In this branch world of Marvel, Romen will definitely not do anything in the short term. His strength is too weak, and he is afraid that he will be killed by some big boss all of a sudden.

However, in addition to doing things in this universe, Romen can also connect other universes through the mirror dimension to project himself, and then do things in other universes, and then expand the mirror dimension, which is not impossible.

Although the mirror dimension is very weak at present due to its weakness, due to its own characteristics, after possessing Romen, it can actively explore and touch other universes, even the multiverse, the heavens and the worlds, not limited to the current Marvel multiverse.

There are two ways to project oneself. One is to directly project the main body replica, directly start with the state of the main body, and can have the power of the main body, but to a certain extent, it will adapt to the world and change, and it is essentially the same will as the main body.

The other is to project and reincarnate part of the soul, starting directly from the mother's womb, with local blood, but there will be a mystery in the womb. Before realizing the true self, it will not be connected to the main body, but it is still Romen in essence.

Both methods are good and have little impact on Romen.

Because since he became the Lord of the Mirror Dimension, the most important thing for Romen himself is not his body, but his original will and true spirit. As long as the mirror dimension still exists and has enough power, Romen will not really die.

[If all the heavens and worlds in the multiverse are projected and practiced hard, wouldn't it be equivalent to countless me practicing, wouldn't it be a disguised multiple shadow clones? 】

Thinking about it, Romen felt a little interested. When his strength reaches a certain level, the projections of the heavens will be unified, and his strength will have a leap.

It's a bit similar to the other me in the One World Honored, but the connection between Romen and the projection is closer.

"See if there is any world that can be projected?"

After thinking about it, Romen also sensed it directly through the mirror dimension.

After sensing it, Romen knew that the current mirror dimension was still relatively weak, and the search time was limited, so it only connected two relatively small worlds.

"Two? Let's project and copy them first. My strength needs to be improved. I can't do anything in this universe, so I'll do something in other worlds to speed up the strength of the mirror dimension. Projection reincarnation takes too much time, and there is also the risk of the mystery in the womb. It's important to improve my strength first."

Finally, while talking to himself, Romen made a decision directly.

Then Romen clearly felt that his soul and flesh and blood were separated into a very small part, and then gathered a lot of power from the mirror dimension, and then disappeared directly, and then the two worlds in the sense also had a little more intimacy.

After doing these things, Romen also clearly realized that the mirror dimension, which was already very weak, went from being able to linger on to a state of being about to die at any time.

"No way, the consumption is so great?"

Roman was also a little surprised, and then he reacted.

Projection and copying the main body, but consuming a little soul and flesh of the main body, the vast majority of consumption is mainly the energy of the mirror dimension. Traveling through endless time and space, and creating the energy of a complete body, can only be said to be adding insult to injury for the current mirror dimension.

If it is a projection reincarnation, the consumption will be much smaller.

However, such consumption can be restored because the real world has an additional anchor point, although it will be very slow.

After understanding, Romen had no choice but to sense his two projections through the connection of the mirror dimension.

If possible, he plans to expand the mirror dimension as soon as possible, so that he doesn't have to worry about any problems with the mirror dimension.


"I hate getting wet in the rain."

The gloomy sky and the drizzling rain made Romen feel very uncomfortable, feeling that he was soaked all over.

He didn't hate rainy days, but he hated getting wet in the rain, especially the feeling of his clothes being soaked.

This projection was very successful. Not only was the body completely copied, but the clothes were also copied, otherwise it would be very embarrassing.

After sensing it, his own abilities seemed to have weakened a lot, whether it was telepathy or the ability to release heat energy, they were suppressed a lot.

When Romen released heat, his body temperature rose, which only caused the rain on his body to emit steam, but it was unable to completely dry his clothes and isolate his body.

If it was Romen's real body, he could form a high-temperature circle on his body surface and evaporate the rain directly through the air.


Suddenly, Romen heard a muffled sound in the dark alley next to him.


He looked at the paint.In the dark alley, Romen narrowed his eyes.

Although his telepathy seemed to be weakened, he could tell through the power of telepathy that there seemed to be something extra in the trash can in the box.

"I seem to have seen it somewhere."

Looking at the box, a petite figure wearing ill-fitting loose clothes, Romen reacted instantly.

Through the power of the mirror dimension, he used mirror copying to copy the other party's language ability, which also allowed him to make a judgment.

"Who are you?"

Looking at the boy standing at the entrance of the alley, the brown-haired girl stopped and her heart sank.

"Well, my name is Romen, a temporarily homeless person."

Looking at the girl who was of legal age but became illegal, Romen didn't know whether to punish her.

Looking at the boy in front of him, Shiho Miyano also understood that the other party should have nothing to do with the people in the winery.

Standing there for a while, because of taking APTX4869, the girl, who was already in a very bad state under the effect of the drug, was drenched in cold rain, and felt very uncomfortable all over.

Originally acting with a will, he suddenly stopped, and the feeling of dizziness surged up uncontrollably.


Seeing the girl close her eyes and about to fall to the ground, Luo Men hurried forward to support the girl.

"Is this considered a deviation?"

Looking at the unconscious girl in his arms, Luo Men felt that he didn't know how to describe his feelings.

Miyano Shiho, or Huihara Ai, who was supposed to run to Conan's door and fainted, seemed to have fainted in advance because of himself.

"Find the woman in a white coat and brown hair."

A hurried shout came from a distance. Looking at the girl lying on the ground in front of him, Luo Men also knew that if he didn't save her, Huihara Ai would probably be arrested.

After thinking for a while, he picked up Huihara Ai, threw her white coat aside, and walked in a direction.

During this period, a man in black ran by, but he didn't react. The girl in Luo Men's arms was the target they were looking for.

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