The boy took a deep breath.

After a brief silence, he spoke again.

"That man, it was on that day, broke into our lives and took away the mother's love."

An Ruoxi was shocked.

She knew that beichenye's father was not a good man.

So she probably guessed that it would have something to do with it.

But the North Star Night's words, let an Ruoxi more heartache.

The man

It refers to the woman who robbed her father of Beichen night.

However, Beichen night is not willing to call his father, but to call his mother's lover.

There was even a bitter irony in his voice.

Eighteen years ago.

At that time, Beichen night was even a baby.

"In those years, I grew up slowly, watching their feelings get worse and worse, watching them constantly quarrel, looking at the mother who tried to save the family and compromise. Every day, I would sit in front of the mirror and cry bitterly."

That kind of memory, almost filled a childhood in Beichen night.

Beichen night's childhood, with the death of his mother, completely declared the end.

After that, he was like a machine.

When grandma, in accordance with her mother's will, announced that beichenye was the only designated heir of Beichen family.

Beichen night has become a learning machine.

After that, it became the machine to manage the family business.

He has no feelings.

I don't know how tired I am.

The brain is even faster than the fastest computer.

The data should be accurate.

Since Beichen night took over the Beichen family, the territory of Beichen family has been expanding.

From home.

Go abroad.

As long as there are people, there is business of Beichen family.

Shareholders' pockets are constantly filling up.

No one thought that he was just a minor, but he could play well in the business world.

However, people who have seen the night of Beichen have a strong feeling that this young man does not seem to have the slightest popularity, so that people can't get close to him.

It's like a cold machine, and you can feel the coldness of metal before you get close to it.

Even so.

Many people still believe in the boy.

He has created achievements that people can not but admire.

"On the day my mother left, she had been waiting for the man to come back, but when it was daybreak, the man still didn't come back. I can't imagine how desperate a person is to go to death regardless of everything."

Dong -

the heart is like being hit hard by something.

An Ruoxi always thought that Beichen night's mother left because of illness.

Although there have been a lot of rumors from the outside world, the Beichen family has always claimed that Beichen night's mother died of illness.

It turns out that

It's suicide.

Ann Ruoxi's heart is like being hit by a huge wave.

She encircles the north star night, the hand of waist immediately tighter.

She hopes to use this action to tell Beichen night that she will always be with him.

"Ah --" the North Star Night wryly smile: "sad is, the mother's leave and did not let that person convergence, on the contrary, intensified."

"He said

The night of Beichen stopped for a moment.

Although he could cover it up, anjuoxi still recognized the sadness and choking in his words.

Beichen night mother's departure, is to let the beloved turn back.

However, you will never be able to retrieve a changed heart man.

It's like you can never wake someone who pretends to sleep.

If he is willing to turn back, even if he doesn't need the sacrifice of his mother, he will still come back.

But if he is not willing to turn back, the North Star Night mother's departure, that is to give others a chance to be together.

After the matter, even if the north star night did not say, an Ruoxi may also be able to guess what happened.

The present wife died.

Beichenye's father was single again.

The first time I was with that woman.

Therefore, will have the north star night this sentence to intensify.

"He said that I was his enemy and robbed what originally belonged to him. He said that he would come and take it back and tell the world that he is the most suitable person for this position."

Beichen night said and then laughed.

This smile is full of the chill from the bottom of the feet to the heart.

"How could it be?"

Beichen night, let an Ruoxi for a time some elusive.Is it to say that beichenye can't be the enemy of beichenlan?

Or is it impossible for beichenlan to take away the things of Beichen night?

But no matter what it means, there is no father and son between beichenye and beichenlan.

To be more accurate, beichenlan never regarded beichenye as his own child, especially after beichenye became the only heir of Beichen family.

"That man, can it be him?" Asked enroxi, a little warily.

"He's still abroad." Beichen night deep voice said: "is his probability is not big."

An Ruoxi's heart suddenly relaxed.

But the next second, it was tight again.

"Then why did he go abroad?"

It makes no logical sense to say such cruel words but not in China.

Beichen night looked at an Ruoxi, tightening the eyebrows without any sign of relaxation: "do you think, my leg is who caused?"

Zoe'an was stunned.

Blood from the palms and soles of the feet quickly rushes in the direction of the heart.

That kind of feeling, is like being held by a person's heart fiercely, only the blood unceasingly shocks, can obtain the temporary peace.

"What?" Ann Ruoxi is a little bit unbelievable.

As the saying goes.

Tiger poison does not eat the son.

However, the meaning in the words of Beichen night is very obvious.

The reason why his legs become this way is caused by beichenlan.

I went to see if there was a traffic accident.

Even though a lot of news has been blocked, many news stories have been replaced by other names.

But because of the special circumstances at that time, some photos were still kept.

Through some of the signs on these photos, an Ruoxi can still recognize that the traffic accident was the one in beichenye.

In retrospect, an Ruoxi still felt the pain of tearing heart and lung.

But the accident was caused by his father.

For the north star night to say, the body's injury, perhaps not as deep as the heart's pain.

"So, I don't want to stand up from this wheelchair."

Beichenye doesn't want to let beichenlan return home. The best way is to sit in a wheelchair all the time.

If beichenye can stand up, it is likely that beichenye will find an excuse to come back to China.

At that time, the situation of Beichen night will be more dangerous.

The north star night is talking hard.

However, it makes an Ruoxi's heart more painful.

In the end, how cruel, to their own son under such a hand. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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