When all the dust settles.

The countdown of an hour just ended.

D District Office chief executive slowly walked to the north star night in front of.

Between his brows there was a bit of awe inspiring, not haughty to speak: "two little, everything is over, their project began to sell half an hour ago."

"All our internal information is also disclosed to the media, and they will report according to our plan."

"If no one asks them to buy those projects in a short period of time, they will be left in their hands and will have to sell them at a lower price."

The man's words were determined, as if all this had already been in his calculation.

The North Star Night nodded: "then hang."

A few words.

It's a final decision.

"Go back and finish." The night of North Chen says faintly, that facial expression does not have appearance, anyone can't guess, what he wants to do next.

I came all alone.

He went away with indifference.

This one hour's time is a battle to defend the status and field of Beichen family.

The high-speed economic strategy of such a rapid momentum, to the north star night said, still did not rise what waves.

It was as if he had anticipated it.

The wheelchair turns.

An Ruoxi left behind the north star night, but couldn't help looking back.

Everything inside has returned to normal.

When they don't carry out the work just now, they are just like those on the outside, facing a lot of data, discussing and recording constantly.

It's just.

They're not looking at the stock market.

It's about the development of a company or an enterprise to see whether it has the value of acquisition.

An Ruoxi took back her eyes and looked forward to the front, but her eyes showed a cold light.

The ending of Beichen night is not only the documents in the office, but also those who are against him.

Take the elevator all the way back to the office.

The secretary came straight in.

"Er Shao, shall we take advantage of the momentum to take over the project now, or will we wait for the price reduction in two days

The Secretary asked the point of the matter directly.

To eliminate one of the opponents now is to gain more time to solve other problems.

When Ann Ruoxi was looking at the documents, she also saw that these were new companies creating chaos.

As for what is behind the operation.

And what is the point of doing so.

I believe it will be clear soon.

"In the air." Beichen night thin lips light open, light response to a sentence and just the same words.

An Ruoxi lips hook up a smile not smile arc.

Now the anxious role is not them, but those behind the market.

Nearly two billion projects have been frozen in their hands, and now they are faced with all kinds of loan calls from the bank. I think these people would like to throw all the projects in their hands and sell them.

It's just.

With the north star night so vigorous action.

No one in the industry dares to take over these projects that they know can make money.

After all, no one wants to be the second.

In one hour, a listed company went bankrupt, which has proved the strength and position of Beichen company.

"In fifteen minutes, call everyone in."

Beichen night left this sentence, control wheelchair directly into the office.

Ann Ruoxi followed directly and put her hands on the handle of the wheelchair.

She knew that 15 minutes later, China would surely set off a new round of economic turbulence.


On the other side.


The most valuable villa area in Qinghai.

One of the outermost villas in a room, constantly sounded the sound of smashing things.

"Didn't you tell me that he had no time to run our company?"

"You're making me broke, you know?"

"You said you wanted to protect me, but what happened?"

"Now everyone knows that my company is going to go bankrupt, so many projects are sold out, but no one dares to take over. What should I do if I owe the bank so much money?"

"It was you who told me that you would be responsible for making trouble for Beichen night."





The sound of heavy objects falling on the ground kept ringing.

The sound of objects crashing and rolling, rolling and rolling.

Accompanied by the man's deep and angry roar, it sounds inexplicable with a bit of desolation.Outside the room, the servants stood shivering at the door. Two of them even had their faces painted.

They looked anxiously inside.

Men's incessant abusive voice makes them worry about where their tomorrow will be.

"I don't care, you must solve this matter for me, otherwise I will go to the north star night to expose you, you use me as a shield, you have to protect me."

"If you offend beichenye, you are looking for death in China. I said I would never do it. You said you would protect me!"

The man even ended up threatening.


The next second.

All the abuse stopped abruptly.

Thump -

a sound of heavy objects falling on the ground followed.

After that, the whole environment was quiet as if nothing had happened.

It's just that sound, but it's pounding on everyone's heart.

The servant tried to open the door in a hurry, only to find the door locked.

After the housekeeper brought the key to open the door, the whole person was as numb as a thunderbolt.

"Ah! Kill

"Quick, quick, 110!"

"This has nothing to do with us."

For a moment, the whole environment was in a mess.

The servants who had just been shivering outside were shaking even more.

At the moment, the whole room is in a mess.

There are broken tiles everywhere.

The man who has just been smashing things in the room is lying on the ground quietly at the moment. There is a blood red hole between the eyebrows, constantly bleeding out.

Red blood spread all over the place.

At the same time, it seems to be frightened, but it is also full of inexplicable sadness.

The man's eyes are not willing to stare big, the flow of anger and can not believe that people can not ignore.

Also can feel strongly, even if the man is dead, also so unwilling.

What he has just threatened is still in my ears.

Obviously, this is killing people after being used.

No matter who is so cruel.

But at the moment, the servants are more concerned about their own safety.

"What we've just heard will put our lives at risk?"

"Before the police come, we'd better pack up some valuable things and leave."

"If you don't know how to stay here, you don't want to die."

"Let's go, let's tell everyone else to go!"


The villa became lively.

Everyone is holding valuable things to protect their future.

And soon.

The villa became empty.

When the police arrived, only the old housekeeper was left to deal with the aftermath of the whole villa.

The whole villa has a bloody and sad atmosphere.

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