Suddenly -

"Ruoxi, what's the matter Anya doubts to stop an Ruoxi asked.

At the moment, an Ruoxi's cold breath can't be ignored.

That's not the kind of momentum that should appear in a high school girl.

An Ruoxi took a deep breath and pressed the ice in her eyes and body.

When she turned, her eyes were clear again.

In particular, the corner of the lips is a sweet smile, looks very clever: "it's OK, mom, let's focus on training, but I can't find the computer."

"But there is no Internet at home." Anya said, stood up to want to go to LA anruoxi: "you tell your captain, see if you can wait for the network to repair before training."

Looking at Anya that pair of understanding eyes, an Ruoxi's hands can not help but pinch under.

The eyes raised on the end of the eyes, the deepest cold anger began to hide.

Anne Ruolin's brow slightly frowned.

Seeing Anya looking at an Ruoxi all the time, she seemed to be thinking about something. She said, "Auntie, what is the loophole in the contract you just said? Can you tell me more about it? "

"Oh, good!" Anya was confused, but she turned around.

Today, whether it's an Ruolin or an Ruoxi, it's a little strange.

But just raised doubts, was interrupted by an Ruolin, waiting for her to turn around, found that an Ruoxi has been holding the computer to leave.

Anya goes on to explain the topic just now to an Ruolin.

Ann Ruolin listened, but she was thinking.

I'm going to find an opportunity to find an Ruoxi and see what she's doing.

She always felt that the reversal of this matter had something to do with an Ruoxi.


Ann Ruoxi went straight back to the bedroom with her computer.

The two computers are on each side of the desk.

After rubbing her hand, an Ruoxi took a deep breath, and then spit out a mouthful of turbid air.

This action seems to be to spit out all the emotions disturbing the heart.

Anya's notebook quickly connected to the same post, began to enter the background.

Ann uses two computers to attack simultaneously.

When the other side pops up an interface intermittently, an Ruoxi uses another computer to continue to attack.

Amazing speed, and an Ruoxi calm face formed a sharp contrast.

Everything is tense and exciting.

Ann Ruoxi knows that what she is facing now is definitely not a person, but a group.

The opponent is very strong.

If it is ordinary people, I am afraid that they have already run away.

But an Ruoxi is different.

Because the world is her home.

Eyes slightly squint, an Ruoxi continue to attack.

Break, break, break again.

Anna quickly switches between the two computers seamlessly.

At the same time of attack, she also mercilessly sent virus to each other's computer.

Soon, the other party's speed gradually slowed down.

One computer after another was destroyed and paralyzed.

An Ruoxi this move can be said to be very cruel, but also put their own so many years of accumulation of all the experience.

What she thinks now is not how to hide herself, but how to solve it before Anya finds out.

She didn't want Anya to see those words or know about it.

The smile on Anya's face today has greatly touched an Ruoxi.

That sincere smile, not only she, but also the original owner wants to guard.

An Ruoxi's face became more and more serious.

She's getting faster and faster.

One hand at the end of the computer.


Half an hour.

Time seems to pass quickly.

But for an Ruoxi, every second needs a strong physical strength to support.


Dong Dong!

There were two sounds in succession.

The interface in front of an Ruoxi becomes the background of the website.

All locks are completely broken.

An Ruoxi also succeeded in destroying each other's computers with a virus.

This time, the virus she sent was not so simple.

Even in her previous life, she had never used the virus against anyone else.

But this time, they really pissed Ann off.

Then don't blame her for being rude!


Haoting Shengyuan.

Central area.

In the house, which has been in darkness all year round.

It seems to be no different from ordinary houses.However, under this, a three-layer underground kingdom has been established.

The first floor is surrounded by numerous monitors, and every corner of Haoting Shengyuan is monitored and recorded clearly.

The second and third floors are the world of computer geeks.

There are many elite hackers in the world.

People of all colors operate steadily in their rooms.

Today, they all put down what they had in their hands and did the same thing assigned by the leaders.

But it was just half an hour ago.

Something that surprised everyone happened.

Everyone's computers have been poisoned.

They know that someone is attacking their computer.

And, more than one.

But I didn't expect that they would be implanted with the virus when they were in the opponent's time.


Everything here is paralyzed.

"Room 001 failed."


"Room 018 failed."


"Room 039 failed."

One report after another sounded in the corridor.

Finally -

"room 099 failed!"

The whole corridor is completely quiet.

The last room numbered 100, but there was no sound.

The huge room was decorated with luxury.

The floor area is half of the whole three floors.

Here, there are more than a dozen computers alone.

There's also a monitor that takes up a wall with various surveillance screens on it.

In the room, Gong Jun looks at the computer screen in front of him.

When he realized that all of them were not opponents of each other, Gong Jun gave up completely and stopped setting obstacles for each other.

Otherwise, I'm afraid even he will be captured here.

He can't see who they are.

The other party has opened the background, directly clear all the contents of the post, and even completely remove the software that forces the post to open.

The operation speed of the other side is very fast.

At the same time, it's very stable.

The two computers are synchronized, and it looks like one person is operating.

But is it possible? !

I'm afraid that only the woman who once became king in the Internet world can do this.

But now there are so many people in the world, but Gong Jun doesn't know?

His underground kingdom has attracted most of the elite hackers.

If it is not a special case, Gong Jun will never use this power.

I can use it here, not only because I was really angry by Gong CE today, but also because it has to be successful.

Just this moment, looking at the other side's operation, Gong Jun's eyebrows are more and more locked.

On that handsome face, the clouds are thick, as if the wind and rain are about to come. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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