Gong Jun directly pressed the key beside him.

At that moment, the bell rang.

Ring the bell.

Ring the bell.

The whole corridor resounded with deafening bells.

The people in each room rushed out, trained as if they had been militarized.

Everyone rushed to the biggest room on the third floor.

In the whole corridor.

In addition to the set of ringtones.

There was only the sound of uniform footsteps.

One minute.

In room 100, everyone has assembled successfully.

"Position this man for me, no matter what you do." Gong Jun looked at these people in front of him and said coldly.

Even if he is sitting, but the momentum of his body is too strong to be ignored.

A great sense of oppression reverberated throughout the room.

In the opposite of Gong Jun, everyone changed into the expression of potential in must get.

They all know who the target is.

The one who just paralyzed all their equipment here.

99 computers, none of them.

This is a situation that we have never encountered in the past few years.

And the computer that poisoned first, still can't conquer this virus successfully now.

Everyone here is a top hacker in every country.

But now they are confronted with opponents who have reduced them to such fields.

Either way, they have to find this person.

Gong Jun's eyes swept over these people's faces one by one, and the coolness in their eyes was frightening!


At an order.

The other 99 people moved quickly.

At that moment, I don't know who touched the mechanism. The wall of the room suddenly opened and the room expanded again.

Open both sides of the wall behind, full of computers.

One by one.

At the moment, all the computers turn on automatically.

Computers have codes on them.

Everyone looked at the people around each other and quickly went to the computer with their own number.

They know it's a game.

It's also a test.

If this operation fails, it is a denial of their technology.

99 people are tracking one person.

If you can get away with it, it's a joke.

That moment.

All connected to the computer.

Move quickly.

Track the plan. Go ahead.


Ann Ruoxi keeps tapping on the computer.

All the posts were eliminated by her.

Now she's removing the setting for someone to open the browser to see this post.

However, this is obviously difficult.

Ann Ruoxi frowned tightly, trying to speed up the solution, but found that the other party's code seems simple, but in fact is disordered.

In the numerous codes, there are many virtual points that can be collapsed.

But a little bit in, only to find that it is a smoke bomb.

This setting must be disabled, otherwise this event cannot be stopped.


Di, Di, di.

The alarm goes off.

Someone hacked into this post.

Ann Ruoxi strongly felt that the other side was aiming at her.

But if you quit now, the other party will definitely upload the things that just uploaded again.

What she has managed to overcome will fall short.

Ann Ruoxi doesn't want to give up.


Drop, drop, drop, drop, Di, Di, di -

the siren rings continuously.

More and more people intruded into the background of this post.

Obviously, they're all coming for anjuoxi.

Besides, anjuoxi is sure that this is the gang just now.

Did you make a comeback by changing computers so quickly?

The girl's lips sparked a sneer.

On the alarm below, the number of people on the other side has been shown.

99 people are invading backstage at the same time, just to besiege her.

A sense of being challenged was kindled in an Ruoxi's heart.

It's avoidance.

Or head on?

When an Ruoxi's hand on the keyboard to press reset, everything returned to calm.

But anruoxi did this, no doubt for the other party to locate their own position to fight for time.

So she is solving the problem at the same time, constantly changing their position, so that the other side can not track.No panic, no confusion.

It's not tight, it's not slow.

An Ruoxi two computers at the same time.

Trans provincial and transnational.

Even fixed to the location of the last tracking palace Jun.

Ann Ruoxi easily changed the location of the two computers.

Finally, click.

Pull out the cable directly.

Ann Ruoxi stepped off the line as they were about to focus their search.

This wave of operations came as a surprise.

Ann Ruoxi could well imagine the dark faces of those people.

From the beginning to the end, an Ruoxi did not intend to entangle with them.

She can clearly feel that these 99 people are top hackers.

If you continue to entangle with them, it will not do her any good.

Even if they finally escape, they are likely to expose their position nearby.

This time, she did something about her mother, which was already easy to associate with people.

If the deer park is exposed again, it's really hard to get out of it.


The sound of the door handle twisting suddenly sounded.

Ann Ruoxi turned her head and saw that she opened the door directly with if.

When she came in and saw two computers in front of anruoxi, she raised her eyebrows: "what are you doing?"

"Training." Ann Ruoxi answered naturally.

One person PK with 99 hackers.

In fact, it's also about training your own hacking skills.

"Two computers for training?" Ann Ruolin asked suspiciously, obviously did not believe.

An Ruoxi a show of hands, looks like some innocent: "I like to train, while recording."

With that, an Ruoxi didn't give an opportunity to continue to speak, and directly opened the topic.

"How is my mother now?"

If Anne Rowling can come here, there should be nothing on mom's side.

"Auntie is nothing. It's you who are dealing with some business matters." Ann Ruolin hands around the chest, eyes up and down looking at an Ruoxi.

What do you see?

An Ruoxi eyebrows a lock, the heart has begun to think about how to avoid the topic later.

"Since I'm here, I'll stay with my aunt. I have something else to go."

Enrolin said this directly and turned away.

An Ruoxi heavily exhaled a breath, directly picked up the computer to go to the study.

After knocking on the door, she opened the door of the study directly.

After going in, you can see Anya quickly cover the phone directly on the desktop.

There was no trace of blood in that pale face.

Panic in the eyes is to show that there must be something wrong.

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