Because of geographical factors, island countries often have earthquakes, so it goes without saying that the buildings are strong and earthquake-resistant.

Audiences watching movies in the cinema noticed a slight earthquake, but they were not very scared.

It was just a slight earthquake, not a big deal, and it would not affect the cinema at all. It would be fine after a while.

Just like a nuclear man who grew up drinking nuclear waste water, he didn't care about the nuclear radiation at all. The same is true for earthquakes. After getting used to it, as long as it is not a high-intensity earthquake, he doesn't care at all.

Only Eri showed a little uneasiness on her face. She felt a disgusting smell that people didn't like.

But thinking of Luo Men's words, she didn't walk around.

However, some more sensitive people found that the vibration was getting stronger and stronger, and even getting closer and closer, and they couldn't sit still.

Then, twos and threes left the cinema early. After passing the toilet not far away, they felt a stronger vibration and their steps became faster. Then more people were seen leaving their seats in a panic and rushing out one by one.

Finally, in the entire theater, apart from the movie that was still playing, only Eri was left sitting alone in her seat.

No matter how strong the vibration was, Eri just sat there silently.

Although the girl looked very quiet, she had an indescribable sense of loneliness.

"Sorry, I've been waiting for a long time."

It was not until the vibration disappeared for a long time and the movie had ended that a voice sounded beside Eri.

At this time, Romen had changed his clothes and his appearance looked impeccable, but Eri was keenly aware that there was a subtle but deep sense of fatigue in Romen's voice.

In fact, this is exactly the case. Romen's mental state is indeed very poor.

Whether using Time Zero or Yaki, the burden on the body may be great, but the burden on the mind is actually greater, especially after the two abilities are activated at the same time, although the body can fully withstand it, the mental consumption is extremely huge. In other words, Romen is not an ordinary hybrid, and his mental strength is not bad, so he can barely hold on now.

In the battle just now, Romen really felt that he was a little arrogant in his pride in his own strength before he had not released the womb.

As a speedster with time zero, he was very confident before today. He could run away even if he couldn't beat him.

However, until he met Eri, he seemed to have a bond, and the previous bachelor's idea was not suitable.

He didn't want to be a speedster, a representative of always being one step slower.

Maybe Eri's strength is stronger than Romen now. After the opening of the Word Spirit·Judgment, Romen, who had the Word Spirit·Yaki, could only run when he encountered such a terrifying Word Spirit.

Of course, now that he has Yaki, Romen can completely withstand the judgment, and the speed is fast enough to create opportunities.

Romen also roughly understood why most of the existences who can slay dragons are speedsters with time zero or instant Word Spirit.

Because the dragons with dragon bodies are stronger than hybrids in terms of elements such as earth, water, fire and wind, unless they are like Menek Cassel, who has a powerful Word Spirit, Zhulong, which is not possessed by ordinary dragons, the damage caused by ordinary Word Spirits to dragons is not as strong as the damage caused by pure speed or strength.

The small-scale earthquake just now was actually caused by Romen opening Time Zero and Yaki, bearing double mental burden while constantly beating Yaki's Deadpool Chuji.

The speed of the owner of Time Zero mainly depends on the proficiency of Time Zero, that is, the multiple of his speed, and his own speed. After opening Yaki, Romen's strength and speed increased significantly. Akizuki Chuji, who was able to capture Romen before, could only silently endure the beating in the end, and then accelerated the consumption of his own vitality.

After spending so much time, he finally solved Akizuki Chuji, the guy who turned into a deadpool of Yaki. It’s not right to say that he was solved by Romen, because the hybrids who opened the Yaki Word Spirit have a more terrifying regeneration ability than Muzan to some extent, and can be called immortal.

Romen’s attacks on Akizuki Chuji all accelerated his self-consumption. Coupled with the continuous progress of his deadpool transformation, the monster-like Akizuki Chuji also continued to shrink.

“Marina... Airi”...

Perhaps he woke up at the last moment, and this man only said two names.

It seems to be the daughter of this man. To be honest, these two names reminded Romen of a certain impressive anime. The two heroines in it seemed to be called these two names. According to the setting, their stepfather seemed to be called Akizuki Takashi3.

The impression was too old, and Romen was too lazy to delve into it. Maybe it was just a coincidence.

After the battle was resolved, Romen quickly left the scene and went to wash and change clothes.

To be honest, Romen had never thought of such a high-intensity battle in the toilet. He thought it would be a matter of one-shot death. Who knew that the other party was a mixed-blood, and the Word Spirit was very powerful. He was even directly transformed into Deadpool. It was really amazing.

The toilet smelled a bit strong. Although Romen had the blessing of Time Zero, he could be said to be untouched, but he always felt a bit disgusted. It was definitely not appropriate to meet Eri in this image.

Therefore, Romen went to wash first, and then changed his clothes. For a speedster, this would not take long. Of course, it was not without cost. His tired spirit was one of them.

To be honest, when he returned to the cinema and saw Eri alone, watching the credits alone, Romen felt an indescribable taste.

Mixed races are born with a curse called Blood Sorrow, and are born lonely and wandering in the world of mixed races.

The girl named Eri, who is regarded as a little monster, has even more serious problems because of her family problems. She is like an iceberg on the sea, and the loneliness she shows is just the tip of the iceberg.

You are back! ^-^

There are very simple symbols and expressions on the back of the small notebook, but you can well feel the emotional changes of Eri. In Roman's previous feelings, it was like the loneliness of eternal frozen soil, and it was like the instant sunshine melting the ice and snow, turning into the gentleness of spring breeze.


Looking at the beautiful face of the little monster, Roman thought in his heart: "I seem to be moved."

When I watched "Dragon Clan", I just liked and pitied this girl with a tragic ending, but at this moment, this emotion was completely transformed into a more blazing existence.

"Let's go."

He took the girl's hand and the girl obediently took Roman's hand, her eyes bright.

The world is so big and wonderful, but the only thing in her eyes is the person who holds her.

Although Eri seems innocent, she actually knows roughly what happened before. In fact, she felt a very disgusting gaze for a while before, until Romen left and it disappeared. He was protecting her!

Although the world is big, it does not belong to monsters, nor will it shelter monsters, but there is a person who will protect her.

Looking at the back of the young man in front of her, the girl didn't know what the emotion in her heart was, but she felt very warm and did not reject it.

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