"You found it, too."

Beichen night will be an Ruoxi hands of the information in front of their own.

He took out the red pen and circled all the names of those people.

Then all their data will be retrieved and printed out.

Clatter -

with a copy of the information printed out.

An Ruoxi looked at that pile of data, frowning more tightly.

These people are the offshoots of the Gong family.

It's like entering a vicious circle of curses. These people are all in their early 30s and early 40s.

This age, should be a man's most energetic time.

But these people all left the world one after another.

This is not reasonable.

Moreover, this situation only appears in the palace family.

In other families, even if someone dies, they are old people.

Most of the reasons for their death were due to illness.

Even if there are occasional deaths of young people, it is due to congenital causes.

Causes such as congenital heart disease or asthma.

What happened to the party that day?

Looking at the list in hand, an Ruoxi's heart can't help sinking down bit by bit.

"It must not be a coincidence." Jian ruo'an said.

Her intuition was that the reason for these people's death was not coincidence, but man-made.

As for what and who did these things, we should start from the banquet in those years.

Enroxi continued to look at the list and the information.

After all the people of the palace were investigated, they went to the Beichen family.

The reputation of the Beichen family was also at its peak.

That year.

The palace family is the head of the four families.

The industry is all over the country, and the development of foreign countries is also expanding.

All of these, of course, hope to get the help of Beichen family and have the opportunity to cooperate with Beichen family.

Therefore, in the banquet list of the palace family that day, there is absolutely no lack of Beichen family.

Enroexi glanced at the names on the list.


Lin Xi.

The two names are very inexplicable.

As if they were born for each other.



When you see these two names, you will think of the sunset and the sea.

The sea, which is reddened by the setting sun, is sparkling and the waves are blooming.

That picture, close your eyes will appear in the mind, aesthetic romantic atmosphere is full of in the salty air.

"Are they husband and wife?" Anna pointed to the two names.

Like Lin Jin and Gong linger, their names are written side by side.

The names of these two people are also written side by side.

After that, the names of the rest of the Beichen family.

Among them, also include the North Star bright moon.

There are also several names that are often active in financial news.

They also have a woman's name beside them.

On that day, it seemed that many people went with their female companions.

It's not just because that day was the birthday of the leader of the four families, the palace family in power.

Similarly, it is also because that banquet is the most lively and grand banquet in recent years.

“……” North night did not answer.

Because of the silence of Beichen night, an Ruoxi turns her head.

To see him staring at his fingers, to be correct, it should be looking at the two names that anjuoxi pointed to.

Beichen family.

Lin family.

In an Ruoxi's mind, suddenly a flash of light.

The mother of beichenye is the Lin family, so Lin Zhengyu is his cousin.

Among so many people surnamed Beichen, only the female companion of beichenlan is surnamed Lin.

And their names are at the top of the list.

The higher the list, the higher its status in the family.

So, it can't be a coincidence.

These two people are the parents of beichenye.

"It used to be." The north star night opens a mouth, in the deep voice is permeated with abstruse.

The North Star Night's answer, can be regarded as a disguised answer to an Ruoxi's words.

Beichenlan and Linxi were once husband and wife.

Looking at the two names in the night of Beichen, a sneering smile appeared in the corner of his lips: "it seems that this report has a lot of water."

"What?" Beichen night, let an Ruoxi can not help but some confusion.

"My mother didn't go to dinner that night at all." Beichen night's sarcastic radian of the lip corner is more rich.At that time, not long after his mother gave birth to him, his whole body and mind were on him, and gradually he no longer accompanied his father to the party.

That night.

Father met the woman.

Therefore, no one knows better than Beichen night that mother did not attend the dinner that night.

An Ruoxi looked at the north star night, heart dull pain for a while.

Although this moment, Beichen night is smiling.

However, an Ruoxi can clearly feel the sadness behind the smile.

An Ruoxi had a strong intuition in her heart.

That night, something must have happened to make Beichen night miserable.

Otherwise, he would not remember so clearly.

An Ruoxi reached out and held the hand of beichenye and put his palm on his cheek.

The youth's fingertips to palms are cold, just like his heart at the moment.

The pain in an Ruoxi's heart is even worse.

"What happened that night?" Ann Ruoxi asked in a low voice.

The youth's hand suddenly a stiff, looking at the girl's eyes quickly moved away.

Even so.

An Ruoxi still did not miss, the pain flashed in the eyes of the youth.

The silence of death spread through the room.

North Star Night staggered eyes, has not spoken again.

His whole person Wanrong petrified like, sitting in a daze, people are very distressed.

Ann Ruoxi's heartache is more severe, she opens her hands and embraces the youth.

She can feel the resistance of beichenye to this problem, which proves that the pain brought to him is so strong.

He didn't even want to think about it.

Beichen night's head leans on the girl's shoulder, burying the whole face into the girl's shoulder armor.

He took a deep breath, between the nose are the girl's body light fragrance, it seems that only in this way, can let the inner pain get some relief.

"That day..." The boy opened his mouth in a deep voice, and the pain in his voice was very strong.

His voice, let an Ruoxi chest pain more fierce.

Beichen night seldom mentioned her mother's affairs in front of her.

My father never mentioned it.

An Ruoxi thinks that it is because of the logic autism of Beichen night, so the emotion to parents will not be strong.

But now, looking at such a painful night.

An Ruoxi suddenly felt that the logic autism of Beichen night might be the weapon he used to protect himself from being hurt.

What's the reason for him to be like this?

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