Touch, pop!

The collision sound rang one after another. In the center, Lin Dong was motionless, like Mount Tai. Prince Aiqi sometimes disappeared without a trace, and sometimes appeared suddenly. The people who saw him were dazzled, but he couldn't get Lin Dong. Even if her sharp nails stabbed Lin Dong, they didn't make him step back. Naturally, they didn't cause any harm!

Prince Aiqi, who had some confidence, couldn't help worrying. He thought he could deal with Lin Dong even if he was not invincible. He didn't expect him to become so strong and almost invulnerable!

"Is this the prince's ability? If so, it's almost over!" Lin Dong said faintly. There was no special action, and the wolf tooth sword had appeared in his hand.

Seeing the wolf tooth sword in Lin Dong's hand, Prince Aiqi's look became more severe. Last time Lin Dong went there, he didn't use his sword skills. Now when he suddenly saw Lin Dong take out his sword, he must be ready to be serious. Although Prince Aiqi was very unwilling. He played so seriously for a long time, but others didn't take it seriously, she could feel that this sword was very unusual.

It gave her a strong sense of threat.

This thing made her feel more disgusted and threatened than the Holy See's crosses and holy water!

"Go, go together!"

The feeling of that threat became stronger and stronger, which made her a little flustered. Now she couldn't care whether other blood families would be cannon fodder. Her intuition told her that if she didn't find a way to stop Lin Dong, I'm afraid she would not lead the rise of blood families, let alone deal with the church, I'm afraid she would have to explain here!

This is a feeling, just like the sixth sense, but it is particularly strong!

While shouting, Prince Aiqi began to step back.

Although those blood families around are afraid of Lin Dong's strength, their ancestors have spoken. How dare they not listen? Immediately, they rushed towards Lin Dong.

Scarlett could not help but worry. Subconsciously, she wanted to stand up and help, but she immediately responded that these were vampires. She could not help herself, but would affect Lin Dong. Although she didn't come forward, her beautiful eyes looked at Lin Dong with concern, and the color of worry was obvious.

Lin Dong's expression remained unchanged, but the corners of his mouth tilted slightly, with a touch of playfulness. Seeing those vampires surging towards themselves with white faced tusks, the wolf tooth sword in their hands suddenly made a move. It's neither Qinglian thirteen swords nor ordinary blood swords. It's just an ordinary sword.

But the strength of wolf tooth sword is cooperating with Lin Dong's vigorous Qi!

Even the ordinary sword wielding is also powerful. As long as it is touched, it will be cut into two sections in an instant, with screams everywhere. Lin Dong doesn't change his face and doesn't stop the sword.

Seeing the blood clan disciples swarming up and sacrificing one after another, Prince Aiqi was distressed. Most of them were transformed from her initial support, but now they were killed by Lin Dong so crisp, which taught her how not to be angry and distressed. "You won't sacrifice in vain, I will kill him!" Prince Aiqi swore to himself, and his blood was boiling quickly.

For the blood clan, blood is not only the source of strength, but also their foundation! However, the advantages and disadvantages of blood clan are also obvious. The advantages are fast speed and strong explosive power. As long as you don't hurt the key, you can recover and never die. The disadvantage is that the attack means are single and there are many restrictions. Even if she is not afraid of the sun, even to the point of Prince Aiqi, even some of the Holy See's weapons to restrain the blood clan have little impact on her, but in the face of Lin Dong's strong existence, her attack means are a little clumsy.

Leaving only a drop of blood essence, and its blood flowed along the seven ordeals of Prince AI, but strangely, the blood did not flow down, but gradually gathered in the hands of Prince Ai Qi. Blood red blood keeps rolling, just like boiling water. It looks very strange!

Although Lin Dong was besieged, he was very relaxed. While killing, he paid attention to Prince Aiqi's actions. She seemed to be brewing some big moves. Prince level vampire's big move, shouldn't it be too weak? Well, just try to see how strong your close defense limit is! However, with so much blood, I'm afraid it's real! It's just a pity. How many pills can so much blood be refined? What a pity, what a loser!

Lin Dong patted his mouth and suddenly his whole body exuded vigorous Qi. The fierce vigorous Qi overflowed everywhere, like a strong wind and a sharp sword, which directly shocked the vampires around one after another and hurt them! After that, Lin Dong's hands were empty, and the wolf tooth sword took back the storage ring.

With his hands on his back, he looked at Prince AKI.

Obviously, Lin Dong is ready to take this move. Seeing Lin Dong's attitude, Prince Aiqi was very angry. Obviously, he despised himself? Well, since you are so big, you just take this opportunity to kill him!

Prince Aiqi's cold light flashed in his eyes, and his cold voice cried out: "blood bite!"

As her voice fell, the blood suddenly rushed towards Lin Dong, with a pungent smell. Lin Dong frowned slightly, but did not move. He let the blood stick to himself and wrap it. In the twinkling of an eye, Lin Dong was like a blood man, his whole body was wrapped by blood, and the blood was rolling and flowing continuously.

Prince Aiqi couldn't help laughing proudly: "Lin Dong, you are conceited of your extraordinary ability, but you are too proud. The blood bite is made of my whole body blood and has extraordinary power. Even if your defense is strong, you can never stop it. You will be swallowed by my blood and finally transformed into my strength. As long as you absorb and integrate your blood, I will certainly become the strongest blood prince in history!"

Excited, excited!

Although there was only a drop of blood left, she looked pale and weak, but she couldn't restrain her excitement! I thought Lin Dong would resist, which might be a little troublesome, but I didn't expect Lin Dong to be so big and let himself succeed easily. Lin Dong's strength is so strong that if he can absorb his blood and integrate his strength!

Prince Aiqi has been afraid to think deeply. She is afraid that she will not be able to control her excitement. After all, the battle is not really over yet. She still has to wait and bear it. It doesn't hurt to celebrate after Lin Dong's defeat!

Lin Dong just stood where he was. He couldn't see his original appearance and was completely wrapped by blood. He didn't move or speak, and seemed unable to resist. The rolling speed of those blood was faster and faster, as if it had formed a vortex, which was constantly flowing on Lin Dong.

Scarlett's expression was worried. Although she didn't know anything, she also knew that Lin Dong seemed to be in trouble now. But those blood clan disciples were very proud one by one. This was the prince and their ancestors. Now, did you see the power of the blood clan?

Everyone has different thoughts, but their eyes are focused on Lin Dong.

"Hoo Hoo ~ ~"

Suddenly, a breeze came out from somewhere. The candle on the chandelier was extinguished instantly, and the surroundings fell into a darkness. The sudden change immediately aroused the voice of discussion. Prince Aiqi frowned, moved slightly, and had lit the candle again. The light recovered, but Lin Dong disappeared!

Prince Aiqi was stunned and immediately felt her blood. But she was scared and disappeared! She couldn't feel her blood. How could it be? It was her quenched blood, and it was absolutely impossible to feel it.

"Old... Old ancestors..."

Prince Aiqi found that many people looked at themselves in horror, which surprised her. Why are you looking at me? Am I so terrible? Wait, no... they didn't look at me, but behind me! Prince Aiqi moved a little farther in an instant, and then turned around!

Sitting in his black chair, Lin Dong boasted on the chair with one leg, his elbow clung on it, his fist holding his cheek. Lin Dong sat on it like a golden knife!

"No, it's impossible, you... You..." Prince Aiqi looked at Lin Dong in panic and couldn't even say a complete word. It's incredible that she didn't believe that Lin Dong was unharmed and her blood disappeared. At this moment, she suddenly regretted! If the blood power was still there and couldn't win, she at least had a chance to escape.

But now there is only a drop of life-saving blood essence left. How can he be Lin Dong's opponent? Let alone escape!

"Turning impossibility into possibility is commonly called miracle. However, it is not a miracle to this extent. What, Prince AI Qi, do you have any means now? If not, I will do it!" Lin Dong said with a slight tilt of his head and a frivolous tone.

Prince AI Qi's face became very ugly. Unexpectedly, the final result turned out to be like this. Is the blood clan really inferior to Chinese practitioners? Why did I work hard to promote to Prince, but I was not his opponent and lost completely. Despair occupied Prince AI Qi. At this moment, she was suddenly no longer a noble blood clan queen, not the one to be feared Our blood ancestors.

"I lost..."

Prince Aiqi just wanted to admit defeat, but suddenly something happened!

A dark shadow flashed and rushed at Scarlett. Scarlett didn't react at all. The dark shadow had come in front of her.

It's Custer!

"Custer, you..."

Before Scarlett finished her words, she saw Custer's hand grasping at her throat. Immediately, her words stopped involuntarily, and she was frightened!

It was not because Custer grabbed himself that he was frightened, but because Custer's hand was melted in an instant and spread all over his body from his arm. The speed was only in the blink of an eye.

Looking at Custer turned into yellow water, Scarlett's mind even reflected the ferocious expression of feeling Custe

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