Beichen night with an Ruoxi directly came to the elevator.

After getting on the elevator, it goes straight to the ground floor.

When an Ruoxi went out, she was shocked by the scene in front of her.

This is an underground economic kingdom.

On several big screens in the center of the hall, the market trend of the stock market today is shown.

More than a dozen people were sitting around, each with a laptop doing data analysis.

At the same time, according to the situation, buy and sell.

Seeing Beichen night coming, more than a dozen people stood up at the same time.

"Two little."

"Two little."

"Two little."

One after another, they called out in order.

Everyone wore a pair of gold rimmed glasses, with a bit of gentleness, but also a strong sense of their shrewdness.

Beichen night nodded to them, motioned for them to sit down and continue to walk inside.

It's full of twists and turns.

Beichen night with an Ruoxi came to a large office.

Here, all people are placed in front of a large number of information, which is densely filled with various introductions.

An Ruoxi saw a nearby document, which wrote the details of a company, even how many subsidiaries were written clearly.

I didn't expect that Beichen family even investigated these things clearly.

"Two little."

"Two little."

People in the office, one after another, called respectfully.

The eyes of Beichen night swept lightly in the office area. After nodding, he said: "transfer the information of Hantian industry and send it to D office area."


A man took a breath.

Ann Ruoxi looked at the past and thought that these people would have any surprise reaction.

But then, the reaction of these people made an Ruoxi a little silly.

"It's a little less."

"That's great. Get all the information out of here."

"We should have done this for a long time, otherwise others would have thought that our Beichen company was a paper tiger."

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

A dozen people in the office quickly.

The expression on everyone's face was a little excited.

An Ruoxi could not adapt to such a change for a while.

"They collect information about companies in the hope that they can swallow them up, so they are very excited and get used to it."

Beichen night turned to an Ruoxi and said.

Ann Ruoxi nodded and seemed to be infected with their excitement at the moment. The feeling of eager to try in his heart was always surging.

Beichen night looking at an Ruoxi bright eyes, the bottom of the eyes across a touch of soft.

The wheelchair turns.

Beichen night with an Ruoxi came to D office area.

When an Ruoxi walked in, a strong pressure directly attacked.

That's the pressure of the whole atmosphere.

Everyone here has a serious face.

In one of the walls, several large LCD screens occupied the whole wall.

On the screen, the numbers are constantly beating and changing.

At this time -

the staff in the office area just now pushed a small cart and brought all the information.

All the materials have been photocopied and sent to each of the staff here.

"In an hour, I'm going to bankrupt this company." The boy's deep voice has no emotion.

There were more than a dozen staff members on the scene, each of whom quickly turned over the data.

Tearing -

tearing -

an Ruoxi constantly heard the sound of paper being torn off.

After that, we can see that these people are constantly whispering and exchanging information.

Five minutes later.

A person pushed gold rimmed glasses, went to the north star night in front of, will a small stack of information to the north star night.

The north star night took over and looked up.

There was a faint but cold-blooded smile on the corner of his lips.

"He chose to betray, and that's what he should end up with." Beichen night will be the information to the hands of that person.

"Let's go."

An Ruoxi can feel that the breath of Beichen night is slightly sad.

Just in front of her data flash by that moment, she noticed the word Beichen.

Obviously, the company was founded by people within the Beichen family.

So these people will come to ask for instructions.

Sell the industry.

Spread the news.

Pull the stock market.

……This moment.

An Ruoxi saw the big screen, one operation after another, constantly changing.

These people are the manipulators one by one.

Easy to control everything in front of you.

Looking at the numbers that are constantly beating, an Ruoxi seems to be able to feel the body's blood constantly boiling.

Among them, the most striking one is the decreasing number next to Hantian Industrial Co., Ltd.

Turn that number into a zero.

That's what these people work for.


Da da da da.

Mouse sliding, keyboard tapping.

There was no sound in the whole room except these sounds.

This moment.

An Ruoxi heart rose a strong sense of familiarity.

Once, because of the mission, she had become the same person as them.

One company after another was directly controlled and destroyed in her hands.

But in the end, she personally wiped out the company she was trying to grow.

Di Di Di Di -

the number next to Hantian Industrial Co., Ltd. is still decreasing.

And less.

The speed is accelerating.

Compared with the calm here.

The outside world, however, has been turned upside down.

Today's crazy scene was reported in financial reports.

"Hantian Industrial Co., Ltd., as a new rising star, after several successful bidding projects, its market value has shrunk wildly. It is obvious that someone has deliberately done it. Can Hantian industry survive this difficulty?"

"The latest news, the stock of Han Tian industry has been down limit, when to rescue, or unknown."

"Han Tian industry even publicly announced the sale of competitive projects to alleviate the crisis."

"No one dares to buy the bidding project of Hantian industry. It is obviously a few pieces of fat pork. How could this happen?"

"Hantian has submitted bankruptcy documents."


An hour.




All the media outlets are playing it up.

Hantian Industrial Co., Ltd. appears in everyone's view with the rapid development.

Everyone thinks that this is a company with unlimited future. After all, not all companies can win several major projects in succession.

But now, in such an awkward way, he lingered.


The industry began to leak news.

Hantian industry was offended by the North Star Company, will come to such an end.

No matter who bought the project, it will become the next target.

No one can shake the dignity of Beichen company.

This war.

Just an hour.

But it was very beautiful. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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