After searching several people, Romen could no longer hold on to his dizzy brain and said to his two friends, "Let's go back first."

"Your condition is a little wrong. What happened?"

Kenley looked at Romen's condition and spoke with some concern.

"Don't worry, take the good things back first. I feel I need a good sleep."

Seeing Romen's appearance, Buck and Kenley quickly dealt with the battlefield, and then all the corpses were thrown into the mirror world by Romen. After a while, the corpses of these people will be directly dissolved in the mirror world forever.

After doing all this, the three of them also took the spoils and today's prey and quickly ran to the base.

Then just after returning to the base, Romen fainted directly.

"Roman!" *N

At the same time as his eyes went black, Romen heard everyone's nervous calls, and felt that his leadership was not in vain.

When Romen woke up again, he appeared in a chaotic world full of silver luster.

"Where is this?"

Seeing the unfamiliar environment, Romen was also a little confused.

But before Romen could think more, a large amount of information began to quickly flow into Romen's mind along a connection.

Perhaps it was because he had acquired telepathic abilities and developed his brain to a certain extent. Although so much information flowed into Romen's brain, he only felt that his head was a little swollen.

Mirror dimension!

It is the name of this place. It was an ownerless dimension before. It was in a dimension that was spread throughout the multiverse but not very powerful. A slightly stronger person could borrow the power of the mirror dimension at will without having to pay it back.

However, due to some factors, the mirror dimension would not be owned by certain individuals until the accident of Romen.

Speaking of dimensions, in the world of Marvel, there are many characters who are related to or are dimensional demons.

For example, Dormammu who controls the dark dimension, Vishanti who controls the magic dimension, Mephisto who controls the demon of the hell dimension, etc.

The Sentinel who controls the power of millions of stars is considered a special dimensional demon.

At the moment, Romen seemed to have accidentally connected to the mirror dimension when injecting the drug, because of his own supernatural powers, or other special features of himself, and then became the lord of the mirror dimension. Because of this, Romen was able to survive the experiment of ten deaths.

At this time, Romen seemed to have obtained the sentinel of the power of millions of stars, but the dimension he connected to was not that strong.

There is still a certain difference between the lord of the dimension and the demon of the dimension.

Every demon of the dimension is a lord of the dimension, but the lord of the dimension is not necessarily a demon of the dimension, because the lower limit of the demon of the dimension is the father of heaven.

Because the mirror dimension is also on the verge of extinction, and because of its own strength is not very sufficient, Romen can only be regarded as a lord of the dimension, not a demon of the dimension.

Before connecting to the mirror dimension, Romen could only feel the connection that was there and not there, and because he was busy escaping, and because of insufficient strength, he had not completed the last step with the mirror dimension.

However, after copying the telepathy, Romen's spiritual and mental power was further strengthened. Before, he only had a connection with the mirror dimension. After he had enough spiritual power, he further integrated the mirror dimension and truly became the lord of the mirror dimension.

For example, before, he got the key to the house in the mirror dimension, but he did not open the door to enter the house, but now he successfully opened the door to enter the house.

Because of the mirror dimension, the upper limit of Romen's own mirror control ability is also bound to the mirror dimension to a certain extent, and has unlimited potential, but the premise is that the mirror dimension can be strengthened.

However, in a sense, Romen is an Omega-level mutant, or an Omega-level potential mutant. To be precise, when Romen becomes a true dimensional demon, he will be a true Omega mutant, a level 5 mutant.

"Although I can almost do everything here, the power of the mirror dimension is too exhausted, right?"

After a little perception of the current situation of the mirror dimension, Romen felt that he had a long way to go.

However, Roman didn't care about this. Compared with ordinary mutants who had nothing, he had a dimension and maximized his potential, which was a very good start.

With the mirror dimension, he at least qualified to become the strongest.

Otherwise, his natural ability was only at the second level, and even after the experiment, he was only a third-level mutant. It was hard for Roman to imagine any way to make himself strong enough.

For example, magic, not to mention the learning threshold or the risk of borrowing. Just facing the Ancient One who has the Time Stone and can peek into the timeline at will, it is difficult for Romen to imagine what he would be like as an outsider.

Therefore, after Romen knew that there was an Avenger in this world, he decided not to show up easily before the Ancient One died, or before he had enough strength and could cover up his fate, and then change anything randomly. This may be one of the reasons why the Ancient One did not come to him at the moment. It will be only one or two years before the death of the Ancient One.

Developing technology, whether in the past or present life, Romen has no talent in this area, and coupled with the situation of mutants, there is no need to think too much.

Treasures such as the Infinity Stones are not something he can covet at will, his strength is still too weak. And it is too conspicuous, and it is difficult not to be discovered by Thanos Ancient One.

For Romen, obtaining an ownerless dimension and becoming a dimension lord is the best start except for obtaining a golden finger such as a system.

As long as the mirror dimension continues to grow, Romen's strength will grow with the mirror dimension, and Romen also has copied abilities, among which being born as a king is also a potential ability.

Speaking of copying abilities, Romen also deduced through the mirror dimension and knew that it was mainly because of his limited carrying capacity. The upper limit of this ability's copying still depends on Romen's own original strength.

As long as his strength is improved in the future, he can copy more abilities.

Or, he will not be a human, abandon his physical body, and directly use the mirror dimension as his body.

Of course, he will not do this. After doing so, what is the difference between him and Dormammu.

As for how to expand the mirror dimension, it is not particularly difficult. It does not require anything like souls, and of course it is not impossible to absorb souls.

In addition to general resources such as souls, Romen needs to occupy more destiny weight in the real dimension, and then affect the reflection of the mirror dimension on the real dimension, and then expand the area of ​​the mirror dimension.

It is basically to let Romen do things, whether it is destruction or compliance with fate, whether it is a righteous or a villain, saving the world or destroying the world.

In the real dimension, the more things he does, the more destiny weight he can gain, and then the mirror dimension can also expand with his influence.

If Romen controls a universe, then the mirror dimension can expand to a universe, becoming the other side of the universe, and maybe even dominate the universe. By then, Romen should be a real single universe powerhouse.

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