And Dealova was a little surprised when she saw Johan sleeping in her bed hugging her nightgown.

Dealova approached Johan without making a sound. Johan's face looked tired with dark circles on his eyelids.

Dealova observes Johan closely, just realizing that Johan's body looks thinner than two weeks ago.

"Johan what do you feel until you hug my nightgown like this?" Dealova asked herself as she sat slowly on the edge of the bed, taking her nightgown slowly from Johan's grasp.

When he pulled his nightgown slowly, Johan suddenly shouted loudly.

"Do not take!!" shouted Johan, clutching Dealova's nightgown, still with his eyes closed.

"Hem..Hem..Johan, let's wake up." Call Dealova anxiously.

Johan, who heard Dealova's voice faintly, slowly opened his eyes..When he found out that it was really Dealova in front of his, he quickly hid Dealova's nightgown behind his waist.

"Is that Jo?" Dealova asked pretending not to know.

"It is nothing." Johan answered nervously and his face flushed.

"Let me see?" Dealova asked again as she pushed Johan aside, and took her nightgown from Johan's hand who was hiding behind his waist.

Johan's face flushed and then turned away to hide his embarrassment at Dealova who knew his madness.

"This is my nightgown Jo, why are you hugging like that? let's confess! you must be missing me right?" Dealova asked in a row, making Johan cover his face with a pillow.

"Don't ask anymore Love, I'm going to sleep!" said Johan covering his face tightly with a pillow.

"Keep hiding, I'm back again to the big house." Dealova threatens to return to Bara's house.

"Don't !!! well .. I really miss you." said Johan, pulling Dealova's wrist.

Dealova smiled, then lifted Johan's chin.

"When talking, look at the person so that it is clear." said Dealova, holding back exasperatedly, whether Johan's sweet attitude recently made her heart always want to hug Johan.

"Yes I miss you, satisfied .. satisfied you Love!!" said Johan then hugged Dealova very tightly.

"Yes Love, you are right .. I really miss you, this house is lonely without you Love." said Johan hoarsely in Dealova's neck.

Dealova's heart was touched by Johan's attitude, who must have been tormented by the feeling in his heart that missed her.

"I also miss you very much Jo, miss our daily togetherness." Dealova replied as she rubbed Johan's back, who still sank he head in her arms.

After a few minutes of hugging, Dealova let go of her hug then suddenly pinched Johan's cheeks.

"Jo, can you not if I fit there, you don't call me, I'm not working well there with Bara, what if he suspects?" said Dealova who didn't mean anything but it was enough to hurt Johan.

"You mean? you feel annoyed with my call so?" asked Johan, one eyebrow raised.

"Stop !! Don't talk before I finish talking, listen to my dear, handsome Frans Johan, if I fit in there I'll call you right? so I can't get into trouble there, you want us not to get money from that witch?" Dealova explained patiently facing a sensitive Johan.

"Who else but Georgina." said Dealova, not telling Johan that Georgina had slapped her.

"Is there something you are hiding from me, Love?" Johan asked investigating, Johan was very familiar with the character Dealova.

"No Jo, forget about them, what are we going to do in five hours? You have to remember Jo, I can't be late picking Chelo." said Dealova as she took off her jacket, which she hadn't taken off until now.

Johan looked at Dealova and then paused to think about something, what he would do with Dealova five hours later.

"Jo, answer !! What do you want?" Asked Dealova with an exasperated look at Johan, who was often in a daze.

Johan was still silent, then looked into Dealova's face seriously.

"Are you going to kick me love? if I only want to sleep with you in the next five hours? just want to hug you no more" said Johan seriously.

Dealova's eyes stared at Johan's face, who this time was so very serious and looked handsome.

"Are you serious? just sleeping together without doing anything?" asked Dealova, looking for seriousness in Johan's eyes.

"Seriously Love, but if you ask for more that's okay." replied Johan with a crooked smile.

"You perverted brain!" said Dealova punching Johan hard in the stomach.

"Ouch." Johan complained that he was suffering from pain, his face was pale, Dealova's fist hit his gut, who had barely eaten for two days since Dealova was at Bara's house.

Dealova lifted Johan's face, who was still curled up holding his stomach.

"What's wrong with you Jo?" Dealova asked, watching Johan's hand still holding his stomach.

When Johan was still silent enduring his pain, Dealova heard a sound from Johan's stomach. The hungry voice from Johan's stomach was clearly heard in Dealova's ears.

"Johan, answer honestly !! how many days did you not eat?" Dealova asked irritably because Dealova knew very well that Johan had a history of acute ulcers that could not be underestimated.

"Johan answered!!!" said Dealova in a voice full of pressure.

"I still have to eat love, even a little." said Johan, lying a little so that Dealova would not worry about him.

Without replying to Johan's words, Dealova grabbed Johan's shoulder and hugged him tightly.

"Remember Jo, you can do anything, I will not be angry or forbid you, but I only ask for two. My request is not to drink anymore, and you have to eat every day regularly, Your heartburn is acute Jo, I don't want anything to happen to you, only you I have and I don't want to lose you?" said Dealova with teary eyes.

Johan's heart seemed to fly like a butterfly circling the flowers in all their beauty.

"You want to promise me, right Jo?" Dealova asked staring into Johan's face.

"Okay.. okay..Love, don't be sad, my stomach will immediately churn to see your sad face." Johan replied with his heart racing.

Dealova smiled, then briefly kissed Johan on the forehead and pinched the tip of Johan's sharp nose.

"Take a shower first Jo, I'll cook rice and egg omelette for you." said Dealova as she got out of bed and walked toward the kitchen.

Johan, who was still on the bed, was still silent with smiling lips, remembering Dealova's sweet words and concern about his illness.

While looking at the door of the room, Johan took Dealova's nightgown and kissed it with all his feelings.

"I love you Love, I love you." said Johan laughing happily as he rolled over to hug Dealova's nightgown.


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