancement of "Blood Rage", but it is actually different. Yaki has the ability of infinite regeneration, which is not available in pure-blooded bodies and requires a word spirit to achieve the effect.

Specifically, the word spirit Yaki can enhance the host's physical indicators such as muscle strength, bone density and reaction speed. Therefore, after using this word spirit, the host's physical fitness will be greatly improved, and it can even compete with real dragons in a short period of time.

In addition, the word spirit can also make the host have stronger willpower and endurance, and can better cope with various challenges and dangerous situations.

It's just that the seemingly powerful word spirit Yaki can improve the host's abilities in all aspects, but there are also certain risks.

If the user does not have enough control and experience to control this powerful force, it is likely to be injured or lose self-awareness because of the inability to control it.

Originally, it was the word spirit of Genjima in the series Dragon Clan, but it was too buggy, and it became a nightmare tapir in the single volume.

Before, Luo Men felt that this man's situation was very wrong. He thought that he must have used something to stimulate the bloodline to activate evolution, etc., and then awakened a word spirit like Yaki.

However, it is obvious that this man did not fully master Yaki, so the bloodline that was originally close to being out of control is now completely out of control, and then entered the process of Deadpool.

"After copying the word spirit Yaki, don't use it too intensively. Deal with him first. He can't control this ability. This ability is too powerful and he can't afford it."

In the mirror dimension, many Luo Men can communicate and observe to a certain extent. Therefore, as the demon Luo Men with the most abundant combat experience, he gave his opinion.

Although Luo Men in different time and space are essentially projections of Marvel's original Luo Men, they have self-awareness to a certain extent, and then because of different growth experiences, they will have different changes. Even if you can obtain the memories and knowledge of other Luo Men, you can't compare with them in some aspects.

Therefore, in addition to the most essential things that are the same, different Luo Men can also be regarded as different people.

Luomen, who had already learned to see through the world, also observed the other party's state.

Under Luomen's observation, Akizuki Chuji's state was indeed burning at a high speed.

As the embodiment of the ultimate physique of the White King, the Word Spirit Yaki is probably only better than the Black King. With such a powerful force, the opponent's bloodline, which is obviously inferior to Luomen, will definitely not be able to support such a terrifying Word Spirit going all out.

If it were still the normal Akizuki ChujiSecond, he might find something wrong with himself and try his best to control his state. He likes to torture and kill others, but it does not mean that he has the awareness of death.

He just used a certain potion to activate his bloodline. Under the strong obsession and the mutation of the potion, plus various coincidences, his own words accidentally became Yaki. After that, Akizuki Chuji's fate was actually doomed.

Akizuki Chuji's dragon bloodline is actually not bad, but because of the use of a certain potion with many uncertainties, the stability of his bloodline is very insufficient.

After being completely dominated by the Yaki word spirit, Cui Dongxia instinctively thought about evolving Yaki Orochi with all his strength, and even the body of the White King. However, Akizuki Chuji's bloodline and physique obviously cannot withstand such drastic changes. If it continues, it will only collapse in the end.

Under the condition of highly slowed time, Luo Men also thoroughly observed Akizuki Chuji's state. His body became a bit similar to that of a snake lizard, and it was still twisting and changing, looking more and more terrifying.

But before Akizuki Chuji destroys himself, Luomen will be killed by the full force of Akizuki Chuji who has transformed into the Deadpool Yaki.

Therefore, Luomen did not hesitate and directly copied Akizuki Chuji's words, that is, Yaki, through mirror copying.

Then he directly activated Yaki, ready to rely on the state of opening Yaki to directly withstand the opponent's attack, and then recover.

Yaki is a good words that are strong enough, but it is very picky about the user, and people without ability cannot master it.

However, who is he Luomen? He is a cheater. How can he not control a mere words?

After copying the Yaki curse, Luomen also directly tried to use the breathing method of the demon world, and then further strengthened his body functions. Fortunately, the energy gathering effect of the breathing method cannot be used, but the effect of strengthening the body function is not discounted. Luomen's original strong physique, under the superposition and strengthening of Yaki and the breathing method, Luomen's physique has been greatly enhanced.


Akizuki Chuji's terrifying and powerful attack also directly blasted Roman into the ground. The strong impact directly caused the ground to shake violently, which felt a bit like an earthquake.

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