But an Ruoxi is very clear, the north star night does not know the possibility is almost No.

Gong CE quickly responded to the meaning of an Ruoxi. After making a few smiles, he said, "it's just a dance, as for it?"

An Ruoxi's face was stiff, and the cold and heavy appearance of Beichen night life appeared directly in her brain.

Gong CE may think it doesn't matter.

But it has a lot to do with Beichen night.

Especially at that time, when the two people almost kiss each other, an Ruoxi can be sure that Gong CE was intentional.

"As for

An Ruoxi replied and even added three exclamation marks.

It's not only about it, but also about it.

Should she make incense for the palace now or for herself?

After sending, an Ruoxi goes offline directly.

At this time -


The voice of wechat prompts rings.

An Ruoxi opened a look, it turned out to be the message of Beichen night.

It's true that Cao Cao is coming!

However, wechat is seldom used in Beichen night.

Call her directly if you have anything.

This sudden use of wechat, but also let an Ruoxi some hair.

After quickly unlocking, an Ruoxi opens wechat.

Take care of yourself these days.

An Ruoxi looked at the youth's head on the mobile phone for a moment.

It's a word for night.

Black characters on a white background, with a special outline like an ancient totem, are particularly domineering.

Beichen night, this is to leave a few days, specifically told her to take care of themselves?

An Ruoxi seems to be able to see through the screen the concern in the dark eyes of the youth.

The feeling of being cared about by people in the heart is strongly impacted.

The next second, she frowned slightly and quickly replied, "what happened?"

All the itineraries of Beichen night are basically arranged.

When he went out this morning, he didn't look like he was going away.

Something must have happened.

Otherwise, how can the account be so abrupt.

A few minutes later, there was no response.

Ann Ruoxi's eyebrows are more tight.

What's going on?

Dial his number to go out, but turned off.

What's going on?!

An Ruoxi looked at the mobile phone, which found that his understanding of Beichen night seemed too little.

In this case, she didn't even know who to ask for information.

Absentmindedly, she continued to deal with the business of class 20. From time to time, an Ruoxi took out her mobile phone to have a look.

However, there is still no young reply.

What are you doing?

Fingers on the screen to type a few words, but the girl to delete.

Repeated several times.

An Ruoxi simply put the mobile phone aside.

Take your clothes out of the closet and walk to the bathroom.


The next day.

As soon as the genius was bright, an Ruoxi had already woken up.

The first thing to open your eyes is still to take out the mobile phone to see.

Finally, the boy returned the text message.

But it's just a few words - take care of yourself when things are in a hurry.

The former is an explanation, the latter is an instruction.

Wash and go downstairs.

A smell came from the restaurant.

An Ruoxi frowned.

How can someone cook in her dormitory?!

Take a quick step to the location of the restaurant, see is the North Star Night dormitory over there servants.

"Hello, Miss Ann. We have arranged to take care of you."

"Miss ANN, breakfast is ready. Please take your time."

Said the two servants, smiling.

The standard smile with eight teeth on their faces, as well as their standing posture, all show their accomplishment.

Ann Ruoxi nodded and sat down to eat breakfast.

"Did you say what he was going to do?" An Ruoxi asked absentmindedly.

After asking, I reflected what stupid question I had asked.

How could Beichen night tell them what to do.

What's the matter with her?!

"No, Miss Ann. Yeshao never tells anyone what he does."

"Miss ANN, it is estimated that no one except the driver knows where he went at night."

Said the servant one after the other.

Ann Ruoxi nodded and began to eat breakfast in silence.

After eating, an Ruoxi will go to the class.

Not to the class, I saw today's class Z is particularly lively.The door is surrounded by the inner three floors and the outer three floors, so crowded that there is no gap in the road.

What's going on?

"Excuse me, thank you."

"Please make way, thank you."

Left squeeze right squeeze squeeze, Ann Ruoxi hard to squeeze into the class inside.

Originally the open class, now actually stand full of people.

All the boys in class 20 are standing in front of the classroom.

It's so serious that even the face is swollen.

"An Ruoxi, we didn't say we wanted to talk or not to count. It was just a day late, no, half a day!" A boy suddenly rushed in front of an Ruoxi.

He looked at an Ruoxi as if he had seen a savior.

"Explain quickly, we didn't mean what we said."

This voice, an Ruoxi listen carefully to recognize is yesterday that bet with the boy.

It's a terrible beating.

Anne winked.

He didn't know who had beaten him. Now he was blue and purple, like a pig's head.

The action of flat mouth begging for mercy affected the wound and became grinning again.

It looks very funny.

Dong -

a loud noise makes everyone shake.

"Also called an Ruoxi?" A deep male voice sounded.

This sound is just like a mellow red wine, very charming.

An Ruoxi looked at the past and found that Fang Zheng stepped on the stool with one foot, cold and cold with the boy in front of her.

That cold eyes and the face of Qing Jun completely do not match.

If it wasn't for the action of stepping on the stool, I didn't expect such a gentle boy could make such a loud noise.

Who is this?!

But no matter who it is, this attitude seems to be helping their class.

Ann Ruoxi looks at the rest of the class.

He found that all of them were in a good mood. Even Lin Zhan looked down on the monitor of class 20 with his chest around his chest.

This scene doesn't seem to be the first time.

"Dad Dad... " The boy flat mouth, stuffy ground cries.

"Speak up!" The deep voice was colder.

Dong -

he put his foot on the stool again, and the leg of the stool bent in response to the sound.

Creak -

the sound is a bit strange.

"Dad The monitor of class 20 quickly and loudly exclaimed, and the ending trembled.

An Ruoxi blinked and felt a little absurd about the scene in front of her.

She is sure that class 20 dare not pay back.

But I never wanted to have such a big son.

The girl's eyes directly looked at the boy who was cleaning up class 20 with violence. She was not familiar with her eyes.

I've made sure that the eyes are not the people she knows.

The monitor of class 20 saw that an Ruoxi didn't answer. He looked pitifully at the beating boy immediately.

"She didn't promise to keep shouting!" Said to the side without expression.

"Hello, wait a minute." An Ruoxi but directly in class 20 class monitor mouth directly stop: "I don't have nothing to accept when a son's hobby!"

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