The flickering candlelight around flickered slightly. Although the candlelight was not bright, there were a lot of candlesticks, especially the high hanging Candlestick, which was enough to illuminate the surrounding situation at a glance.

In the middle, there was a dark chair, which felt like a throne. Both sides are very open, but very clean, but the gloomy feeling is very strong, as if something is hidden in the shadow and darkness and may run out at any time.

After coming in, Custer quietly stood aside, silent, but bowed his head.

According to the rules of the old ancestors, no blood clan is allowed to bring humans here. Even if it is ready to embrace him for the first time and turn him into a blood clan, it is absolutely not allowed before he becomes a blood clan.

Here, it is equivalent to the holy land of blood clan.

I now brought Scarlett and Lindong here. Although I had to, I had to punish him afterwards. So Custer is so clever now. Naturally, I hope to reduce the punishment afterwards!

Suddenly, a dark wind came, and the candlelight became more swinging. It seemed that it might go out at any time, and the surrounding was dark. After about two or three seconds, the wind disappeared and the candlelight returned to normal.


Scarlett subconsciously shouted, as if startled.

There was a man on the original black chair, a woman in black leather, with evil eyes and a dangerous smell!

On both sides, there are many men and women out of thin air, dressed in different clothes, but the feeling is also so gloomy. It was dark just now, but now so many people suddenly appeared. Of course, Scarlett was shocked. Especially their eyes that choose people and bite, Scarlett can't know that these are vampires!

Although Scarlett was bold, she was afraid now. She looked at Lin Dong subconsciously and found that his expression was still so indifferent, and even the corners of her mouth were slightly tilted, which seemed to disdain? Scarlett breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the woman in the black chair ahead. It's similar to what you think. It's very beautiful and has a cool temperament. If you don't know her identity, you can't imagine that such a beautiful and temperament woman will be a vampire, and she's also the most powerful vampire!

This reminds her of several female stars who made vampire films before. Before, she thought they were very good and had the temperament of vampires, but now they are too far from the one in front of her!

"Lin Dong, what are you doing here?" on the black chair, the woman spoke slowly, her voice was very cold, and the meaning of questioning was self-evident.

Scarlett didn't expect that she seemed to know Lin Dong!

Lin Dong shrugged his shoulders and said casually: "I didn't expect to come to you by such a coincidence. No wonder Custer is so arrogant. It turns out that you are the backer behind him! Duke Aiqi? Or now it's called Prince Aiqi?"

The woman on the black chair is AI Qi, who was once ripped off by Lin Dong.

Before, she was a duke and swallowed up because of Lin Dong's strength. However, at that time, she was about to be promoted to Prince, so she didn't conflict with Lin Dong, which is also one of the main reasons. Before long, she was promoted to Prince. She always wanted to avenge Lin Dong's shame, but she didn't have a suitable opportunity. Unexpectedly, now Lin Dong came to the door by himself!

Prince Aiqi looked at Custer and snorted coldly.

Caster immediately knelt down in panic. Prince Aiqi's cold hum was no less than a life urging charm. How could he panic? And looking at Prince AI Qi's appearance just now, it was obvious that he knew Lin Dong, and he was vaguely vigilant and afraid, which made Custer regret more. Speaking of, Custer's level is still too low. He doesn't know many things at all.

If he knew that his behavior was absolutely different today, dared to provoke Lin Dong, and planned to teach Lin Dong a lesson? It's good not to run far away!

Custer, who was kneeling on the ground, didn't have the courage to look up and defend. His body trembled involuntarily, which shows how scared he was. This surprised Scarlett. Is this still the new director? Is that the guy who bragged to himself that he was not old and immortal? It seems that what Lin Dong said is right. There is nothing that is not old and immortal. The most important thing is strength!

After a long time, the uneasy Custer found that Prince Aiqi didn't speak and didn't do anything to himself, which made him a little relieved, but he worried about whether it was because Aiqi was more angry? Just when he was uneasy and speculated, Prince Aiqi finally spoke.

"You did a good job. Step back first!"

"I did a good job? Let me step down? So I'm fine? My ancestors didn't blame themselves?"

Custer was a little confused. He thought that his ancestors might let him go and spare his life, but he didn't expect it to be so easy. Instead of punishing him, he praised his good work? He doubted whether he had heard wrong, but he was not a fool. Looking at the appearance of his ancestors, he must have some grudges with Lin Dong. Maybe he brought him here not only because it was not his fault, but also because he made contributions.

At the thought of this, Custer hurried up and stood aside. During this period, he deliberately glanced at Lin Dong with a faint complacency in his eyes. This makes Lin Dong laugh. Some people can't see the form clearly!

"Lin Dong, I was going to visit you in China for a while, but I didn't expect you to bring it to the door. Well, the old accounts between us should be settled!" Prince Aiqi said coldly.

Lin Dong shrugged: "tell me how you want to settle. But before that, do you want to move two chairs? This is not the way to treat guests?"

"Are you a guest? Hum!" Prince AKI waved even though he said so.

Soon, a handsome looking man came over with a double sofa in one hand, put it down in front of Lin Dong, snorted coldly, and turned away.

Scarlett smacked her tongue secretly. Unexpectedly, the man's physique was so thin but so strong. But on second thought, he is a vampire, not a human, so nature can't infer with common sense!

Although they were all ill intentioned, Lin Dong didn't care at all. He sat down with Scarlett, and then said in a loud voice, "well, tell me, how are you going to settle!"

Prince Aiqi snorted coldly, "you have killed so many blood families, which has long been the first-class land of our blood families. Moreover, I have not forgotten the way you swaggered in front of me last time. Now that you have come today, you can't leave alive. I give you two choices, one... Death! The other is to obey me, become my blood family and become my slave!"

Hearing Prince AI Qi's words, Lin Dong couldn't help laughing. Is this guy okay? Do you think you are arrogant when you are promoted to the prince and think you can solve yourself?

"What are you laughing at?"

Seeing Lin Dong laughing so recklessly, Prince Aiqi's face couldn't hang. She is the ancestor of the blood clan, and now she has been promoted to the strongest Prince of the blood clan. She thought she could no longer fear and grow and develop the blood clan again, but she didn't expect Lin Dong to laugh so wantonly in front of him, and it was clear that she was mocking herself!

The angry Prince AI Qi slapped the armrest of the chair fiercely, and a breath swept towards Lin Dong in an instant.

Lin Dong tilted his mouth and didn't see his posture. He waved his hand slightly. The vigorous Qi suddenly emitted. The two invisible breath seemed to collide. There was a sound in the air. It lasted for more than ten seconds, and everything was calm again.

"It seems that your strength has become stronger and your temper has grown! Prince AI Qi, you don't think you are the only one to become stronger? Just now you gave me two choices. In fact, there is a third choice! That is... I'll kill you all. What do you think?" Lin Dong asked with a smile.

"Kill us all? By yourself? Lin Dong, you're too arrogant." Prince AI Qi's face is very ugly. Unexpectedly, Lin Dong's understatement blocked his attack. Moreover, his fearless appearance also made Prince AI Qi so nervous and made her hesitate. Do you want to tear his face with Lin Dong now, But Lin Dong's words made her very angry.

what do you mean? One person wants to kill all the blood clan? It's too arrogant.

He has just been promoted to Prince and is planning to fight. How can he shrink back at this time?

Prince Aiqi fiercely stood up, stared at Lin Dong and said word by word: "Lin Dong, today, I'll let you know the power of the blood prince!"

"Then come."

Lin Dong said, stood up slowly, and then slapped the sofa with a slight force. The sofa was pushed aside directly. Scarlett had no time to react and had been pushed away with the sofa.

"Watch it next to you. Such a play is rare!"

Lin Dong said to Scarlett with a smile, and then turned to Prince AI Qi and said, "shall we come directly or let these cannon fodder go first? I don't have much time. I have to go back later!"

Prince Aiqi is not stupid. Let other blood clan disciples go? That's a free gift. Now the power of the blood clan is much worse than before. Prince Aiqi naturally doesn't want to be hurt any more.

Her appearance changed slightly, her teeth became sharp, her fingernails grew rapidly, and she looked very hard and sharp. Her current shape really didn't have any beauty. It was a bit of a vampire posture. Prince Aiqi had seen Lin Dong's power, so he didn't talk nonsense and rushed directly to fight.

After the fight, Lin Dong sighed. After being promoted to Prince, his strength was indeed extraordinary. Both his explosive power and speed had been greatly improved. Apart from others, these two points alone may not be comparable to the general immortal environment! It's no wonder Prince Aiqi is so confident now, but it's a pity... She met herself, so her fate has long been doomed!

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