
"You can see all this?"

Lu Tianyang and Lin Zhengyu are even more surprised.

"The number of fans does not represent the strength of the team." An Ruoxi said for a moment.

She touched her chin and looked at the night of the north star.

"But they come from abroad and have more fans than our own team. It's really strange."

As usual.

They are national team players and have a certain fan base.

Even when they just entered the arena, they saw more fans belonging to the aw team than those belonging to Allie's killing team.

This should not have happened.

But now, judging from Ellie's attitude towards killing the team, it did happen.

When they go out later, they will see more fans than they have.

Lin Zhengyu knocked his palm with a sudden realization.

"It must be that they have already bought tickets for a long time, and then deliberately put pressure on us in this matter, so that even if they are foreign teams, they have more fans than our domestic teams."

Even in domestic competitions, sometimes this happens.

In their eyes, it's creating momentum.

Therefore, it is very likely that Allie killed the team, but also through this thing in building momentum.

If they win this time, they will make a very big face for their country.

In the same situation, they apply to the investors and will be approved.

"It seems that they are all prepared." Feng said in a deep voice.

The wheelchair of Beichen night moved forward and moved in the direction of exit.

An Ruoxi followed him, and their steps were basically the same.

"Since they have sent so many gifts to us, it seems that we can't make sense if we don't give back gifts. Now we all don't want to lose. We should show our strength."

Let go of all stereotypes.

Let their tacit understanding improve again, is the key to winning.

"The coach will give us advice at half-time, but on the field, everything depends on us, so if there is any change this time, we must inform our partners in time."

An Ruoxi then said the north star night.

Their teams did not have a lot of tacit understanding. If they aimed at each other again, they would not inform others in time if any situation happened during the competition.

When an Ruoxi said this, she looked at Gong CE.

"If you find something wrong in the fight between you and that little girl, you must inform us to help. She said she would defeat you, but she never said that she would defeat you by her own strength."

An Ruoxi reminds Gong CE.

Gong CE's lips with a smile, the mood seems to be because of an Ruoxi words become more happy: "in front of your fiance's face, so concerned about me, it seems not good?"

The air froze for a second.

Anyone can hear that Gong CE's words are deliberately provoking.

"Whether as a member of the team, or the fiancee of the team leader, she reminds the team members that it should be, you don't need to think about it."

The North Star Night Light reply, that calm attitude, completely not affected by Gong CE's words.

He looked at anyone's eyes, is incomparably indifferent.

Only when the eyes fall on an Ruoxi, can we have more warmth.

This obvious difference can be felt by all the people standing around.

"Night, you are so unfair ah, Ruoxi, when will you care about me?"

Lin Zhengyu said that his eyes were full of expectation. He seemed to be waiting for an Ruoxi to care about him.

"How about if I care about you?" The tone of Beichen night is cold and indifferent.

The feeling made Lin shrink his neck and wave his hand subconsciously.

"No, no, I'm fine, just talk about it."

He looked in the direction of the passage.

Over there, Allie's men who killed the team have all left the position at the door.

By rough calculation, they stood there for at least two minutes.

During this period, the deafening cry never dropped.

"I thought you hadn't asked annia to loosen your bones for too long, so you're a little uncomfortable." North Star Night says lightly.

Lin Zhengyu's smile at the corner of his mouth suddenly drooped.

He quickly pointed in the direction of the door: "we should get out."

They are still headed by beichenye and Fengshen.

Enroice, they're following.

All the Mermaids went straight to the exit of the passage.The closer it was, the more clear the deafening screams.

At the moment that passed through the passage, everyone felt a strong shock in their eardrum.

But most of the voices that you can hear are shouting slogans about Ellie's killing the team.

"Ellie, Ellie, all the opponents lie down!"

"Ellie, Ellie, big kill, four are not afraid!"

Look around the whole field.

On the flashing signs, most of them were flashing the names and photos of Ellie's killer team.

The aw team's cards and photo banners were all covered up between these people.

It seems extremely distracting and harder to attract attention from others.

It's like being carefully arranged.

Most of the people sitting on the court were fans of Ellie's team.

Especially in the front row, all the banners of Ellie's team were pulled apart.

In fans camp, the aw team of our country, momentum has been short.

"Ellie, kill! Ellie, kill! All the opponents lie down! "

"Ellie, Ellie! "Kill all the places!"

The slogan of Ellie's killing team was deafening throughout the game.

They are more like they have been prepared carefully, every kind of gas prop is very complete.

The props were all printed with the names and photos of the members of Ellie's killing team.

It's like a fan group that has been established long ago, and it's gathered here.

But when Ellie killed the team in their own country, they didn't make such a stir.

Now it is in China, how can it be?

Although it seems quite strange.

But the game still needs to continue.

This incident, also gave Ann ruosi a warning bell.

It seems that the game will not go as well as they think.

At this time, a dozen staff members suddenly stepped on the stage.

All the equipment already installed has been replaced once.

Any part, even a tiny wire, has been replaced once.

Such a big effort and detailed action, in the scene caused hot discussion.

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