Chapter 14:BARA VS DEALOVA (2)

"Ouch Miss Nita!!!" What are you doing??? you want to kill me again?" asked Bara, rubbing his red calf from being massaged so hard by Dealova.

"Sorry Mr. Bara, by accident." said Dealova with a happy laugh.

"Stop already, rather than breaking my leg." said Bara with an annoyed face.

"Aunty." came Chelo's voice from outside the door calling Dealova.

Dealova smiled to herself when Chelo came looking for her.

Soon she will be free from Bara's room, which keeps her heart burning.

"Mr. Bara, looks like Chelo is looking for me, I'd better come back to look after Chelo." said Dealova as she moved from her place.

"You're not going anywhere, Chelo can be here, so you can take care of me and Chelo." said Bara casually.

Dealova's hands clenched at Bara's words. So Chelo is here and she has to take care of both of them.

With an annoyed heart, Dealova opened the door and saw Chelo's innocent face staring at her.

"How come auntie is in Daddy's room?" asked Chelo innocently.

"Ohh, Daddy's leg hurts, honey, so Auntie had to massage it earlier." Dealova answered honestly.

"Yes Auntie, Daddy's leg is often sore, Daddy's leg used to be broken and he couldn't walk for a long time." said Chelo in funny language.

"So Mr. Bara screamed in pain earlier, really felt pain because my massage was too hard." said Dealova to herself.

Dealova glanced at Bara who saw him calmly, without any anger.

"My Son, come and hug Daddy." called Bara with a smile on his face.

Chelo ran and embraced Bara, and kissed his on both cheeks.

Bara was touched to see Chelo, who had obeyed Dealova's orders to kiss when he came or wanted to leave.

"Daddy, said Aunt Daddy's feet hurt right? Don't be sick anymore Dad?" said Chelo, kissing Bara's cheeks again.

Bara smiled very happily, Chelo did not inherit Georgina's arrogant and heartless nature.

"Good Son, Daddy loves you very much." said Bara, lifting Chelo's body and raising him on the bed.

Dealova, who saw the closeness between Chelo and Bara in her heart, was touched.

And he felt guilty again for hurting Bara's leg on purpose.

"Mr. Bara, forgive me for hurting your feet." said Dealova sincerely.

"It's okay, you don't know." said Bara with a smile.

"Daddy, don't we play games anymore?" Chelo asked, hugging Bara.

"Does Chelo want to play with Aunt Nita??" Bara asked, glancing at Dealova who was still standing beside him.

"Want, I'll fight Daddy assisted by Aunt Nita, Aunt Nita? you want to help me against Daddy?" Chelo asked Dealova with a pleading look.

Dealova smiled and nodded slightly.

Gladly Chelo grabbed Bara's hand and took his to sit in front of the television to play a game with Dealova.

"Aunt here, sit near Daddy." said Chelo calling Dealova who was still standing transfixed.

With an awkward feeling, Dealova finally sat beside Bara with Chelo on her lap.

Like the happy family Dealova, Bara and Chelo play games with fun.

Without Bara realizing it, Georgina's eyes were watching and photographing the happiness on Bara's and Chelo's faces, who occasionally laughed together with Dealova.

Georgina smiled sarcastically.

"Just look at Bara, your reputation will soon be destroyed, and I will soon sue you for divorce." Georgina said silently as she walked away from where she was standing.

"Daddy, I'm tired of playing games. take a look at the Hulk movie, Dad?" asked Chelo who is really very smart.

"Okay." Bara replied, stopping his game, then changing to watching Chelo's favorite Hulk movie.

Dealova, who is holding Chelo on her thigh, is a little tired and intends to stretch her legs out.

While watching the film, Chelo lay on Dealova's thigh, while Bara leaned on the sofa beside Dealova.

Without feeling it was late at night, Chelo first fell asleep on Dealova's lap, while Bara, who was also asleep, unconsciously rests his head on Dealova's shoulder.

Meanwhile, Dealova herself fell asleep with her head leaning on the sofa.

Georgina, who was always watching Dealova and Bara several times, got photos that were really very profitable.


The morning sun shone through the cracks in Bara's window.

Dealova woke up and was surprised to see Bara who was asleep leaning on her shoulder. Meanwhile, Chelo is fast asleep on her thigh.

Dealova looked at the clock on the wall, it was already six in the morning, if Chelo was not woken up then Chelo would be late for school.

"Mr Bara, wake up." called Dealova, tapping Bara on the shoulder.

Slowly Bara woke up from his sleep, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"What time is it?" Bara asked, a little embarrassed when he realized that he had fallen asleep on Dealova's shoulder.

"Six o'clock in the morning sir, please can sir wake up Chelo, I have to prepare supplies and uniform for Chelo." Dealova replied as she got up from her seat.

"Hm, please make hot tea for me as well." said Bara while waking Chelo.

Dealova nodded, then walked out of the room to Chelo's room and prepared everything.

Not long after, Chelo entered his room with a fragrant bath.

"Chelo has taken a shower?" Asked Dealova in surprise.

"Already Aunt, take a shower with Daddy." Chelo answered honestly.

"Smart kid, come here ... Auntie help wear a uniform." said Dealova with a uniform in her hand.

After Chelo was neatly dressed in his uniform. Dealova takes Chelo to the dining room where Bara and Georgina are waiting for him.

"We're leaving now Chelo." said Bara as he took Chelo's hand.

"I'm with Bara." said Georgina suddenly before Dealova got up from her seat.

Bara stopped in his tracks and stared intently into Georgina's eyes.

"You don't usually take Chelo off with you?" asked Bara expressionlessly.

"I'm just doing my job as a good mother." Georgina replied with ulterior motives.

"Miss Nita, you must still come." said Bara without anyone being able to argue with it.

Georgina looked at Dealova with a look of disgust and utter contempt.

"Hey, you!!! You sit back with Chelo." Georgina ordered casually.

Dealova can only be silent with Georgina's arbitrary orders.

After arriving at school and taking Chelo into his class, Dealova asked permission from Bara to go straight home to see her grandmother, who was sick.

With a small hum, Dealova entered her house, where she had promised Johan to come early.

Arriving in front of her room, Dealova opened her bedroom door very slowly because Dealova was very sure that Johan was sleeping in her room.

And Dealova was a little surprised when she saw Johan sleeping in her bed hugging her nightgown.

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