Beitianjue always feels strange.

Ann Ruoxi didn't regard herself as omnipotent. Trouble has always been a matter of little trouble.

Lin Zhan took a deep look at an Ruoxi, then looked at the people in class 20. He reached out and pointed to the stool whose leg was broken by the northern marquis. He said faintly, "change this stool, too."

This group of people standing there is really eye-catching.

Without saying a word, the boy nearest to the stool picked up the stool and rushed to the door.

It's so fast that it's a pity not to run.

"Let the rest of you go." Lin Zhan waved his hand.

On hearing this, the people of class 20 rushed to the door.

It's fast and neat.

Finally, they don't have to suffer here.

Class Z is not the place to stay.

At this time --

"not good! Monitor, it's not good. " A boy rushed into the classroom shouting.

"What's the matter?"

"What happened?"

"Isn't an Ruoxi standing there well? Why not?"

"Will you speak?"

Other students began to speak.

An Ruoxi herself also has some doubts.

Look at the boys, it seems that something bad has happened.

"I don't know who changed the application form I handed in before. The names were added to the items that we didn't sign up for in our class!" The boy gasped.


"My God, that's a lot of projects."

"If you have my name, if you write it in the 1500 meter long run, it will be over."

"It's too much of what kind of people did it."

Because the rules of the school sports meeting have changed this year.

Once you sign up, you have to attend, you can't be absent.

Even if you are sick and ask for leave, you have to be on top.

If absent, it will be regarded as abstention and admit defeat, and two comprehensive points will be deducted as treatment.

This kind of competition system, is hoped that everybody can enthusiastically register, at the same time, does not register randomly.

And once the competition, can not be fooled, must complete the designated project, if the referee thinks that the false competition, will directly deduct five points comprehensive points.

The competition rules of this school sports meeting are very strict.

Therefore, class Z was very cautious when registering at that time. After discussion in class, the registration items were determined.

They abstained from some projects and did not report them.

But I didn't expect someone to fill in all the items for them now

This is definitely for fun!

Now, many people are worried that they will be filled in the 1500 meter long run, as well as the high jump, long jump, weight lifting and so on.

Everyone was in a state of panic.

"I've sent the application form to the class." The boy raised his mobile phone.

Everyone opened the registration form to check their names.

Ann Ruoxi opened the application form.

After looking at the list of applicants, my brows frowned.

Actually, most of them are the names of summer, winter and winter.

"My God, isn't it for summer, winter and winter?"

"800 meters + 1500 meters long distance running, these two races are in succession, this is not equal to running 2300 meters at once? You'll die. "

"Is it OK to look so thin in summer, winter and winter?"

"There are long jump and shot put in the afternoon. What am I going to do?"

"Summer, winter, winter, who have you offended? This is how to deal with you."

The class suddenly became boiling.

Everyone looked in the direction of summer, winter and winter.

I saw the girl's face pale, looking at the application form in a very complicated eyes.

People with a clear eye will know that this is an event for summer, winter and winter when they look at the application form.

"Who handed in the application form?" Lin Zhan opened his mouth in a deep voice, and his voice was cold.

The girl in front of me was maliciously targeted.

"Yes It's me. " Xia Dongdong's voice trembled: "but when I gave it to my teacher, I didn't have these..."

The girl's voice trembled.

The small face, which was not big enough to slap, was as pale as white paper at the moment.

In everyone's eyes, she seemed to faint at any time.

Xia Dongdong took a deep breath and tried to restrain his shaking voice.

Because she is very clear, at this time, any tears and weakness are the most useless things.

Her name on the application form was linked to projects that had never been thought of, like an astronomical number.

Everyone was looking at her.

"I..." Xia Dongdong took a deep breath and stood up: "I will try to finish all the events."She said she bowed in the direction of everyone: "sorry, because of my relationship, let everyone be implicated, I'm sorry."

Xia Dongdong's voice is clear and clean, but it is full of guilt.

The girl's body is thin, even the smallest size of the school uniform on the body are some generous.

However, at the moment, she straightened her back, but seemed to be able to bear all the wind and rain.

The more so, the more intolerable.

"If you can't, you can't

"Yes, the score is not that important."

"Summer, winter and winter, if all of them are finished, you will be finished." The girls urged one after another.

Although the boys did not speak, their eyes were also full of concern.

Xia Dongdong heard the voice of concern, and tears that had been tolerated all the time burst into his eyes.

She thought that what she would welcome would be reproaches.

She even made an apology to the students who had to take part in the competition because of her harm.

But I didn't expect that the first thing to greet was everyone's care.

Tears blurred in front of the line of sight, summer winter winter quickly lowered his head, even made a few deep breaths, just to the tears to force back.

Once again, she bowed deeply to everyone, "thank you."

After staying for a long time, he straightened up in summer, winter and winter.

At the moment, the mist in the eyes is all dispersed, and the glassy eyes exude dazzling brilliance.

"Please rest assured that I will try my best to finish the competition, although I can't guarantee to get the place." Xia Dongdong said with his fists clenched.

The person who did it wanted her to make a fool of herself in front of everyone and be excluded from the class, just like she had been in other classes before.

Even, want her to leave one.

In fact, she knew who would do such a thing.

But the more so, the less she can't go.

Xia Dongdong took a deep breath, and her eyes became more firm.

There is a layer of low pressure in the class.

Class Z has a feeling of common hatred for the changed registration form.

"Summer, winter and winter, don't force yourself." Ann Ruoxi looks at the girl who has taken off her glasses. She looks like she's a coward from the beginning. Xia Dongdong seems to have changed a lot.

She's integrated into the class.

In fact, this is a stubborn girl.

This registration arrangement, normal people can not accept it.

What's more, the girls' physique is so bad now. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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