"Hobbies can be cultivated." The boy said indifferently, as if it was a great honor to be called Dad in his eyes.

He read the post to help people out.

The monitor of class 20 looked back and forth pitifully between them, not knowing who he was going to listen to.

"That's what you want to be my son?" An Ruoxi some smile, but eyes immediately a cold: "but this is between me and you bet about, how to seem to listen to me."

The girl's eyes fluttered lightly and glared at all the people in class 20 in front of her.

Every boy's face was more or less colored.

The makeup on the girl's face is also crying, looks very embarrassed.

"Yes." The monitor of class 20 covered the pain on his face. Seeing that the boy had no objection, he immediately responded with a low brow.

They have lost their previous arrogance.

Some people can only learn with their fists.

"Then you'll just wait for the bet to be fulfilled." An Ruoxi light said, if they think come to the class to call a few dad, this matter is in the past, it is too simple.

The others in class 20 nodded obediently.

"You can tell them to do things now." Seeing that class 20 is soft, the girl seems to have reached a consensus with them. The boy, who has been stepping on the stool with her feet, said.

An Ruoxi looked at the past, and the leg of the stool that he stepped on had been bent to no avail: "then go and change that stool first!"

Her words are not salty.

Seems to be in front of the boys also some slightly not cold.

The boy looked down and found that the leg of the stool was bent. He spread out his hands innocently and kicked the stool to the monitor of class 20.


The monitor of class 20 even had no time to dodge and was hit by the stool and fell to the ground directly.

The innocent expression of the boy and the action under his feet seem to be very inconsistent.

The monitor of class 20 didn't even dare to say much. He took up the stool and rushed out.

When he came to the door, the students were booing one after another.

"Get out of here

"Keep rolling

"I'm addicted to gambling. I'm a loser."

"Have fun

He's like a rat crossing the street. Everyone shouts and beats him.

Class 20 seems to be less popular than class Z.

And all this, it seems, is because of the boy in class 20.

An Ruoxi's eye light took a few points to examine, came in for so long, but did not see this character.

Look at him in the crowd is also very eye-catching, no reason not to see.

In other words, there is no reason why an Ruoxi didn't know her original body.

This person looks like school grass.

Ren Xi looked at him with open arms.

"Thank you." An Ruoxi said thanks to the boy and asked, "are you?"

He should be a student here.

But an Ruoxi has not heard of any students in No. 1 middle school who still have such influence.

Looking at the appearance of the monitor of class 20 who just ran away, it was as if there were monsters behind him.

And judging from his movements, he should be very good at it.

"You don't know me?"

It's like finding something new.

The boy looked at an Ruoxi's eyes a little more interested.

"Is it strange not to know you?" An Ruoxi didn't think so.

In this world, she did not know much.

Hissing -

hissing -

in the position of the door, one by one, the voice of backward pumping sounds.

Such a voice seems to say that an Ruoxi doesn't know the boy in front of her. It's so incredible.

Hot talk followed.

"Are you kidding? Ann Ruoxi didn't even know the boss. "

"That's good."



And so on.

Ann Ruoxi frowned.

Sensitive to capture some people call boys do boss, try to search in the mind.

But still did not remember the description of the boy in front of him.

But judging from everyone's reaction, this boy must be very famous.

Why can't she remember such an influential person in No.1 middle school?

An Ruoxi looked back at Lin Zhan's direction and found that he was also frowning. It seemed that he was thinking about something.

That tight posture, as if ready to hand at any time.

This time, an Ruoxi turned her eyes and carefully looked at the boy in front of her.He had dark hair, a pair of silver rimmed glasses on his high nose, and his school uniform was neat and tidy from head to foot.

This image, to others, is not a bully, at least a good student.

But just now those people were calling him boss.

Is this man the most powerful one in No.1 middle school?

When Ann Ruoxi looks at the boy, the boy is also looking at her.

Two people's eyes in the air impact of that moment, the boy's eyes of interest more rich.

His lip corners light hook up a light radian, to an Ruoxi stretched out a hand: "Hello, I am the North Tianjue."

North Tianjue?

Ann Ruoxi looked at the boy's long and straight fingers and felt that the name was a little familiar.

"An Ruoxi." He also held out his hand and held it gently.

From the beginning to the end, an Ruoxi's expression is light, not too much change.

She did not know herself.

The northern Marquis saw this, and the smile on the corner of his lips became stronger: "you really don't know me? If you want to get my attention in this way, congratulations on your success. "

Originally is very arrogant words, but in his speech, but inexplicable geography should.

Ann Ruoxi sneered, "what about you? Don't you know me

When the northern Marquis heard his name, there was no waves in his eyes.

Obviously, he didn't know her either.

It's not how confident Ann Ruoxi is.

But whether it is before and ye Chengxin thing, or after Beichen night publicly announced the relationship between the two people.

What's more, it's her special dress up before.

I believe that the name of an Ruoxi should be heard by many people in No.1 middle school.

After she got to school, because of Gong min'er's painstaking operation, she hardly had any friends, and it was normal that she did not know these people.

But the person in front of her did not know her.

That's interesting.

"You are famous?" The eye color of the North Heavenly Lord is deeper, he hit a ring finger toward the door, the direction of the door has two boys to walk in.

The two boys' costumes are very exaggerated.

A head of golden hair is very dazzling, two people walking together like in a competition who is more dazzling than the sun.

His school uniform shirt is opened four or five buttons, has been opened to the position of the navel, chest of the same tiger head tattoo looks very ferocious.

When they approach, the ear of a row of earrings densely arranged together, is even more exaggerated.

One of them even had a nose nail on his nose.

Compared with northern Tianjue, they look like ruffian students.



The two men called respectfully.

"What is an Ruoxi? How about being your sister-in-law? " The northern Marquis looked at them and asked.

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