"Look, it's popular." Gong CE waved his hand and said with a smile.

An Ruoxi looked at the palace CE one eye, backward two steps, light to open a mouth: "I will not."

Although an Ruoxi has learned almost the same.

But she can't dance with Gong CE.

She had promised to dance with him alone.

Then you can't break your promise easily.

"I can teach you." Gong CE still does not give up, step forward, will open the distance of an Ruoxi to narrow.

Gong CE moves forward.

Ann Ruoxi will step back.

"I don't want to pull the hind legs of the class. Besides, leading dance can be done alone." Ann Ruoxi refused again.

There is no room for discussion on this matter.

"If you don't dance with me, I'm not the leader." Gong CE simply plays tricks.

An Ruoxi looks like a child's palace policy, suddenly some helpless.

Just as she was about to speak, Lin Zhan's voice sounded behind her.

"If you don't want to be the lead dancer, I'll come with Xia Dongdong."

Lin Zhan and Xia Dongdong came together.

After Ann Ruoxi helped Xia Dongdong change her dress, she also learned to dress herself.

At the moment, I put on the clothes prepared by Gong CE. I don't have a fresh smell.

"We've learned." Lin Zhan said to an Ruoxi.

Lin Zhan's one of us, let Xia Dongdong's face float on two blushes, some shyly nodded.

"Lin Zhan, what do you mean?" Gong CE's face is a little cold.

"What do you mean Lin Zhan did not show weakness should go back: "you clearly know, what is the identity of an Ruoxi."

Knowing that an Ruoxi has a fiance, she keeps teasing her, which is too much.

"What about a fiance?" Gong CE said with disapproval: "what's more, even if you get married, you can still get divorced?"

"What's more, is this engagement really what she wants?"

"If she wanted to, how could she disguise herself to resist before?"

"If she doesn't want it, then I'll have a chance!"

There is potential in Gong CE's eyes.

His sight and Lin Zhan's line of sight collided in mid air.

There was a smell of gunsmoke in the air.

He had previously investigated Anna when she was suspected of her identity.

Knowing that she had been rebellious and clowning for a while, they were resisting the engagement.

"Cough..." An Ruoxi almost choked by her own saliva.

So is this why Gong CE has been daring to pursue her?

I don't know if I should like him or wax him.

"Brother." An Ruoxi walked to Gong CE's side and patted him on the shoulder. "If anyone has not had a rebellious period of youth, let alone the past."

"What do you mean?" Gong CE frowns, did not expect an Ruoxi will say so.

An Ruoxi looked directly at Gong CE and unswervingly opened his mouth: "I mean, I am very satisfied with my fiance, and I will always be satisfied with it."

Since, she and Beichen night have already identified.

Then don't create trouble.

Don't let Gong CE understand this fact, I'm afraid he will be so entangled.

"Since you don't want to lead the dance, give it to Lin Zhan and Xia Dongdong. They have a tacit understanding and a sense of CP

An Ruoxi said, but also to the summer, winter and winter cast an ambiguous look.

In summer, winter and winter, his face turned red, even his ears were red.

Originally white skin, because this pink looks more crystal clear.

It's so cute.

Even as a girl's an Ruoxi, can not help but rise a feeling of love.

Especially in summer, winter and winter, standing next to the tall and straight forest war, there is a kind of bird like feeling.

An Ruoxi more see more feel two people very match, quickly to Lin Zhan lost a look signal.

Lin Zhan was still expressionless.

However, his expression was more stiff than usual.

A duplicity guy.

An Ruoxi hook lip, turn to prepare to go to one side to continue to practice, but the hand is pulled by Gong CE.

Quickly take back the hand, an Ruoxi puzzled looking at Palace CE.

"I want it. I'll get it." Gong CE's deep voice is a little strong.

An Ruoxi heart a surprise, but mercilessly open mouth: "impossible."

Although Gong CE always appears careless.

But once you identify something, you'll be particularly brainwashed.

This is very similar to an Ruoxi.

So that's why she was willing to teach Gong CE more things.

But now, this is a headache for her.

Because it means it's not easy to make him give up."Gong CE!" Lin Zhan's voice has dropped to freezing point.

Ann Ruoxi is also frowning.

Other people who are practicing dancing are also attracted by the news.

All of a sudden, the whole classroom fell into a depressing atmosphere.

"Poop -"

suddenly, a laugh broke the silence.

Gong CE covered his stomach and laughed aloud.

"Well, no more fuss." Gong CE waved to an Ruoxi, a pair of defeated by her appearance.

Is he kidding?

Ann Ruoxi frowned and did not relax.

Lin Zhan's cold breath did not recover.

Gong CE laughed and squatted down. When she stood up again, her face was casual.

He put one hand in his pocket, his lips slightly hooked: "since you have learned, how about we dance in pyramid formation?"

The atmosphere is still weird.

It seems that no one except Gong CE is separated from the atmosphere just now.

Gong CE knows that this matter has not been turned over.

Touching his nose, Gong CE looks at an Ruoxi with a complicated look: "OK, I admit I like you, but..."

After the words, Gong CE did not finish, just shrugged.

"You don't need to add me to the solo part. I'll come back later." He said, directly turned around, leaving us a slender back.

He raised his bony hand to everyone.

The crown sign on his back, which covered almost the whole back, glittered with gold in the sun, making him look even more dazzling.

Ann Ruoxi pursed her lips.

The latter words, Gong CE did not say, but she understood.

Because, she once told him --

what you want will make you happy for a while.

Heart to heart will make you happy all your life.

If you don't meet them, you will never make do with them.

Happiness and sadness should be left to the worthy.

Therefore, if she has no palace policy in her heart, she is not worth it.

An Ruoxi hook lips, did not expect this boy really listen to.

The next time, class Z entered a tense rehearsal.

However, things are not as smooth as they think.

At the beginning, half of them made mistakes frequently, and even collided with each other.

There are countless shooting and slow shooting.

Play, pause, play, pause again and again.

Everyone's expression, from the beginning of excitement, into worry.

"Cramming, how can you succeed?"

"I said we couldn't do it."

"It's better to give up the game, even the ones behind it don't have to be compared."

Even, some people have begun to want to give up.

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