Still in Dealova's room, guarding the unconscious Johan from fainting. Because Johan was not yet conscious, Dealova went into the bathroom to clean her body.

After taking a shower, Dealova changed clothes, and returned to sit next to Johan, who was still unconscious.

"You have a fever Jo?" muttered Dealova getting up from her seat to get a basin of water and a small towel to wipe Johan.

Dealova attentively wiped Johan's forehead repeatedly.

"Love !! don't go..i beg you!!" Suddenly Johan babbles calling the name Dealova.

Dealova was silent for a moment, then patted Johan on the cheek.

"Jo ... you are delirious?" Dealova asked, staring into Johan's face.

"Don't go Love, I beg you don't leave me, I wronged you. I have made you so broken, I'm sorry. I love you Love, love you so much." Johan is still babbling and expressing his feelings unconsciously due to the effects of his high fever.

"I'm really sorry Love, I'm sorry, I love you love." again Johan babbled with his eyes closed, his face and lips getting redder.

Dealova's heart was touched and touched to hear Johan's feelings. So far, even though Johan claims to be his lover, Johan has never said anything about his feelings other than the full attention in the past months. Even Dealova's work was transferred to new children. For some reason, even though Johan was the first to sell it to a masher, but in Dealova Johan's heart, it was Johan who had given him the life to endure the harsh life of the night world.

Johan always protects her from male violence who acts harshly on her.

"Love." called Johan to break Dealova's dream.

"You've realized Jo?" Dealova asked, feeling Johan's warm forehead again.

"My head is dizzy Love." said Johan, holding his head.

"Drink this Juice, I made it for you." said Dealova giving a glass of juice to Johan without asking what she had heard about Johan feelings.

After drinking the juice, Johan tried to sit up and lean back.

"Why does my head hurt so much Love?" asked Johan while rubbing the lump on his head.

"I hit you with the bottle until you passed out !! What!! You are mad?" Asked Dealova with an angry face.

"Who ordered to get drunk to death?" Dealova said with tears in her eyes, because she was the only one she had, and only Johan was always by her side when she was down.

"You cry Love?" Johan asked, wiping Dealova's tears that trickled down her cheeks.

"Why do I cry over people who don't care for their lives, just try it if you dare to repeat the drunkenness like that, I'll give poison as well." said Dealova with exasperation.

Johan smiled happily, pulled Dealova back in his arms.

"I miss you Love." whispered Johan in Dealova's ear while rubbing her back gently.

"You haven't missed a day yet, how about a year?" said Dealova with a smile.

"One year Love? maybe I could die. Love." said Johan seriously, followed by Dealova's soft hand covering his mouth.

"What are you talking about Jo!" said Dealova with displeasure.

"Sorry Love, but it's true that that's the case." said Johan without smiling.

"Don't talk about Jo's death, you will always live a long life and always be there for me, right Jo?" said Dealova, looking softly at Johan's face.

"Of course Love, now tell me what was important until you left me without explanation?" asked Johan investigating.

"Mr. Bara sent me to his house again, Chelo was looking for me." said Dealova as well as wanting to ask about who will stay at Bara's house.

"Then, how?" Johan asked again wanting to know everything.

"Mr. Bara gave me a job as a baby sitter for Chelo, on the condition that I had to stay in his house." said Dealova, while Johan was not finished.

"You can't stay there !! you have to be here !! you are mine Love." shouted Johan unconsciously.

"Johan, calm down! What is wrong with you? Don't you want me to quickly finish my job playing a scandal with Mr. Bara? Is this a golden opportunity Jo? I can immediately tease Mr. Bara there." Dealova explained quietly.

"I don't care, let's just back off ... I'll tell Gina, if we can't carry on." said Johan irritably.

"I can't go back anymore Jo, you know me right? if you have accepted this job, i will finish it." said Dealova looking at Johan's face seriously.

Johan was silent then moved up to get out of bed, but Dealova held him back.

"Where are you going Jo? are you still sick." said Deloava holding Johan's chest.

"Listen to me first Jo, I'm going to share the time of one Sunday, three days here and four days there." said Dealova and saw Johan's reaction a little calm.

"Any day for me Love?" asked Johan in a low voice.

"Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, how about Jo? You like it when Saturday we can be together?" Asked Dealova with a smile.

"Still I'm not happy, if I have to part with you Love." said Johan with a grim face.

"I will always contact Jo, so that I miss you cured." said Dealova with a seductive smile.

Johan turned his face which had turned red like a tomato.

"Come on Jo, what's wrong with you? since when have you been so shy huh?" said Dealova, advancing her face and kissing Johan on the lips gently.

"There is no shame if with you Love, you are mine, and I am yours." Johan answered in a hoarse voice, kissing Dealova on the lips.

"Hmm, do you want it now Jo?" Dealova asked, wanting to make Johan's heart happy, who really loved her.

"I've always wanted you Love, every moment of every moment of my life." Johan replied in a barely audible voice.

Dealova stared at Johan's iris, with a very deep gaze.

Got Dealova's full gaze, making Johan's heart beat very fast.

Slowly Johan pulled Dealova's back and held his body tightly on top of him.

Dealova's face was so close to Johan's face, Johan's breath was so warm that he blew her face.

With a gaze full of love, Johan touched Dealova's moist lips with his finger.

"Your lips are addictive to me Love, I want to continue to enjoy it until the end of my life, only your lips." said Johan, starting to crush Dealova's lips and immediately got a more intense reply from Dealova's lips.

With his expertise, Dealova's lips played swiftly in Johan's mouth.

"Love..." called Johan with his eyes half closed, when Dealova's addicted lips spoiled his stalk, which was already standing and hardened.

Without giving Johan a chance to fight, Dealova had made Johan sprawl during his peak release with sperm that had been scattered everywhere.

"I never get bored with your lips, your addiction Love." whispered Johan in Dealova's ear who was cleaning his lips.

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