Dealova got out of the car with the sleepiness still on her face. At the door of the house Aunt Narti was waiting for her with a pale face.

"Miss Nita, come on ... Miss, hurry! before everything is destroyed." said Aunt Narti as she pulled Dealova's wrist into the house.

In front of the door to Chelo's room, you can see Bara standing at the door, carrying a tray of food for Chelo.

"Chelo, open the door, don't start again, Chelo." said Bara with a flushed face who didn't know anymore about Chelo's attitude which sometimes got out of control.

"Big sir, Miss Nita is here." said Aunt Narti nervously seeing Bara's face ready to explode.

"Come here quickly! you must be responsible for all of this !! why did you just come" asked Bara, looking angry and irritated.

"Sorry dear Lord Bara !! Today is Sunday, the city road is jammed, sir. And again, why should I be responsible? What did I do wrong?" Asked Dealova, who could no longer accept Bara's angry attitude.

"What did you say to Chelo till he was waiting for you from morning till now?" Bara's gaze was full of anger.

Dealova was silent trying to remember what had been said to Chelo yesterday.

"Oh, my God!! I was just trying to calm Chelo down yesterday, Mr. Bara! if I don't say that I can't go home." Dealova clearly felt guilty.

"And you know the result of your joking? now do what you have to do !!" said Bara furiously, handing the tray of food to Dealova.

Dealova quickly accepted the food tray with a heart that was about to explode too. But before Dealova made a sound, there was a sound of broken goods from inside Chelo's room.


Bara and Dealova quickly approached the door to Chelo's room.

"Chelo open the door Son! there is Aunt Nita here." said Bara anxiously.

Because there was no reply from Chelo, Bara looked annoyed at Dealova who was just silent.

"You! quickly say something." said Bara in a deep, cold voice.

Dealova, who was still open, nervously called out to Chelo.

Not long after the door opened, Chelo stood and looked at Dealova with teary eyes.

"Aunt Nita." Said Chelo in a trembling voice then hugged Dealova's waist tightly.

Narti's aunt, who knew that Dealova was having trouble carrying a tray of food, immediately took it from Dealova's hand.

Holding back the emotion Dealova knelt down and hugged Chelo back, then brought Chelo into the room.

Seeing that sight, Bara's heart pinched with clenched fists remembering how his wife Georgina had no time at all for Chelo and himself.

"Aunt Narti, please tell Miss Nita later to come to my office." said Bara with a gaze covered in wounds.

Aunt Narti nodded understandingly then went into the room carrying Chelo's food.

"Dear Chelo, eat first, honey?" said Dealova after Aunt Narti came in with Chelo's food.

Chelo nodded still in a position to hug Dealova's waist.

"Miss Nita, there is a message from Mr. Bara if you have time to be sent to his office." Said Aunt Narti while cleaning the broken flower vase that Chelo threw.

Dealova was silent then nodded slightly, while taking Chelo's food to feed him.

"Dear Chelo, Chelo wants to promise not to Auntie that Chelo has to eat every day, and must not be angry, because people who like to get angry will get old quickly, like it or not, Chelo?' Asked Dealova while feeding Chelo.

Chelo nodded slightly.

"Try ... how about a promise dear?" Asked Dealova with a smile.

"Yes Auntie, I promise to always eat, and never get angry again, but you have to come here every day." Said Chelo while giving his little finger to Dealova.

Dealova smiled at Chelo's words, if Chelo turns out to have a smart brain.

"Dear Chelo, Auntie doesn't know whether you can come here every day or not, you have to ask permission from your father first." said Dealova, linking her pinky finger to Chelo's little finger.

"I've told you to dad, aunt?" Said Chelo, who went berserk asking his father to pick up Dealova every day.

"Oh, yes? is that correct Dear ?" said Dealova in disbelief as she put down her empty plate.

Chelo nodded again with a smile.

"Good boy, you really help me dear." Deloava said silently with a smile full of meaning.

"Dear Chelo, because it's already noon and Chelo has eaten, it's time for Chelo to take a nap?" said Dealova, gently stroking Chelo's hair.

"But Aunty told you first? like Dad, when the night always tells stories." said Chelo with a demanding look.

"Okay honey, Auntie will tell." said Dealova with a sweet smile.

Dealova lovingly lay on her side against the door facing Chelo who lay sleeping looking at her to listen to the story.

Holding Chelo's hand, Dealova told her about the prince on horseback, in a low voice.

Without Dealova realizing it, what she had done was actually seen by Bara from behind a slightly open door.

There was something happy that crept into Bara's heart when he saw Chelo so calm and obedient to Dealova.

Without making a sound Bara got up from his place and returned to his study.

Dealova stopped her story after seeing Chelo fast asleep, then covered his and kissed Chelo's forehead with feeling.

Dealova slowly got out of bed and walked out of the room to meet Bata in his study.

Finally Dealova arrived in front of Bara's office, after a little difficulty finding his office. Slowly Dealova knocked on the door several times, only stopped when she heard Bara's voice from inside.

"Come in." Bara's distinctive heavy voice became a familiar voice to Dealova's ears.

Dealova slowly opened the door and entered Bara's study.

Bara sits upright in her work chair staring coldly at Dealova who comes to him.

"Excuse me sir, Aunt Narti said that if you are looking for me ... what's wrong sir?" Asked Dealova, still standing in her place.

"Sit down first Miss Nita, then talk." said Bara without a smile.

Dealova's face was slightly flushed with embarrassment again with Bara's words that were always unpleasant to hear.

Dealova sat silently without speaking anymore.

"Look Miss Nita, from today you work and live here to look after and care for Chelo, Chelo is your full responsibility." said Bara calmly.

"What, sir? stay here??? sorry sir I can't, I can't leave my house, I have a grandmother and a brother who I have to look after at home." said Dealova who did not leave her job, especially Johan, who certainly wouldn't let her go.

"You can't refuse it, Miss Nita! because that's the requirement to work here!" said Bara annoyed with Dealova's rebuttal.

"Why can't I refuse? If you don't like it, I'm fine right now I'll go." said Dealova, selling dearly because she was sure that Bara needed her to look after Chelo.

Dealova rose from her seat after a few minutes. Bara did not answer.

"Stay seated Miss Nita!!" said Bara when Dealova got up from her seat.

"I want you to share your time, in one week you can choose which day you stay here and the day you return home, special Sundays you have to be here who knows Chelo needs you." said Bara in a deep voice.

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