Lin Zhan also looked at the summer, winter and winter, rarely opened his mouth: "do as you can."

Although the sentence is very short, the care inside is equally strong.

Other people's voices were echoing.

"Yes, scores really don't need to be that concerned."

"Summer, winter and winter, you should know that this morning is the 800 meter race and 1500 meter race. After running, people will die."

If it's just one of the events, maybe you can keep running.

But now it's two running together, which is almost impossible for everyone.

I'm afraid the whole school can't find the second two projects to sign up for together.

Even for boys, it's hard to do that.

What's more, Xia Dongdong is such a thin and small girl.

It's a big deal to give up.

"If you look like this, I don't know I thought I'd make a sad film!" A sudden voice rang out.

It's Gong He who doesn't talk and doesn't speak in general.

"Since the registration form is not filled in by our class itself, and it is not changed by our own people, is there no way to appeal?" He glanced around the class carelessly, and seemed to be dismissive of their present atmosphere.

Ann Ruoxi nodded, and her fingers gently tapped the interface on her leg and said, "in fact, since it's done by students in other classes, there are always traces to follow."

This is the North Star Night's habitual action, seems to have infected her.

As long as there is a trace to follow, it can be found out.

As long as you find it, you can change it.

"Well, our class on the school side can appeal." Lin Zhan also nodded.

One of the great things about school is that there's a camera. There's no secret about a lot of things.

At least, if not deliberately avoiding the camera.

Gong he saw that they finally turned the wind, and then he went back to sleep.

Other students also suddenly realized.

"Yes, you are computer experts. You can find clues, right?"

"Yes, the monitor is powerful."


Z ban Sheng has a kind of inexplicable trust in Lin Zhan and an Ruoxi.

Xia Dongdong hears the words that you just cared about, and now he is actively giving advice. He warms up a little bit and says to everyone gently: "in fact, it doesn't have to be so troublesome."

Everyone looked at her.

Xia Dongdong laughs with some embarrassment: "I can take part in those two projects. You may not know that I have participated in half horse and whole horse before."

The girl said, some embarrassed lowered her head.

She likes sports very much.

In addition, some organizations can also get rich bonuses if they get places in sports events.

So summer, winter and winter often sign up.

Almost every time the city marathon, summer, winter and winter will go to participate.

Running is not a problem for summer, winter and winter.

The difficult ones are the high jump and the shot put.

These two sports have never been touched in summer, winter and winter.

Half horse?!

The whole horse?!

A quiet class.

Even an Ruoxi is also a little surprised, this girl can not see is so good physical appearance.

Lin Zhan blinked.

Even Gong He who just fell down seemed to look up.

"Wow, you've been to half horse and whole horse

"No wonder you have such a good figure that you can't see it at all."

How can you be so white

"I'm much relieved now."

"Summer, winter and winter, please call me next time you take part in the competition."

"You don't have to come, you guys who don't get up until three o'clock."

The students, who were worried at the beginning, frowned and even joked with each other.

An Ruoxi looked at Xia Dongdong, with light flowing in her eyes: "so, are you ready to participate?"

In fact, it is not impossible to change.

But I'm ready to accept it.

This actually made her a little uneasy.

What's more, the appearance of summer, winter and winter doesn't seem to be surprised by all this, as if you already know who did it.

"I know that you may be able to find out who did it and appeal, but it may be too late. If you can't appeal immediately now, I'll take part." In summer, winter and winter, the smile on the corner of lips is like a flower in a desperate situation, gorgeous and some inexplicable sadness.

"I can." An Ruoxi feel something wrong, summer winter winter really can: "we do not cause trouble, does not mean afraid of things!"

It's good that she doesn't look for trouble.

Now someone comes to ask for trouble, but can't they accept it like this?

"It's OK. I can do it!" The summer winter winter urgent response way: "then I try my best to get the place in the class, OK?"An Ruoxi eyes flash, she this is to maintain the registration form of people?

Know who it is, but Xia Dongdong chooses to bear everything silently.


Lin Zhan, standing beside an Ruoxi, has the same expression at the moment.

"Jingling --"

the bell rings in class.

Soon, the announcer's beautiful voice came from the radio.

"Good morning, dear teachers and students. The opening ceremony of our school sports meeting is over. Next is the exciting competition..."

"Now, please line up in order for all classes to gather on the playground."

The command has been issued.

An Ruoxi finally asked: "summer, winter, winter, you really can?"

"Well!" In summer, winter and winter, the emphasis is on nodding.

"Lin Zhan, you lead the team." An Ruoxi turned to look at Lin Zhan, then they set out.

Lin Zhan looked at an Ruoxi, but did not say anything, directly stood in front of the team.

Everyone followed him in the direction of the playground.

Ann Ruoxi went straight to the back row, behind Xia Dongdong.

After coming to the playground, each class will have its own rest area.

After the principals and directors made their speeches one by one, all the classes went to the rest room.

For the rest area of class Z, some people have already prepared water and snacks, and there is a note on it -

come on!

Signature: Gong CE.

The formal words and the unruly appearance of the young people do not match.

"Wow, this is an Italian hand-made snack brand. Gong CE is really a big hand."

"I have decided that Gongce is my God."

"Isn't he your God long ago?"

Gong CE has now set up the image of a local tyrant male god in everyone's mind.

An Ruoxi directly took out two bottles of mineral water, sat next to Xia Dongdong and handed over the water.

"You seem to have something to say to me." Xia Dongdong's expression is a little stiff to take water, she seems to have some uneasiness.

"Is it obvious?" asked an Ruoxi

Summer winter winter gently nodded: "a little."

"Over there?" Ann Ruoxi pointed to the top corner of the class rest area.

They went that way.

Before sitting down, Xia Dongdong patted two people's seats to clean the dust.

It's a subconscious action.

An Ruoxi eyebrows a Yang, summer winter winter seems to be used to consider for others, or used to take care of people.

"Who is that man?" She asked directly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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