"I want you to share your time, in one week you can choose which day you stay here and the day you come home, special Sundays you have to be here who knows Chelo needs you." said Bara in a deep voice.

Dealova looked at Bara with her lips half open, not knowing what to answer. Dealova had to talk about it with Johan as her big boss.

"I can't answer right now sir, I have to talk to my grandmother first, if my grandmother doesn't let me be forced to stay here?" said Dealova looking for excuses on behalf of Grandma, even though the problem was actually Johan.

Bara was silent to hear Dealova's answer with her grandmother's excuse.

"Well if Grandma is the reason, Grandma you can live here, here are many rooms you just choose which one." said Bara which made Dealova unable to move.

"No sir, from a long time ago my grandmother didn't want to live anywhere except the house I now live in, I'd better go home now to discuss this with my Grandma." said Deloava, whirling around looking for the right reason.

Bara was forced to give Dealova time to discuss it with her grandmother.

"I will give you until tomorrow morning to give an answer, now you can go home and ask Saleh to take him." said Bara with cold eyes.

"Hell, fuck his cold gaze, I don't care." Dealova said to herself, then walked out of Bara's study.

After Dealova left, Bara was pensive and leaned back in his chair.

"Gina, why do you have the heart for our child? where is your heart Gina? If only I didn't remember our child, I might have divorced you for a long time." muttered Bara sadly at the thought of his unhappy marriage.


At home, Dealova looks for Johan, but everywhere Dealova did not find it. At that time, there is an incoming message from Giant, Johan's best friend, telling him that Johan is very drunk at his own Night Club.

"What's Johan drinking there? instead of a Sunday night club off?" Dealova asked herself.

Dealova rushed to go on a motorbike to Johan's TOP TEEN night club, which he started when he met her.

Arriving at the Night Club, Giant is waiting for her arrival.

"Just go in. Love, Johan is in his private room." said Giant, an accomplice and friend of Johan who was tall and big.

"Thank you, Giant." said Dealova up the stairs and walked slowly to the end of the room, a special room owned by Frans Johan, the owner of the TOP TEN Night Club.

Dealova silently opened the door to Johan's room and found Johan sitting on a chair with a bottle of highly alcoholic drink.

Dealova glanced at several empty bottles scattered on the table. Holding her breath, Dealova took the empty bottles and threw them into the trash.

After feeling that there were no more bottles left, Dealova approached Johan, who was unaware of her presence.

"Johan, let's move to the room?" said Dealova while taking the bottle in Johan's hand, but Johan's hand brushed Dealova's hand roughly.

"Let me here Love, you go home." said Johan, straightening his drink again.

"Jo, that's enough ... you're really drunk." said Dealova again trying to take the bottle.

"Let me get drunk Love, so I can forget this pain." said Johan in an unclear voice.

Dealova stared at Johan's face, which looked sad, like a broken heart.

"Jo, what's wrong with you? tell me?" Dealova asked, pulling Johan's back and hugging Johan with pity.

In Dealova's warm embrace, Johan sank his head in Dealova's chest.

"I can't tell you Love." said Johan who could not bear if his true feelings would be rejected by Dealova, because Johan realized that because of his actions, Dealova ended up doing a job that was not right. And that always haunts Johan's days.

"Since when do we have a secret Jo?" Dealova asked, stroking Johan's hair gently.

"Since you always left without telling me, what are you doing outside of Love?" Johan asked as he drank his drink again with a sore heart.

"I had really important business and that was also because of our work Jo?" said Dealova who was always open to Johan.

Johan laughs sarcastically followed by the sound of loud hiccups, then Johan straightens up his drink, even now that it's completely gone.

Johan's hard repeated hiccups made Johan's chest feel even more painful. While holding his hot chest, Johan took another bottle of drink that was stored in his small cupboard.

Dealova glanced at the drink bottle that Johan took this time is a very deadly drink if you drink too much, and Dealova didn't want that to happen.

"Johan !! Enough Johan, don't let my patience run out." said Dealova, grabbing the small bottle that Johan carried, holding Johan's body unsteadily.

Hugging Johan's body, who could no longer stand upright, Dealova led him into the room, grabbing Johan's last empty bottle.

"Where do you take me Love? let go of me Love." said Johan trying to rebel from Dealova's arms and was about to drink back his drink bottle which could kill him if he drank too much.

When Johan was about to drink the bottle, Johan felt an object hit his head.


Johan felt his head spin for a moment then suddenly everything became pitch black. Johan fainted in the arms of Dealova who had hit his head with an empty drink bottle.

Due to his standing on the side of the bed, it made it easier for Deloava to lay Johan's body on the bed.

After Johan's body lay on the bed, Dealova saw the condition of Johan's head.

"Thank God it's okay Jo, I'm sorry I'm forced to do it, I don't want you to die in vain Jo." Dealova said as she took off his wet shirt and shoes.

After changing Johan's clothes with cotton shirts, Dealova went to the kitchen to make apple juice every time Johan was drunk.

Dealova came back into the room carrying a glass of juice and placed it on the table. Then Dealova took a broom and cleaned the scattered broken bottles.

After everything was done, Dealova only had to look after Johan, who was still unconscious. She saw Johan's sad face, which still hadn't disappeared.

"What's wrong with Jo? What do you feel? You know! I prefer Johan, who used to be hard-tempered and heartless, now where is all that Jo? why now you are so kind and considerate to me, even always giving in to me, what happened to you?" muttered Dealova, staring into Johan's face who was actually very handsome, if Dealova would observe him. But unfortunately Dealova had no time left, other than to please Johan by spoiling him playing in bed.

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