"Ruoxi" as soon as the title comes out.

Almost everyone's eyes fell on them.

In particular, Gong CE's firm attitude makes people feel that there seems to be something fishy in it.

The atmosphere became a little ambiguous.

An Ruoxi rolled his eyes to the sky and pulled him into the group.

The next second.

A group red envelope attracted everyone's attention.

The head portrait next to the red envelope is Gong CE's handsome self portrait.

"There are red envelopes! Come on

"Wow, as soon as you enter the group, you will get a red envelope. I like it!"

"If I had known, I would have pulled you in. Maybe I could have sent more."

The red envelopes were opened one after another.

The amount of two or three figures makes people sigh again.

Local tyrant, we should be friends earlier.

To celebrate that I became the first person to join the group.

Gong CE attached a text.

The hands of those who opened the red envelope all trembled.

"You are not." Lin Zhan showed the truth without expression.

A shocked expression in Gongli was struck by lightning.

Lin Zhan gave him a blank sidelong glance and added a blow: "I am."

"The second one is good, too." Gong CE's smile returned to its original radian.

Like an appointment, several messages appear on Gong CE's mobile phone screen at the same time.

"It's not..."

"Friendship suggests that an Ruoxi is the leader of the group."

"Almost everyone in this group was brought in by anjosi."

Gong CE frowned.

The next second, he raised one side of his lip, and quickly pointed his thumb on the mobile phone.

The winner is to be the last.

The declaration of the winner's pride was broken in the next second.

An Ruoxi sent a private message that did not enter the group of students pulled in.




Now, the air is completely quiet.

This strange atmosphere, let an Ruoxi look at the chat record.

Only then did he notice what Gong CE said.

Coincidence, coincidence!

She didn't mean to.

Business matters.

Gong CE has already retreated to the corner with his thumb wiping on the list added later, as if to erase those names.

An Ruoxi looked at him and sent a quick video of ghost steps to the group.

"You're good at dancing. You're learning faster, and you won't be able to teach at that time."

"Since you practice different kinds of dances, I suggest that you can split the song. After a long dance, it's a small individual solo. How about that?"

An Ruoxi began to plan step by step.

"You can have this one!"

"Everyone's specialty can be brought into play. It must be wonderful!"

"It feels like victory is closer to us again."


The students who were still questioning whether they could finish the rehearsal in such a short time, now everyone is confident.

However, those students with the same hands and feet stood beside them with a sad face.

Although the opening time is nearly 20 seconds, they can play a role.

But there are still more than four minutes after that. What should they do?

Do you want to stand by like wood until the end of the dance?

Others gathered around an Ruoxi to discuss and give their opinions.

But they gradually withdrew from the discussion circle and stood outside the circle.

An Ruoxi noticed the withdrawal of these people.

Think about it and you'll know what they're worried about.

An Ruoxi waved to them and said, "when you are solo, you can cheer around like a cheerleader."

"When dancing together..." Ann Ruoxi has not thought about how to arrange the part of Qi dance.

At this time -

"we will have a fight dance battle part in our hip-hop dance. Since they have been divided into two groups at the beginning, when we are dancing together, they can do some exaggerated actions and show that they are very disdainful of our dance."

The boy who practiced hip-hop dance stood up and said.

An Ruoxi eyes a bright, hit a ring finger.

"After the solo part of the individual, they can cheer from the side to the final cheer, so that the whole dance theme and story will be coherent!"

Ann Ruoxi's voice dropped, and everyone was excited.

"Yes, that's right."

"That's a good idea!"

"An Ruoxi, why are there so many ideas in your head? What kind of dance do you learn?" A classmate asked with a smile.Everyone looked at Ann ruosi.

Ann Ruoxi was stunned.

The original owner is unwilling to practice dance because he studies dance hard.

But she had practiced many kinds of dance because of the need and personal hobbies when she was on duty sometimes.

Thinking about it, anruosi said, "my mother thought I was too skinny when I was a child, so I learned for a while."

"Well, let's start practicing now."

"Said Ann Ruoxi, walking alone to the side and practicing the dance steps.

The atmosphere in the class is also particularly coordinated.

Everyone finds the right place to practice.

And the men with the same hand and foot joined forces to pile up the tables together.

The middle of the big classroom came out.

By the way, Ann ruosi also sent selected tracks to the group.

After a few minutes --

woo! Handsome! "

"Gong CE, you have learned so soon."

"It's so good to jump. It feels better than the teacher."

Ann Ruoxi turned to look at the sound.

I saw Gong Ze in the space between the platform and blackboard, and he had started to jump with the rhythm of music.

The action of the soft strip.

The appearance of evil spirits.

Attractive expression and body language.

At this moment, the stage of the young, like all the light and heat, let people no longer be able to turn an eye.

The two minute dance part ends.

All have not returned to God.

After returning to God, everyone applauded and cheered.

"Lead dance! Lead the dance! "

"This is a place you can't do!"

"Palace policy, good!"

Most people just remember the movement, but I didn't expect Gong CE had learned so soon.

This is more to make everyone more confident.

The girls were around him in a flash.

"The monitor said he would teach me what he would like to teach. Gong CE, please teach me."

"Teach me, teach me, I have jazz dance skills, learn faster, if you take pictures, we can be leaders together."

"You can't teach together. Grab something."

Girls, you say me a word, surrounded by the circle, almost no gap.

They are tall enough to a head of the palace policy, but directly looked at Ann Ruoxi.

The lips rose and a symbolic evil charm smile appeared: "my partner, there are already candidates."

Gong CE, let the girls both look forward to and worry.

Worry is yourself.

And worry about not myself.

Next second, Gong CE slowly walked to a girl.

The girl stared at the palace policy with her eyes wide open.

I didn't expect luck to fall on my head.

But, in the next moment, a basin of cold water was poured.

"Please let me have a chance." Palace policy thin lips open, lips corner smile through alienation and politeness.

The girl face is hot and she quickly retreats.

Gong CE in all girls' attention, slowly walked to the corner quietly practice the girl.

"Ruosi, they let you lead the dance with me." Gong Ze said, referring to the girls who were still surrounded.

Girls are trying to shake their heads.

However, when Gong CE blinked at them and nodded, they all nodded with a ghost.

An Ruoxi suddenly slipped three black lines.

She and Gong Ze are required to lead the dance?

Is that a suspicion that she didn't die fast enough?

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