In this case.

Gong CE doesn't want to lose.

Especially after the girl said that.

He didn't want to lose to his opponent.

When he saw Gong Qizhi's appearance, the others looked at each other.

"This game, you have to win." Beichen night deep voice said.

Everyone's eyes became more steadfast.

Fengshen took out the data of U disk, inserted it into the computer, and began to operate skillfully.

The information on the computer is transferred to the large screen in the middle of the living room.

They have the last 20 minutes to prepare for the game.

A tense meeting is going on.

Feng Shen told them all his plans clearly again.

"Today's game is two wins in three innings. Each game has a 20 minute break. We have a chance to lose, but everyone must keep an eye on the opponent's movements and memorize them by heart."

"And in the dialogue just now, the opponent has been giving us a message!"

Feng Shen said, pausing for a moment, his eyes became cold.

"They are very familiar with our situation. No matter it is Gong CE's little fan Mei or their team leader, they must have done in-depth research on us. They also see that our tacit understanding is not enough, so they will certainly start from this aspect."


The last five minutes were left behind.

"Now, you can say what you have in mind."

Feng Shen hopes to win more opinions from all of you.

The face of Beichen night is slightly heavy.

Originally, the temporary formation of the team was to make the opponent unprepared.

After a thorough study of the first team, it turned out that they were in the wrong direction.

But I didn't expect that there would be a gong CE's fan sister in the opponent.

And it's the same place to place an order.

And before Ai Li kills because with oneself and an Ruoxi confrontation, to an Ruoxi certainly also can carry on some in-depth investigation.

In any case, the opponent has an advantage over them.

"Now the only way is for everyone to adapt to circumstances. I will control the rhythm. Listen to me. In the first game, we can test the water and win the best. If we lose, we still have the opportunity of the second and third innings. But you should be clear that the first set can be lost, but we must be prepared for the second and third innings to win."

Beichen night is the first time to say so much in front of everyone.

"Remember what they did yesterday?"

The last question of Beichen night, however, made people's minds flash.

They all thought of something, but they couldn't say it completely.

"We can make more smoke bombs for them in the first game and let them think that they understand. In the second game, we have a preconceived concept. "

in this way, in the second round, they can push quickly and make quick decisions, leaving no room for the opponent to react.

The third set is the key to winning.

Beichen night words, let everyone's eyes flash bright.

There was some excitement in everyone's eyes.

After beichenye said this, they were more confident in victory.

The eyes of Beichen night swept a circle on all people's faces, and finally said, "do you understand?"



Everyone responded in unison.

Feng Shen came to Beichen night and thumbed up: "this captain, you have done well."

"I have more confidence in you."

Feng Shen added another sentence.

In this discourse, there is no half flattery, only pure appreciation.

"Coach, did you mean that before that, you didn't have confidence in us?" Lin Zhengyu said jokingly.

Feng Shen shook his head gently.

"Just believe, I believe more, the victory will belong to you!"

Feng Shen's tone is sonorous and firm.

This kind of confidence, will also exaggerate to the people around you.

The coach has a great influence on the players before the game.

The coach thinks that they can win, and that they are so determined, it will make the players more confident.

With full confidence, their winning rate will also increase greatly.

An Ruoxi looked at everyone's will to get the appearance, there is also a hot blood in the chest.

They will win!

This belief is even stronger in an Ruoxi's heart.

She looked up at the wall clock.

It's just nine twenty-nine, and they're going to play in the last minute.Then -

the staff knocked on the door.

Then the gate was pushed open.

The staff started a polite smile.

"Aw team, will play soon, please follow me."

The tone of the staff was very polite.

Beichenye and Fengshen were the first.

Others filed out after the staff.

When he went out, he ran into the members of Allie's killing team again.

"What a coincidence? I thought you'd come out a little earlier. After all, this is your home court. Wouldn't it be better to go out early and accept the enthusiasm of fans? "

Said one of the boys in Allie's killing team.

Although he said so, there was no enthusiasm in his voice.

It sounds more like a mockery.

"It's hard for you to come to China to participate in the competition. You should show up earlier and feel the enthusiasm of fans. It's common for us. When we show up, the enthusiasm of fans is also high."

Lin Zhengyu rebuffed him.

Allie killed the members of the team looked at each other, they all smile mysteriously.

"I hope you can have that confidence later, then we'll play first."

Allie led the team to the front.

She looks like she already knew something.

An Ruoxi stares at her back, and after a few seconds, her lips are hooked.

"Go out later, we shouldn't have a lot of fans."

Her tone was very firm, as if she had seen the scene.


"Our fans are always the most. No matter what the game is, they will come to support us at the first time. How can there be not many fans?"

Lin Zhengyu and Lu Tianyang couldn't believe it.

Gong CE is looking at Ai Li to kill the back, fell into meditation.

"If Xi is right, otherwise they will not wait here to challenge." North Star Night says lightly.

Just when they came out, they had noticed that each of them was deliberately set up, which seemed to be deliberate.

If it happens that everyone appears at the same time.

Their reaction should never be the same.

"Yes, their stance is deliberate, especially the girl who likes Gong CE. She stands upright with one leg forward and 45 ° to the side of her face. These are ordinary people who would not stand like this."

Combined with their next conversation.

It's not hard to guess what they're going to face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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